
read2();   On the edge of the North Sea, the wave is still the same, and the lavish sound of ritual music that originally resounded through the sky came to an abrupt end under the anger of the prince of the Central Shangguo.

Afterwards, a large number of eyes were intertwined on the surface of the sea. These monks and soldiers from the Central Upper Kingdom could clearly sense the big prince below who was squatting on the scarlet carpet, in the burly body surrounded by golden pythons. The violent anger rose like a scorching sun.

From beginning to end, this glamorous woman, who is called Master Duobao, did not speak a word seriously, neither opening to beg for mercy, nor scornful words at each other, and some just extremely disdainful. His eyes and naked indifference.

   However, it is this kind of indifference, but it is most able to poke the pain of the elder prince's anger, because he is the emperor of Central Shangguo, and these emperors regard glory as something more important than life.

   "In the eyes of the prince, your behavior is stupid and stupid."

   Above the surface of the North Sea, the scarlet beast blanket undulated with the wave, but at the end of it was half squatting on the big prince, motionless, and then the voice continued to be heard from the big prince:

"From the first glance this prince saw you, he knew that you were a fierce rouge horse that was extremely difficult to tame, and it happened that I like to tame a fierce horse like you the most, but after taming, I will treat them all. Kill it, because it's not beautiful because it's not strong."

After such words entered the ears of Lord Duobao, he looked at the serious prince in front of him, his eyes became more disgusting and disdainful, and then he slowly pressed down the anger of the prince, and stretched out his right hand to pinch. Staying at the throat of the woman in front of him, the soft voice continued to sound:

"Let’s say that the more you are like this, the prince likes you more, but it’s a pity that there are too many people around you who have seen all of this. The majesty of the ancient royal family inherited from the Central Government is not allowed to be questioned at all, otherwise, It must be washed with life and blood."

After    finished speaking, the eldest prince used his right hand slightly to lift Master Duobao's entire body in front of him, then put his head to the ear of the latter, and continued to speak like a whisper:

   "In other words, you who provoke the prince's majesty in front of so many people must be executed, otherwise I will convince the public, but if you hand over the dragon fishing rod, I can make you die easier."

After    finished speaking, the prince looked up and down at Master Duobao, who showed exquisite curves in his hands because of the soaking of the sea, put away the greed in his eyes, and the voice came out again:

   "Such a treasure, you must carry it with you. If you don't hand it over, the prince will strip you naked and take it himself."

After   , the prince's right hand suddenly used force, and the huge force almost crushed the neck of the woman in his hand. At the same time, the more and more tyrannical aura poured out. It can be seen that the prince with a square face is not as gentle as the surface.

   "Stubbornly stubborn!"

   Seeing Master Duobao continued to say nothing, the eldest prince was completely annoyed and raised his left hand directly to grab the chest of the former. In the next moment, Master Duobao spoke for the first time:

"If you are like this, even if you kill me, you won’t be able to get a dragon fishing rod. Maybe you don’t know. In addition to treasure hunting, I’m also very good at hiding treasures, and I’ve learned the secret method. The rod will be born directly."

After   's words fell, Master Duobao slowly turned his head, staring tightly at the golden eyes of the prince in front of him, and continued to speak:

"I don’t count as a person who caught the oil out of the lamp. You can guess, if your disciple of Xunzong in these days can find the location of the dragon fishing rod, or kill me, can you be in the rest? Grab this treasure among the big forces."

Because he was already seriously injured, the ever-increasing strength in the hands of Prince Waigao made Master Duobao’s pale and beautiful face, with blood pouring out from his eyes, nose, and mouth, making him extremely embarrassed, but A faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, with a look of disdain, as if she was laughing silently.

   "This prince will take out your three souls and seven souls and be tortured for ten thousand years!"

An angry shout came from the great prince, and then he lifted up Master Duobao and slammed it on the sea with a violent roar. At the same time, a huge wave tens of meters high rose to the sky, enough It can be seen that the anger-bearing blow of the prince of the central government has sunk.

After a few dozen breaths of breath, the huge wave gradually subsided, and Master Duobao lay weakly on the surface of the sea, blood surged in the seven orifices, and the anger was floating. Then the prince turned around and walked back to the golden palace along the red carpet. , An indifferent voice came out:

   "Put him into the hall, torture him all the time, until he tells the whereabouts of the dragon fishing rod."

  As soon as this statement came out, Ma Cang, a young man standing at the gate of the Golden Temple, his eyes lit up and he took the initiative to ask:

   "His Royal Highness, Zai Xia is willing to pry out the whereabouts of the most precious treasure from this Duobao high-level population. My Tian Xunzong is not only good at searching, but also extorting confessions.

   "Before you get the dragon fishing rod, don't kill it, and hurry up. It's not a few days since this chance meeting is held."

After the sound of    fell, the figure of the eldest prince continued to appear outside the golden hall, and once again reached out and took the white silk and satin handed by the maid to wipe his hands, and then there was a trace of excitement on the side, Ma Cang bowed and said:

   "Your Majesty can rest assured that she herself has been caught by my Tianxunzong's Tianxun seal, and she only needs to pull out her daoxiang soul shadow and torture it, and she will quickly explain it."

After the voice of    fell, Ma Cang waved his hand to the bottom and shouted again:

   "Bring it up!"

However, the voices of the sergeants and monks all around changed slightly, because one after another harsh whistling sounds directly sounded in front of him. In the next moment, countless figures wearing various monks' robes came from outside the Beihai enchantment. Rushing in was accompanied by a large number of huge and magnificent ships.

On the ships, flags fluttered, and each flying flag represented a family of the top powers in the 107 prefectures in Taixuan Land, including the principality, which was second only to the four great kingdoms. , There are even ancient sects that rarely appear in the world, and so on.

  The mighty army of monks and ships formed a raging wave of bombardment, tearing apart the never-ending roaring cold wind over the North Sea, and the strong pressure was like a black cloud.

After that, the platinum light pierced the void again, floating above the void, and after the figure stopped completely, there were golden temples that were also dragged by the heavenly horses. The next breath, the loud voice continued to sound in the void. Above:

   "Brother Great Emperor, we are all emperors of the Central Empire, and we are the only one who owns the treasure. Isn't it appropriate?"


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