
read2();  Behind the Shenji Pavilion, the old man of Shenji knows most of the secrets of the world. Therefore, his analysis of these emperors who came to Beihai to participate in the battle for the first-in-law was extremely accurate.

   Whether it is the interests of these emperors, or the prestige and demeanor of the great power that Central Shangguo is very fond of, it is not allowed to allow such a **** battle to break out under the eyes of the public at the beginning of this North Sea upheaval.

   Therefore, after the other three princes drove the hall to this place, the entire North Sea was strangely silent for a long time.

The monks of the other great forces in the periphery did not dare to act rashly, and the emperors who were on the top of Master Duobao had their own thoughts. Even the few who jumped from the Golden Palace of the Great Prince and prepared to take Master Duobao back into the temple. The tortured monks stood on the surface of the sea and did not dare to act rashly.

   "You are still standing stupidly doing what, and not bringing this Master Duobao back to the temple!"

Above the Golden Palace of the Great Prince, seeing those monks with sweat on their foreheads and standing still in place, the loud shouts of Ma Cang, the young disciple of Xun Tianzong, followed, and then the big prince, whose expression gradually became serious, was heard. Raising his hand and swinging it, he said:

   "In the golden palaces of my few good emperors, there is a great monk who locked it down with a gas machine, so they can't move."

After    finished speaking, the prince released his clenched fist, the solemn color on his face disappeared, and his golden eyes stared at the figure standing in front of the three halls in front of him. The large figure flying in the same python robe, pretending to be relaxed, said:

   "Second brother, fourth brother, fifth brother, our Central Shangguotang is so far away from this land of the North Sea, I can't imagine that you can come so quickly. I am happy for my brother, and I am a little surprised."

The great prince’s vigorous voice came forward, and after it resounded across the sky, some polite scenes rang out in the other two golden temples in front of him, but only in the last golden temple, a particularly burly prince opened his mouth. A very rough roar:

"Big brother, you also know that my third child is always a vulgar person who can't speak polite words. Such unnutritious nonsense has no meaning other than a waste of time. Big brother, you have a place in the Tianyun Main Hall of Fufeng City. A little power doesn’t mean that I can’t wait and have the means. Let’s talk less nonsense. Now the Master Duobao who knows the whereabouts of the Dragon Fishing Pole is below, and it’s fine if we brothers didn’t arrive. Always discuss how to solve it."

After the words of the three princes fell, the few princes standing outside the Golden Palace frowned, and the rest of the forces around who heard the words showed their natural smiles. Everyone knows that among so many princes in the Central Empire, only a few The second prince and the third prince are the most exotic.

  The second most important is civil and military, and the staff in the mansion are all civil servants, and the youngest who has just spoken is an out-and-out reckless man. He always likes to use force and fist to speak in case of trouble, and his subordinates are all brave warriors.

"The third child is safe and restless. I am all the heirs of the father and the emperor of the kingdom. We are arguing under the general view. I am afraid that there is something wrong. I think the father will be extremely unhappy after hearing this. , I’m the eldest brother, I’ll force you to find out the whereabouts of the dragon fishing rod first, and share it with the three younger brothers in the future.

   After the loud voice came from the mouth of the prince, he took a deep breath and continued to speak:

"I believe this prince, I am the elder brother, and I am not going to cheat you because of a small treasure. Now this master Duobao has a very hard mouth. If I want to pry it open, I am afraid that it will cost some hands and feet. "

   However, the voice of the elder prince here has not been finished, and the roar of the three princes over there directly rolls out:

   "Brother Big Emperor, don't show up like a big brother here. What idea do you have in your heart? We have been fighting for so many years and still don't know?"

   "The third one said carefully, there are outsiders all around here, royal family affairs, we will solve it ourselves!"

After    word by word came from the eldest prince, he slowly clenched his fists, the anger in his eyes gradually rose, and his expression became colder and colder, and he continued to speak:

   "You should understand the truth of Ye Chang's dream. If you and I are stuck in such a stalemate, then there will be an accident, and Shangguo's face will be lost by me."

The words of the prince    were particularly cold, indicating that the anger in his heart had become more and more intense, but the three princes on the other side were not afraid at all, and arrogant voices followed:

  "My central Shangguo royal family is here to do things, who dares to intrude or interfere?

   "This prince is eager for someone to come and find it unhappy, so I can unscrew the heads of these people and taste the taste of blood."

The tyrannical voice of the three princes resounded through the entire Beihai Sky Vault, making the complexion of everyone who heard it changed slightly. Although everyone knew the naked nature of this place, on the other hand, the stronger the power. , The more you cherish your feathers, at least the superficial effort must be done in place.

   Therefore, some self-proclaimed and decent monks immediately showed dissatisfaction on their faces, and an invisible voice came out:

   "The three princes of Central Shangguo are really the same as the rumors. They are a complete reckless man."

   Before these words fell, the harsh roar of the third prince resounded through the entire Beihai night sky:

"Of course this prince knows that in addition to the principalities and sect forces who watched the show, there are also those terrestrial gods who are not good-willed looking at the dome, but you think Lao Tzu will be afraid Well, do you dare to make a move with the land gods and fairyland venirs?

"Brother Big Emperor, my third child will put the words here today. At this time, above the North Sea, there is no reason to go home to solve the problems of our own family, because the place where the emperor of the Central Empire is located is our own territory, and there is nothing wrong with it. It needs to be covered up."

The roar of the three princes of the Central Empire resounded through the void, with a trembling dominance, causing the people around them to completely change their complexions. In these words, they were naked and contemptuous, and even completely ignored the existence of people around them. In the eyes.

All the people present were proud and arrogant people. Naturally, they would not take this breath easily, so they clenched their fists. Even the land gods clamored by the three princes had a hint of ups and downs. Some coercion was released.

The cultivation base circulating in the land of the gods of the fairyland is so powerful, even if it only pours out a little, it still makes a huge wave over the North Sea, and the brilliance of the majesty rolls down, and even the undulating North Sea surface, There was silence for an instant.

   But the next breath, in the silence of this instant, a very faint voice faintly sounded, and this voice seemed to be coming from a very remote place, illusory.

   "Dingling, Jingling!"


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