The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1178: Bell striker


read2();  Between the heavens and the earth, the larger the creatures, the slower their growth rate. Some even take tens of thousands of years before they can be considered as adults. Therefore, the giant in the depths of Lingbo Lake The age of whales is extremely old.

Although it did not say it clearly, Zhao Yu and others can guess that it should have been tens of thousands of years ago, from the land of Taixuan accompanied by the sinking of the two immortal mountains. On the other hand, in the vast land of Shenzhou, which is difficult for the saint, There is also not enough original energy to support the growth of this behemoth.

   The night falls, the bright moon rises into the sky, and the turbulent Qiushui City has gradually subsided, but in the depths of Lingbo Lake, the atmosphere is still unprecedentedly tense and solemn.

   Zhao Yu is not angry and majestic on his handsome face, the scarlet blood-like avenue flower is burning and blooming, and the young emperor’s ebony eyes are blazing fire from the deepest point, almost igniting the void in front of him.

   "I hope that our Heavenly Dao will suddenly disappear. This is not the second guess!"

After the steady and solemn voice came from Zhao Yu's mouth, the faces of the rest of the people on the lower deck became extremely solemn. The speed of the change of the whole heaven was far beyond everyone's imagination, and in places that no one could see, there were drastic changes. The invasion may have already arrived.

   "I don't know why, I always feel that this time of Qiushui City's change is just an introduction. It clearly tells me that the footsteps of the invasion of the Supreme Profound Land are just around the corner!"

   Sima Annan's voice sounded from above the deck, and then the surrounding taboos clenched their fists one after another, violent aura flowing in their own body, in addition to the dignity of the enemy, they also leapt and tried.

   Since ancient times, crises have always been accompanied by opportunities. Everyone knows that if the nine-day phoenix of Daxia wants to soar for 90,000 miles and soar above the sky to its fullest, it must overcome this catastrophe and complete its transformation.

   "Your Majesty, you have very good subjects. As far as the younger generation is concerned, even in the land of the Profound Profound Land, I have never seen such good people."

   The giant whale Lingbo’s voice was filled with relief, and then his will wandered back and forth in front of Zhao Yu. After a few breaths, he continued to speak:

   "Now the avenue disappears, the sky is chaotic, and some secrets on the vast land of China can also tell your majesty, especially the Lingbo Lake where we are."

   The old voice of the giant whale Lingbo fell, and everyone subconsciously stood up straight and listened respectfully. Then the vast and magnificent voice of the former continued to resound in the void:

   "Before I was named Lingbo, my real name was Salamander. I was originally a bell ringing ambassador to the Immortal Palace of the Supreme Profound Land. I was responsible for the sounding of the alarm bells from the sky and the earth, and the suppression of the chaotic sea."

The voice from the Lingbo giant whale did not fluctuate too much, but after it rang in the sea of ​​knowledge, it still caused Sima Annan and others to be shocked, although the position of the immortal palace bell bell is for those present. It's very unfamiliar, but its functions represent unimaginably powerful.

   The sound of the alarm bell of the palm of the world, suppress the abnormal movement of the Chaos Sea!

"And this so-called Chaos Sea refers to a mysterious place outside the Taixuan realm, in which there is the Sleepless Cult composed of sleepless people, and it is the common life and death enemy of all the forces in the entire Taixuan realm! "

A few words from the giant whale Lingbo simply and directly solved a large number of mysteries that had plagued everyone in the Military Aircraft Department before, and then Sima Annan turned to look at Xue Bancheng standing next to him with his hands, raised his hand and hammered it lightly. The speaker, followed by a voice of appreciation:

   "A good boy has yours. As you have analyzed, this Sleepless Sect is outside the mainland of the Supreme Profound Land, and it has a life and death rivalry with the forces in the rest of the Supreme Profound Land."

   "Master Sima is absurd, kid I am also boldly guessing, and in the eyes of Weichen, this sleepless religion should be extremely powerful, and can even easily destroy most of the forces in the land of Taixuan."

   Xue Bancheng saluted Sima Annan. After the voice of not humbled or uttered, the vast will of the giant whale once again turned into a voice and passed down:

   "This young man is right. Every sleepless person can almost be described as jumping out of the avenue and not in the five elements. Therefore, they are almost hard to be killed. They can only be sealed and imprisoned."

   After the giant whale finished speaking, Zhao Yu, who was standing in the air in front of him, flashed a slight movement in his black eyes, and said:

   "Auntie, I am curious, what is a sleepless person?"

   "Immortality is immortal, it can be said that there is no sleep. In other words, this sleepless person is already dead, but has crossed the Guixu and resurrected, and directly appeared in the existence of Chaos Mie Shenhai."

   "Life is not alive, death is not dead, just like the old lady covered by a mask?"

   After the young emperor’s question fell, the giant whale in front of him shook his head and said:

"That lady is still far away. She is just a puppet possessed by a trace of sleepless will. Your Majesty, the sleepless man is not only the mortal enemy of all the creatures in the Taixuan Land, but also after the gods want to eliminate it. Quick taboo shame.

"Therefore, everyone who can rush out of the Chaos Sea and stay sleepless in the world has the lowest cultivation base of the land gods, and the horror is that they can exude death like a plague, All the creatures in contact will erode adult puppets.

"Human puppets can also spread quickly, one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, and then pass it in turn, it will be a catastrophe, and the Taixuan land above history, even in the heyday of the fairy palace, once the Chaos Sea erupts Qing, a catastrophe comparable to the end times is inevitable!"

   "Fortunately, the change of Qiushui City has been cut off in a budding state. If it is a few months at night, not only the subordinates in Qiao's Mansion, but the entire Qiushui City will fall."

Xue Beichuan, who heard all this on the deck, spoke with fear in his words. His horror of being unable to be killed was still fresh. The ordinary people in Qiao’s mansion who had not yet been cultivated became human puppets. So tough, let alone a monk puppet with a cultivation base.

"No matter how vast the area of ​​the Great Profound Land is, monks and creatures are the foundation of the Great Profound Land, and the existence of Sleepless Sect will undoubtedly have a devastating effect on the foundation of the Great Profound Land. This is also the reason why both of them never die. "

   Zhao Yu’s emperor’s voice lingered in the sky, and after reaching everyone’s ears, his complexion was slightly condensed, and he continued to speak word by word:

   "It's just that what I didn't expect is that our Shenzhou Haotu has always suppressed a sleepless person!"

  As soon as this statement came out, in everyone's minds, the huge and incomparable gray formation at the bottom of Lingbo Lake, as well as the huge emptiness that stood up with their feet and violently stepped on the city earlier, emerged in everyone's mind.

   Then a little memory appeared in the eyes of the giant whale will in front of the emperor before, and he responded:

   "This sleepless life is a giant North Sea before his life, my friend!"


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