The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1183: Prince of the Central Kingdom


read2();  The place where Beihai and Fengxian County, the land of Taixuan, meet, the roaring waves and undulating waves fully reflect the dangers of the North Sea under the dark night, but today this place is rarely visited on weekdays The dangerous place is different from usual.

One giant ship after another connected into a large airtight array and stopped above the sea. At the same time, bright illuminating magical powers curled up toward the sky from above each ship, burst outward and turned into A sea of ​​light blooms in the sky, shining the entire dark night sky of the North Sea like daylight.

   Under the light, countless vast divine consciousness pouring out from the big ship, passing over the rolling sea, firmly locked a thin figure shrouded in black robe.

At this time, the figure surrounded by Tuan Tuan on the North Sea is a famous figure in the land of the Supreme Profound. He is called the Master Duobao, and the reason why it is well-known is that it is not only the high-strength cultivation base of the palm-line birth and death realm. In addition, more importantly, there is a magical treasure hunting skill.

   It seems that he was born with a strong talent for treasure hunting, and ghost-like figures often appear in ruins one after another. Although there is no school or school, it has become one of the large-scale repairs that are famous in the entire Taixuan land.

   Although this Master Duobao has considerable prestige among the folks and casual cultivators, in the eyes of some major forces, he is a character who wants to get rid of.

Imagine that after countless great forces racked their brains in order to mine an ancient ruin and paid heavy casualties, this mysterious multitude master could always appear quietly and take the most of them effortlessly. The precious treasure, then patted his **** and left.

  Such behavior has caused more and more forces to swear to kill with red eyes, and fully participate in the pursuit of them.

In the land of Supreme Profound, the most critical element of practice is the land of wealth, and Master Duobao, who has countless treasures, can often use endless means to escape the pursuit of a large number of monks, without even being seen clearly. His true face, knowing his true identity, seems extremely mysterious.

   Therefore, after the Qi was active in the Taixuan Land for nearly a decade and remained unharmed, the shop began to call it Duobao as the Tao, and there was a saying:

   Master Duobao can reach one case by one person, and kill it in one step!

   Although there is an exaggeration in this language, it is evident that Duobao has a deep family heritage.

   But at this time, being surrounded by groups on the edge of the North Sea, and firmly locked in by Taoism and Spirituality, Master Duobao undoubtedly encountered the most critical moment in his life, and he was in a situation of embarrassment on all sides.

   From the sky above, every magical light shining on the body of the Supreme Being, to the former, is like a sharp blade pierced by a handle.

   For Master Duobao, he was born into darkness, and once he was under the light, he was undoubtedly extremely dangerous.

   The undulating waves under the feet floated up and down with a thin black robe body. Master Duobao lowered his head and glanced at his feet that had sunk slightly under the sea, and the pain in his eyes was even worse.

   The Great Monk of the Palm Edge Birth and Death Realm, even in Beihai, a place where the vitality is extremely thin, can rely on the power of the origin flowing in his body to stand firmly on the surface of the sea.

Then, under the shining of day and day white light, Master Duobao was not burly, even smaller than the ordinary creatures in Taixuan Land. His body and muscles trembled uncontrollably, followed by drops of sweat. The sound of rapid breathing dripped from his hood, indicating that his condition was not good.

The black robe worn by Master Duobao [悠悠读书] was obviously a strange treasure with hidden breath, but at this time it was mostly broken, looking very embarrassed, and then a faint voice came to himself. From under the cap:

   "If it weren't for this hidden fairy robe in the previous ancient ruins, it had been roared to pieces by the remaining ancient giant's will, how could this master fall into this situation."

   Master Duobao's voice just fell, and the entire North Sea Void, which was constantly roaring, suddenly sounded a heroic and confident voice:

   "Then you are wrong. No matter your hidden fairy robe has the most perfect ability to cover up aura, you can't escape my Xunxianzong's magical power of seeking immortality."

After finishing the words, Master Duobao looked up in the direction where the sound came from, and saw that, under the effect of the magical power of illumination, above the night sky of the North Sea, which was like daylight, suddenly there was a burst of energetic horses neighing and neighing Before the sound fell, a platinum beam of light cut through the void at a speed that the naked eye could not catch, and then hovered directly above the sea.

This is a huge golden palace dragged by eight horses waving white double wings. The palace is magnificent and magnificent. It exudes dazzling luxury gold while its strong power sweeps outwards. mango.

   A young man wearing a feather coat stood at the gate of the palace and glanced down at the ailing Master Duobao below, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and he continued to speak:

   "Random cultivator is casual cultivator. Without the frog at the bottom of the well taught by the elders of the teacher, how can I know the power of my Tianxun Sect? If Ben Shao wants to find you, it will be easy.

After   's words fell, the young man put away his arrogant expression, turned and respectfully saluted inside the palace gate, and said loudly:

   "Welcome to His Royal Highness, the Prince of the Central Government!"

   After the young people’s loud shouts resounded through the entire North Sea sky dome, above the turbulent North Sea, a large number of monks standing on top of the huge ships, kneeled on one knee, bowed their heads, and roared straight into the sky:

   "I am waiting to welcome His Royal Highness, the Prince of the Central Government!"

The roar of the mountain whistling and the tsunami suddenly resounded throughout the void, and then the golden palace gates pulled by eight horses of heaven on the sky slowly opened outwards, and the deafening sound of ritual music sounded out loudly, even pressing Passing the roar of the violent wind and huge waves of the North Sea in the Taixuan Land.

   At the next breath, one after another young girls, dressed in light clothes and beautiful faces, filed out of the hall, standing in line on both sides of the hall door, and squatting respectfully.

   Then in the hall, a burly middle-aged man wearing a golden python robe stepped out, and the shouting over the entire North Sea reached its peak in an instant.

After the middle-aged man stepped out of the hall, the figure of an extraordinary young man behind him also appeared. Although these people are different in appearance and even race, one thing is the same. They are all from the central government. Core disciple.

   "Looking for the great disciple of Xianzong, Ma Cang, welcomes His Highness. Fortunately, he will not humiliate his life and bring his army to besieged Master Duobao here, and it is certain that the treasure of the dragon fishing rod that His Highness needs is on this person!"

   bowed outside the hall to greet the young disciple of Tianxunzong. After speaking, the noble prince in golden python came to the young man's side and patted his shoulder with his hand, and a deep voice came out:

   "This search for the treasure, you can remember a great achievement when you wait for Tianxun Zong to remember."

After    finished speaking, the elder prince lowered his head and looked down, the smile in his eyes grew thicker, and he let out a long scream:

   "Mao Tian helps me too. Once the prince masters the dragon fishing rod, he will take the initiative in the meeting of chance. What other people will fight with me, this position must be mine!"


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