
read2();   As said before the imprisoned lava Kua for tens of thousands of years, sometimes recalling memories that are too long is like searching for a lighthouse in a sea of ​​darkness. Painful torture.

   At this time, in the depths of Lingbo Lake, the huge giant whale that occupies the entire Bibo world in front of everyone has lived longer in the world than the lava boasted. Therefore, it has more memories in its mind and more complex.

The color of thick memories emerges from the blue eyes of the will of the giant whale. I want to recall the past ten thousand years ago. Even though the giant whale has an extremely high cultivation base, it still takes a certain amount of time, and while the former recalls , Zhao Yu lowered his head and stared at the bottom of the Lingbo Lake suppressed by the whole country under him, with the same thoughts flashing in his eyes.

   If the catastrophe of Taixuan Land and the vast land of Shenzhou is called an external disaster, then the sleepless giant that is suppressed at the bottom of Lingbo Lake is undoubtedly an internal worry.

   Then, as internal and external troubles were intertwined, Zhao Yu spoke, and a steady voice passed:

   "The ancient book cloud, the rolling air, the changing secrets, the internal and external troubles, it is a big evil omen, this disaster is not easy."

"Today, the heavens of the vast land of China have disappeared for some reason, leaving only the most basic laws to maintain operation. Under this circumstance, some suppressed hidden places have some different ideas, which are also reasonable. in."

On the deck of the big ship, after Sima Annan's response fell, this young man who had become more stable after years of tempering, waved his white robe and his sleeves, and all the taboos around him, facing upwards. Zhao Yu respectfully paid a respectful salute, and a loud voice came out:

   "The ministers and others have been fully prepared, vowed in the chaos of the world, to help your majesty to protect the great summer, to protect the safety of the people, to make every effort, and to die!"

   In the blue country deep in the Lingbo Lake, the vows uttered by the younger generation of Daxia, although the magnificence of silently shaking the sky, it has the firmness and weight that shocks the soul.

   Maybe the young man does not understand the separation and reunion of joys and sorrows, but the vigorous and energetic, they definitely have the ambition to serve the country and kill the enemy!

   "As a bell ringer of the immortal palace, I was above the sky and sounded the alarm bells to the world, but very few really attracted attention, so the deity finally understood a truth.

   "The alarm bell is useless, everyone in the world is lucky. Only blood can reach people's hearts, and only death can attract attention!"

   An old voice came from the mouth of the giant whale whose eyes were restored to clarity, and then gradually picked up the giant lingbo whale that had been remembered, swam to the young emperor, and continued to speak:

"Tens of thousands of years ago, when the Emperor Longbo crossed the mountains and the sea and rushed to the North Sea to fish for Ao Ao, the deity sounded the alarm to the Immortal Sages of Wuxian Mountain on the Nanxianmen Gate, but they held their own possession. Against the sky and did not respond, but unexpectedly was caught by the former Liuao in one breath, as if the spine was directly interrupted, taking away the foundation of the world.

   "Then the North Sea war was about to start, and the immortals of Wuxian County who had completely reddened their eyes, even ignoring the mediation order of the Immortal Palace, came out from the nest, and directly started a **** battle in the North Sea."

   "This should be a doomed catastrophe!"

   After the young emperor finished speaking, the approval from the giant whale of Lingbo continued to sound:

  "Everything must have a cause and effect in the rotation. Such a world-shattering battle must have an incomparable ancient will behind it, and it is definitely not something that can be decided overnight.

   "Although this is bound to be filled with a lot of accidents, the main reason still lies in the support of a large number of forces. Therefore, your majesty's statement is extremely correct.

"I used to be a bell ringer, and I was born with the ability to predict the changes of luck and secrets. In the long career, I have experienced too many catastrophes, but the battle in the North Sea was a lifetime. The most."

After    finished speaking, in the icy blue eyes of the giant whale Lingbo, the color of rich memories reappeared, even today, tens of thousands of years later, with a little horror, then the voice continued to spread:

"The flames of this **** battle are spreading faster than ever before. Using this as an introduction, the entire Supreme Profound Land seems to have completely turned into a violent eruption volcano, and countless forces have joined in the melee and even killed. With red eyes, the monks participating in the melee on the North Sea completely soaked in blood have almost reached the terrifying situation of killing people when they see them, regardless of the enemy."

   Following the story of the Lingbo giant whale, a corpse mountain is full of blood, and the scene of the battlefield where countless lives are desperately appearing in front of everyone.

Although everyone present had heard Lava Kua talk about the tragic North Sea **** battle more than once, the difference is that during the North Sea **** battle, Lava Kua was still a child who had not grown up, and his knowledge was very limited. In front of everyone, the Lingbo Giant Whale, as the clock-struck envoy of the Immortal Palace, had experienced the most tragic battle in the vast land of Shenzhou with an overview of the overall situation.

   Therefore, the words spoken by him at this time are undoubtedly more shocking!

   "The more the North Sea battle went to the later stage, the more forces participated, and after the sudden collapse of the fairy palace, it became more and more intense."

   When the giant whale Lingbo said that the immortal palace suddenly collapsed, there was a strong tremor in his words, and then he seemed unwilling to mention it, but continued to speak:

"After losing the shackles, the Great Profound Land has completely entered the era of chaos. With this as the node, the **** battle in the North Sea has entered the most tragic stage, because at this time, for all the forces, this is no longer just a grievance. It is even more so for the entire Supreme Profound Land, which is devoured and divided by the infinite luck pouring out of the shattered fairy palace!"

   At this point, the voice of the giant whale is getting louder and louder, even turning into a rolling sound wave, reverberating throughout the country:

"After the collapse of the fairy palace, the forces that were watching before entered the battlefield one after another, because they all wanted to become another fairy palace that ruled the Taixuan land for countless years, and in the later stage, after all the forces had exhausted their cards, the North Sea was empty. The nine-layer sky dome was directly shattered.

"The sky cracked, and even more terrible things happened later. The Chaos Sea where the sleepless people lived fell down. The Immortal Sect took this to invade, and the Taixuan Land directly began to atone for the mistakes it had committed, and it came like this. Swiftly."

After Lingbo's giant whale talk, the approximate timeline of the **** battle in the North Sea tens of thousands of years ago clearly appeared in front of everyone. This was a shocking battle that spread from point to surface, and then spread to the entire Taixuan Land, and finally even Even the Chaos Sea Wurmian Sect is involved.

   "In this battle, I once rang the warning bell one after another, but they were all in vain. Finally, helpless, I had to jump and sink along with the Erxian Mountain."

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