The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1187: God Machine List


read2();   The edge of the North Sea, the land of the Great Profound Profound Land, is still surging with wind and clouds, strong and vast, like a huge wave, from the sea of ​​Fengxian County outside the barrier. Straight through this horizontal fence, the giant barrier between the whole world and the earth, rolling towards the North Sea.

   Under the effect of the magical power of illumination, above the dark night sky of the North Sea, the rattling atmosphere was clearly revealed before everyone.

One side is the prince of Central Shangguo who has controlled the Supreme Master Duobao, half of his hand has held the Supreme Treasure Fishing Rod, while the other is the rest of the great forces that rushed to hear the news, including the three remaining Central Shangguo The emperor.

It is worth mentioning that in the entire Taixuan Land, the existence of Central Shangguo is extremely subtle. As one of the four great Shangguo, its power is undoubtedly powerful, and even as the orthodox successor of the Central Shangguo after the collapse of the fairy palace. The strength is stronger than Xuemei, Qingzhi, and Yan Jue's other three Shangguo, but it is a coincidence that a holy deity resides on the sky of Tangdu, the capital of the central Shangguo.

   Under the seat of the saint, is the holy court built after imitating the heaven of the fairy palace!

   As the saying goes, a mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. The existence of the holy court is almost a slap in the face of Central Shangguo, and this slap will not disappear as long as the Lord exists.

Everyone knows how much the Central Shangguo, which claims to be an orthodox immortal palace, has an undisguised ambition for glory. However, in the realm of the Profound Profound Realm, the fundamental law is that strength is king. Therefore, before absolute strength, It is the dragon who wants to lie on his stomach, and the tiger also has to lie on his back.

Under such circumstances, the strength is extremely strong, but the Central Shangguo, which is held down by the holy court everywhere, is like a chained nine-day dragon, which has been in this extremely embarrassing situation for tens of thousands of years. By this time, both the royal family and the domestic citizens, their inner dissatisfaction had reached a limit.

  Although, except for some ancient sects that are hidden from the world, Shengting has faintly become the existence of the world's bull's ears, but at this time on the turbulent sea of ​​the North Sea, Central Shangguo is still a well-deserved overlord.

   Therefore, these great forces who flocked to the original battlefield of Fengxian County consciously stopped and watched from a distance at the four golden palaces dragged by heaven horses facing each other.

The old emperor of Central Shangguo who doesn’t know how old has a clear will this time is to use the rebirth of the two immortals in the North Sea as an opportunity to determine who will be the next ruler of the entire Shangguo. The princes of opportunity have done their best to bring the team accumulated for countless years to Beihai County, ready to give it a go.

In this way, under the four golden giant halls, a large ship full of monks rides the wind and waves. The vast aura of these monks gathers in one place, coercing the entire Beihai night sky, and even makes people feel full of The sense of battlefield of gunpowder smoke.

   This is a confrontation between the disciples of the Central Kingdom’s royal family. It may not be the first time since coming to Beihai, but it is definitely the largest and most tense one in history.

   "Dare to ask the old man of Shenji, would you say that this time the emperors of the central government will stage a **** battle in front of everyone because of the competition for this treasure fishing dragon rod?"

   Right below the Heavenly Enchantment, the young monk's question sounded from a large ship. In fact, it was not just him, but a large number of monks around him wanted to know this question.

The strength of the Supreme Profound Land is king, and the weaker can only watch from the farther edge. This area is not far away from the confrontation between the disciples. Therefore, here are some powerful families of thousands of years. The last very old man, looking at the North Sea night sky like daylight ahead, slowly spoke, and an old voice came out:

"None of us actually thought that the Central Shangguo, which had always stood still, would fight so vigorously over the North Sea Two Immortal Mountains incident, and even let the nine princes and the strongest young generation rush to Beihai, but It’s good to let the rest of the young people know what it means to be outsiders, lest their tails go up into the sky."

   After finishing speaking, the old man raised his hand to cover his mouth and coughed slightly. After taking a look at the dignified younger generation around him, he continued to speak:

"You asked me if these emperors would have a **** battle on the North Sea at this time. The old man thought it would not. In fact, you have to understand that the emperors of the Central Shangguo have always valued the majesty outside, although internally because There must be disputes about the position of dominance, but under the eyes of so many other forces, it is still a bit of face.

   "After all, this chance meeting has not been held yet, and at the same time the two immortals have not yet been born. If it is completely torn from the beginning, then it will be spread out and lose the face of the people of the central government."

   "The analysis of the old man of God is still thorough, and Shino wakes up the dreamer with one word!"

After the old man’s old voice fell, the monks who heard the words started to praise him, and the old man who had just spoken was also a well-known figure in the Supreme Profound Land. He was the most well-known old man in the Shenji Pavilion. Holding a huge amount of intelligence in his hand, his prestige is extremely deep.

   Next to the old man of Shenji, a middle-aged monk continued to speak after thinking for a few breaths:

"This time the drastic changes in the North Sea will inevitably cause friction among a large number of forces in the entire Taixuan Land. Countless deeply hidden figures will be shot in succession. Therefore, the major repairs on the various lists in the hands of the old man, it is estimated that there will be a lot of changes. ."

   After the words fell, the old man Shenji smiled mysteriously, and the old voice came out:

   "Then please wait and see, but the old man can tell you responsibly that the list on this list will inevitably be replaced at an unprecedented frequency, and if you are lucky enough to be on the list, then you are destined to be famous in the world and be a hero!"

As soon as this statement came out, the cultivators around the old man of Shenji, whether young or old, suddenly breathed extremely quickly, and their eyes were filled with the color of deep desire. The land of the Profound Sky is endless, ten thousand. Hundreds of millions of beings are like ants stacking and tumbling in the world, and the world monks list collected and ranked by the Shenji Pavilion is undoubtedly the best shortcut to become famous in the world.

For all living beings, fame and fortune may be difficult for most people to overcome in their lifetimes. The reason why the Shenji Pavilion occupies such a heavy weight in the Profound Sky Land is due to a large part of the reason for its pervasive intelligence ability. , Is holding an extremely powerful list of gods.

   then turned his gaze to the old divine machine facing the sea in front of him, still with a mysterious smile on his face, watching the four golden temples lying on the surface of the sea without strength, and the old voice continued to speak:

"This trip to the North Sea is destined to be extremely lively. If nothing else, if this Treasure Master can turn the danger to a breeze this time, I can't say that my Shenji Pavilion will move her position up on the list of strangers, and This represents a place on the list of beauties!"


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