
read2();   Generally speaking, it is almost impossible to play a magnificent and majestic sound in the inaccessible and dangerous Taixuan land Beihai, especially on a squally night, but at this time , At this edge of the North Sea, the melodious sound of music completely overwhelmed the roar of the wave, and at the same time showed the noble dignity of the prince of the central Shangguo.

The eight-mara giant golden temple stands proudly in the void. In addition to the large number of maids who are responsible for daily life, there are even a whole series of court musicians. But for some reason, the besieged Master Duobao raised his head, The lower gaze, staring at the top playing desperately outside the Golden Temple, like crazy court musicians, a deep disgust flashed in his eyes.

"His Royal Highness, even though the Master Duobao below is just a little casual repair, but the methods are extremely good. Not only did he get the treasure fishing rod from the battlefield ruins, but even in Feng On the sea outside Xian County, they used secret methods to escape hunting by a large number of forces."

   "Among the powers that are being played around, should I include my good brothers who are in a hurry?"

   The tone of this good word that came out of the prince’s mouth was particularly increased, and then the young man of the Tianxun Sect next to him smiled even more, and the response came out:

   "Naturally include the other Highnesses. After all, this dragon fishing rod is very important. Once you hold it in your hands, you can occupy a favorable position in the great opportunity of the birth of the two immortals."

   After the words fell, the young man once again raised his eyes and scanned the expressionless young talents behind the prince, and continued to speak:

"Fortunately, I am looking for Xianzong as a large sect with a long history of the Central Kingdom. I still have a lot of research on the way of tracking. Otherwise, based on the skills of the people behind my Royal Highness, it is estimated that I am still chasing on the sea of ​​Fengxian County. Gu doppelganger is dangling around."

As soon as the young man said this sentence with sarcasm and derogation, the group of Tangdu Zongmen Juncai behind the big prince changed their faces, and the cold and stern expressions suddenly appeared on their faces. There were also a few fierce tempers who directly breathed fire in their eyes and roared. Road:

   "The kid looking for Xianzong relies on his dog's nose to show off his power. If you put it right upright, see if I don't tear your stinky mouth."

After the roar of    came out, the person took a violent step forward, and the tyrannical aura within the burly body spewed out, and even a roar like an ancient behemoth, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

But at the next breath, the prince standing at the front of everyone raised his right hand and swung forward slightly. An extremely magnificent breath came directly, pressing on the shoulders of everyone around him without any fancy, especially the two that happened. The young talent who quarreled was even more as if he had been crushed by a giant peak, unable to move at all.

   "You are all the distinguished guests invited by the prince to help. They are equally important in the heart of this highness. If a major event can be achieved, you will be able to enjoy the glory and wealth in the future, and you will definitely need any of you."

   After the thick voice came from the prince, the middle-aged man in a golden python robe turned his head slightly, glanced at the other people behind him who were red, and continued to speak:

   "This time, I was the first to search for Master Duobao. The disciples of Tianxunzong are indispensable, and the rest of you have to work harder."

   Following the words of the prince, three young people from another sect directly came forward and said:

   "In order to avoid long nights and dreams, I am willing to kill the master Duobao below for the prince, and present the ultimate fishing dragon rod."

Before the words fell, the figures behind the prince disappeared instantly, turning into phantoms from the palace above, and rushing down towards the master Duobao standing above the sea, and there was a sharp roar that smashed the air in the void. .

   In the North Sea night sky at this time, the magical power of illumination pierced the darkness, so under the bright white light, Master Duobao appeared in all directions, as if there was a black arrow that rushed forward.

"The prince suddenly wanted to know what this mysterious Master Duobao looked like. He went to lift his hood and let the warriors of the Central High Kingdom see who can use Duobao as the name, rich Enemy Sect!"

   As the voice of the great prince rolled from the golden palace above, the elite soldiers of the country standing in the middle of the deck held sharp weapons and shouted:

   "Open, open, open!"

Rising to the sky, under the roar of the four wilds, the three young talents who turned into sharp arrows to stab Master Duobao directly turned their fists into palms, and opened their hands to smash the piece with isolation and appearance. Yinxian robe of energy.

"It's a mere casual repair, and I dare to get involved with heavy treasures. It is not a pity to die. In fact, I prefer to see a mouse hidden in the dark like you, completely exposed to the light and chased by the world, but it is a pity. Today you are doomed not to live long."

   jealous laughter sounded from Master Duobao's side. Before the words fell, the three hands simultaneously grabbed the Yinxian robe worn by Master Duobao, and slammed them outward.


After a piercing sound of tearing sounded, the black robe on Master Duobao was directly divided into two, but at the next breath, everyone's expressions changed slightly, because under this torn black robe was a carved statue Patterned human-shaped wooden stakes.

   "Standalone wood? There are so many treasures!"

   with a little irritated voice from the three people on the sea, then the turbulent aura spread out, and the powerful supernatural powers shredded the large piece of sea air where Master Duobao was originally.

   The next second, the change reappeared, and the rune on the stand-in wood standing above the sea instantly lit up, and at the same time it turned from blazing white to scarlet, a breath that was compressed to the extreme soared into the sky.

   "Disperse first, this stuntman has been kicked and it will burst!"

   Among the three major disciples who came here from the central capital of Shangguo from afar, one opened his mouth and uttered a roar of warning, but the stuntman burst faster than everyone thought, and there was no need to gather momentum.

After an instant, there was a earth-shattering roar, accompanied by the fiery fireball that billowed into the sky, shook the entire North Sea. The extremely powerful explosion turned into a shock wave and swept outwards, igniting violent waves, and even the surrounding ships. The formation has been formed and the ships pushed outward.

   "Interesting, really interesting, it is beyond my prince's expectation that a small casual cultivator can achieve such a degree, and even made me a little bit of love for talents. If I can understand the current affairs, it is okay to earn money."

   The big prince outside the golden palace, looking down at the earth-shattering explosion scene below, the color of interest in the pure golden eyes became more and more intense, and he continued to open his mouth:

   "This person can't run, use magical powers to find him out!"

After    was finished, the prince raised his hand and pressed downwards, the vast and mighty force crashed down, and the explosive force that had not yet fully burst out below was forced to annihilate.

   Then the young disciple Ma Cang of Xun Tianzong took a step forward, raised his hand to Jieyin, and Tianxunyin's magical power was released, and a light and shadow suddenly appeared in a corner of the sea.

   After a few breaths, the light and shadow gradually became clear, and the Master Duobao, who had lost the cover of the Yinxian robe, clearly appeared in front of everyone.

   "This Master Duobao turned out to be a young woman!"


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