The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1171: Secret change


read2();  According to ancient times, the dragon gave birth to nine sons, and the Ao occupied the head. There is also a saying that when Nuwa refined the five-color stone to replenish the sky, the broken Ao was enough to stand four poles, enough to see the North Sea The size of Shenao is huge.

   At this time, the giant ao looming in the sea of ​​blazing white thunders, although the main body still showed nothingness, its outline was clearly seen by everyone in Qiushui City under the outline of the blazing thunders.

I saw this behemoth that almost occupies the entire sky, raised a forefoot like the Optimus Prime, and stepped heavily on the golden light array covering the entire Qiushui City, like Kunlun Mountain pressing the top, roaring All around.

The Ao of the North Sea was able to lift the Wuxian Mountain to the North Sea, the land of Taixuan, where the storm is raging. Therefore, the vast power it possesses is beyond imagination. Under such a powerful invasion, the runes above the mountain and sea map shine , Qiushui City under the giant foot of Shenao also trembled slightly, making everyone in the city extremely dignified.

It’s really because this weird ancient Daao appeared too suddenly and unthinkable. As the saying goes, everything has a cause and effect, and it takes time to change, but today’s Qiu Shui City has changed, and the giant ao is near the sky, whether it is Zhao Yu, Sima Annan, who had already had some clues, could not think of it in advance.

   "The whole world of our Shenzhou vast land is undergoing drastic changes. I can feel that, outside of the fortune of the Great Xia Dynasty, the secret of heaven seems to be changing drastically, and it is even difficult to judge its direction."

At the large and magnificent teleportation site of Qiushui City in Chuzhou, Zhao Yu’s voice resounded under the vast stone statue tower, and behind the young emperor, a group of taboos in the robes of the celestial army and the night dire division appeared. Even next to Liang Po, Lava praised that equally burly body.

It can be said that under the change of Qiushuicheng, most of the top combat power of the entire Daxia gathered here, and then Zhao Yu looked up at the sky above, under the intertwined thunder pond, bursts of roaring shadows of the big Ao were constantly emitted. , Narrowed his eyes and continued to speak:

   "Lava boast, do you think this Beihai Daao is dead or alive?"

   Zhao Yu’s question fell, and a thick lava behind him boasted a step forward, and said respectfully:

"Your Majesty, it's very strange. Although it doesn't feel any vitality, it doesn't look like a dead thing, and there is one more thing. The statue above is actually just the projection of the will of the North Sea God Ao, and his subordinates have seen it in memory. Although the size of the true Beihai Shenao is not as huge as the Wuxian Mountain, its size is more than enough to surpass that of the entire Chuzhou."

   After the lava boasting voice fell, everyone behind the young emperor who also looked up at the sky, their complexion changed slightly, and then the lava boasting voice continued to sound in everyone's ears:

"Your Majesty, according to your subordinates, although this divine ao may be somewhere between life and death, but the most important point is that its thinking at this time has been dominated by chaos, otherwise it is Such a gentle character would not make such a move to attack the city."

   "Is this because of the legendary sleepless religion?"

After a faint sound of doubt came from Zhao Yu’s mouth, the flower of the road above Zhao Yu’s eyebrows suddenly shined and spread out, and the entire stone statue tower suddenly shone with silver light, and the space began to bend and twist like water. The surrounding environment has changed drastically.

   At the next breath, when the space solidified again, the young emperor and everyone around him appeared directly in the ginkgo courtyard in the middle of Qiao's Mansion in Qiushui City.

   "See Your Majesty!"

  The shadow of the emperor appeared, Sima Annan, Wang Jing and others directly stepped forward and saluted respectfully. Then, Zhao Yu looked at the lady on the ground who had become breathless because of the loss of the tortoiseshell mask, and continued to ask:

   "Sima Annan, is this the eldest lady mentioned in the book?"

   "His Majesty, it is exactly that it was a woman who was thrown into a lake and died, but because of a strange tortoise mask, it became a state of neither life nor death, which is also called sleeplessness."

   "What is the connection between this lady and the giant above?"

   Zhao Yu asked this, Sima Annan took a deep breath, opened his mouth and said:

   "Return to Your Majesty, the big Ao above that is attacking the city may have been transformed by the tortoise shell that originally covered the lady's face."

   "It seems that there is a big secret in this, a snow half city."

   The voice coming from Zhao Yu's mouth made the young man Xue Bancheng, who was standing at the outermost periphery of everyone and looking around him, suddenly became clever, and then trot forward all the way, speaking loudly:

   "Weichen is here."

   "I heard that you went back to the military plane. It took only half an hour to collect and send back the news from the Supreme Profound Land. What about all the information about Sleepless Sect?"

   "Return to your Majesty, mainly because there is very little information about the insomnia in the intelligence."

After    Xue Bancheng’s response fell, he came to Zhao Yu’s side, and after a salute, the voice continued:

"Among the information sent back by the Masters of the Night Dire Division, they all seem to subconsciously avoid this insomnia and do not want to mention more, but one point has attracted my attention. During the careful study of the information, The rise and decline of a big power seem to have the shadow of this religion. I originally thought it might be a deeply hidden ancient sect, but later overthrew this speculation."

   "Why is this?"

"Because the rise of the superpower in the Supreme Profound Land was based on the struggle against this teaching, and on the road to decline, most of the monks died under this teaching. In other words, this sleepless sect may be the life of the Supreme Profound Land. Common enemy!"

   The words from Xue Bancheng's mouth were determined, and then on the face that was even more beautiful than a woman, the confident flying color was thicker, and the loud voice continued to make his debut:

"I have read the historical records of our Daxia. Before your Majesty completely calmed down the endless mountain, there was a great enemy alien on the vast land of China. Therefore, the subordinates dare to analyze that this sleepless religion is similar to the alien race of the sun empire. Established in the land of the Supreme Profound, but the two are like an endless mountain in a common area connected to each other, so they are constantly fighting each other!"

   After the voice of Xue Bancheng in a black robe fell, everyone who heard it, including Zhao Yu, fell into a bit of thought. Then the young emperor nodded and agreed:

"Xuebancheng's analysis is reasonable. If this sect is only a kind of clan power in the Taixuan Land, and it is in the relationship with the entire Taixuan Land as mortal enemies, then the Ethereal Land has such a long history. To dominate the world, or to perish directly, there is definitely no reason for each other to exist for such a long time, so just as Xue Bancheng said, this sleepless religion should not be in the Taixuan land.

"The area of ​​this world is really vast, and the contact between the vast land of China and the land of Taixuan is imminent. This is the will of the whole world, and ordinary people cannot violate it. Therefore, under the secret of heaven, there will be more and more The more secrets emerge, but no matter how strange these secrets are, one thing is certain about their appearance."

   Said this, Zhao Yu paused, raised his head and continued to look at the roaring giant ao under the continuous thunder and artillery bombardment of the Weiyang army, Emperor Huang Huang's voice swept out:

   "Their appearance will inevitably promote our Shenzhou vast land and the Taixuan land closer, until we are completely born!"

   When Zhao Yu’s Emperor Huanghuang’s voice rang out, the giant ao above continued to let out a deafening roar, then raised his giant foot, and continued to step on the golden light array below!


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