The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1180: Come with me?


read2();   Everyone knows a very simple truth: born in sorrow and dying in happiness, but there are very few people who can take the warning.

As Zhao Yu and Sima Annan and others said, the life of a person is too small for the world that has been circulating for hundreds of millions of years, and it is not ordinary people to measure and lay out the changes of the billions of years with the vision of a hundred years. can do.

   The Lingbo giant whale, who once held the alarm bell of the Taixuan Land, is sad in a sense.

   She has sounded deafening alarms one after another for the creatures in the entire Supreme Profound Land, but still can only watch countless lives, step by step toward the edge of destruction.

  The sky and the earth are torn apart, countless races are killing each other, the fairy palace is destroyed, and then the sleepless person invades, under the influence of all kinds of greed, you will never wake a person who pretends to sleep.

   "In fact, after the fairy palace suddenly collapsed, the deity has given up the function of continuing to ring the bell in the sky, because everything is irreversible."

   In the depths of Lingbo Lake, there is a deep sigh from the voice of the giant whale Lingbo, and the same sigh is not only the former, but also everyone who has heard of it.

   "Once the world begins to rotate forward, it is not possible for one person to save it. Auntie, you don't have to blame yourself too much."

   Before the giant whale Lingbo's will, Zhao Yu, who stood with his hand holding his hand, spoke. After the emperor's voice lingered in the void, the young emperor took a step forward, and the voice continued:

"On the other hand, as far as I know, no matter how tragic the **** battle was, time can heal all scars. After tens of thousands of years have passed, the land of the great profound is still the land of the great profound, and it is about to fight Our Shenzhou vast land is directly connected to the Taixuan land."

   Zhao Yu’s words were cold and stern, and after finishing his words, he saluted the front again, and the voice continued:

   "I have already understood the secrets of the change in the autumn water city. Regarding the sleepless giant under the Lingbo Lake, I still have to ask my aunt and grandmother to watch. Of course, I will also send people to station around to help.

   "This giant ao was originally a friend of the deity. The reason why I took the initiative to sink the two immortal mountains from the land of Taixuan, the main purpose is not to look at the cholera world."

   After the response of the giant whale Lingbo fell, it seemed to have thought of something. After a moment of condensing, he spoke again:

"But your Majesty, there is one thing that is particularly important. I hope you can pay attention to it. It has been more than tens of thousands of years since I sank with the Two Immortals Mountain. And in such a long time, the sleepless giants in Lingbo Lake have been suppressed. Ao has never moved in the slightest, but this time, he strangely leaked a breath of sleeplessness, which is undoubtedly very abnormal."

   "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. I also care about it very much."

   Zhao Yu nodded and finished, frowned, and continued to speak:

   "Recently, the secret is in chaos, and even the avenue can't be hidden. Aunt's grandma thinks that the change of the sleepless giant in Lingbo Lake is related to the land of Taixuan?"

   "It must be related. Although I don't know how the Great Profound Land passed through the barriers and caused this sleepless giant to change, I am afraid that this kind of situation will happen frequently in the future."

   After the voice of the giant whale Lingbo fell, its old voice became more and more serious, and then continued to speak:

   "Your Majesty, I all know that the rebirth of the vast land of Shenzhou in the land of the Supreme Profound is an unavoidable general trend, so there will be more and more unpredictable things like this in the future, until the two are fully integrated."

   "I was mentally prepared for this a long time ago, and Da Xia is also fully prepared for it. Who is the one who will kill you? Then see the truth!"

After Zhao Yuyu finished, the tall body standing above the void was blurred for a while, and after a breath, when the body of the young emperor appeared again, it was already on the deck, and then Zhao Yu raised his right hand and waved forward, Emperor Huang Huangyin continued to roll outward And out:

   "Thank you aunt and grandma for answering this question. Next, Lingbo Lake will continue to trouble you. If it is too late today, I will leave with someone."

   After the words fell, the giant whale Lingbo nodded forward and saluted, and the old response sounded:

   "Send to your Majesty, given the current situation, we should not be too far away when we meet again."

After speaking, the space around the big ship where everyone was sitting quickly circulated, and between the world and the world, he returned to the periphery of Lingbo Lake in the blink of an eye. The cool autumn breeze blew straight along with the mist rising in the lake, and the moonlight was standing there. On the deck with silhouettes in big robes, they were bright and quiet.

   Behind Zhao Yu, Liang Po stepped forward and asked softly:

   "Your Majesty, shall I go straight back to the palace?"

  Then the young emperor nodded and raised his head to look into the distance. The tens of thousands of lights ignited the adult star Qiu Shui City, and his ebony eyes flashed solemnly, and he said:

   "Liang Po, tell Sitian Supervisor to invite Xia, let Sitian Tower control the mountain and sea map and pay close attention to this Lingbo Lake. I have a hunch that the beginning of drastic changes will begin here!"


   Liang breaks his fist and nods his head.

   Mo about an hour later, when the moon is in the middle of the sky, the lights in Qiushui City will go out one by one as the night is deep, but most of the people of Qiushui are destined to toss and turn tonight, and it is difficult to sleep.

What happened in the day today, even until this time, still shocked their minds. Then, under the beating heart of one after another in the city, it was located on the west side of Qiushui City, outside a building on the bank of Lingbo Lake. , A slender figure slowly appeared under the moonlight.

   The bright moonlight sprinkled like water, shining on this huge black and white building, but also clearly reflecting the white and beautiful face of the woman.

   Then the eldest lady Qiao Yue, who came down to the gate of the building, raised her head and looked at the four characters of the Great Summer Academy above, with a complex expression in her beautiful eyes, standing in place, making it difficult to step forward for a long time.

Although Qiushui City is located in the hinterland of Daxia, it is not as cold as the north, but after the night, the coldness is still strong, and then after the cold wind blows for a full quarter of an hour, Qiao Yue, motionless, took a deep breath and finally made up his mind. , Pursing his lips, stepped to the door, raising his hand to knock.

   In the next second, when the girl's hand had not yet knocked, the gate of the academy opened with a creak in advance, and then the figure of Xue Beichuan, wearing a black Confucian shirt, slowly appeared under the moonlight.

   Xue Beichuan did not speak, but the slightly confused color of the eyes under his sword eyebrows represented what he meant. Then Qiao Yue in front of him opened and closed his mouth, as if he wanted to talk but stopped.

   Finally, Xue Beichuan took the lead to speak:

   "I'm packing up, and I'm going to Shenjing City."

   The dull voice of the young man made the girl's heart tremble. For some reason, there was a sudden surge of sorrow, and her eyes were red.

   But Qiao Yue herself is a woman with strong self-esteem, so she hurriedly turned around and responded:

   "Then I wish you a bright future and a smooth career."

After    finished speaking, Qiao Yue lifted her foot and took a step outwards, but she stopped immediately after a moment, because the second sentence of the young man behind her heard:

   "Are you going with me?"

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