The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1190: Golden dragon


read2();   Beihai, the land of the great mystery, as a land abandoned by the heavens and the heavens, the heavens are already in chaos, and countless bitter winds after losing control are constantly roaring and raging in the void, It's like countless ghosts roaring noisily.

   At the same time, the offensive initiated by the three princes of the Central Empire directly detonated the original confrontation in an extremely unexpected way.

   The third prince is a reckless man and a lunatic, so the people under his command are all militants through and through at the same time, so the deafening roar directly rang through the sky:

   "The whole army presses forward, ready to fight!"

Under the fanatical commands, the warship belonging to the three princes on the sea surface is like a dark cloud in the sky, rolling forward with the iron blood that is violently increasing every minute and every second. .

   Seeing countless monks’ charges roaring forward, Ma Cang, standing beside the prince, no longer cares about the anger towards the master Duobao below, but instead stares at the monk army violently attacking in front of him and eagerly said:

   "His Royal Highness, how dare he do this, Your Highness, such and such."

   When he said such two words, Ma Cang suddenly closed his mouth and stopped talking. Then the big prince beside him was angry, and then he said:

   "Dare to disregard the face of my central Shangguo royal family, in front of all the forces, and my Royal Highness directly have a **** battle that looks stupid?"

   When the prince said this, Ma Cang lowered his head and hurriedly responded:

   "The subordinates dare not."

"From childhood to adulthood, the third child was a total lunatic. It is not surprising that he did anything. I don’t even know why his father and his elders even sent him to Beihai. If such a reckless man is really in charge of the central government. , Then within a few years, wars will rise, life will be devastated, and the empire will hardly survive."

After the voice fell, he followed the line of sight of the prince to the front. The third prince who was standing on top of the golden palace made a roar, and the whole person turned into a pure golden light tearing the surrounding air, piercing ears. In the sound of his scream, he rushed into the void, jumped over the soldiers under his command who acted in advance, and banged straight ahead.

Before the mighty warship, the golden light suddenly appeared, and then a deafening dragon roar sounded within the golden light. A huge statue of the dragon, surrounded by glazed golden light, appeared in the void instantly, a vast dragon. Together with the royal majesty, they pressed hard against the sea.

   "These three princes are worthy of the name of reckless men. The two armies are the first to take the lead. Whether it is suitable or not, they are definitely brave!"

For the sudden attack of these three princes, the countless large forces around them suddenly became excited and expected after the initial horror. After all, for them, the civil war between the emperors of Central Shangguo was definitely the most favorite to see. situation.

   When two tigers are fighting, there must be one injury, and in this way, these forces watching outside still have a slight chance to fish in troubled waters.

   "The golden dragon statue of the Yin family, the lord of the central kingdom, is recognized as unique in the world. These three princes are qualified to be brave in the army!"

With the sighs of the monks watching around, the golden dragon occupying half of the sky in the North Sea straddled most of the void in the blink of an eye, stirring the situation, and rushing towards the monks who had already formed a tightly defensive formation. There is no intention to stop at all.

   Clouds from the dragon, wind from the tiger, there is no cloud in the sky in the North Sea, but after the golden dragon appeared, countless golden clouds emerged from its huge and winding body, shining in the sky.

   The violent blow of the three princes has clearly told everyone around him that he is not bluffing, but a real life and death fight.

   "Your Highness, what shall I do when I wait, do I have to directly fight back with the whole army?"

   Under the roar of the dragon, several staff behind the big prince came forward and spoke. Then the big prince with a gloomy face, angrily raging in his golden eyes, bit his teeth and said:

   "Being stuck on by a lunatic like the third child is really unlucky for the prince, the whole army defended it and retreated fifty miles."

After    finished speaking, the prince raised his head and looked at the golden dragon leaping straight forward, his voice continued:

"Now the dramatic changes in Beihai have just begun. For the sake of my position, it is impossible for me to fold a large number of people here. That is to show that the rest of the guys who watch the good show are cheaper. On the other hand, my father just asked me to wait for me to come to Beihai, even Without any other requirements, the third child can disregard the face of my central royal, but this prince can't!"

The urgent words fell from the great prince’s mouth, and outside the Golden Temple where he was, accompanied by a roar, a golden barrier between heaven and earth rose to the sky, directly separating the entire turbulent battlefield. After the world appeared, the battle ships and monks of the big prince's side began to retreat.

   "Retired, retired, the eldest prince retired!"

Exclamation came from the monks who were watching all this. At the same time, the monks of these powerful forces began to circulate the vitality of the world in their bodies, and their aura quietly rose, because some major practitioners with keen combat experience have already felt it. A breath of fish in troubled waters.

In the next moment, the earth-shaking roar suddenly resounded across the sky, and the entire surrounding void was constantly trembling due to the violent impact. Everyone looked up and saw the three princes, who had fully displayed their racial image, dancing with powerful and powerful dragon bodies. One head hit the barrier hard.

   "Boom, boom, boom!"

   Every time it hits, this giant defensive enchantment, which is jointly displayed by the big prince and a large number of monks, trembles crazily, and even a loud whimper is heard, and a large number of dense cracks appear directly.

   "The cultivation level of the three princes of the Central Empire is far beyond imagination!"

Feeling this pressure that is not weaker than that of the gods on the land, leaning downwards from the sky, even making the warship where the monk is watching on the North Sea sank a little bit, countless others The monks of the sect spoke in horror.

   Then on one of the warships, the old man with white beards, the magic machine, watched the roar of the void battlefield, and then spoke:

"It is said that although the three princes are simple-minded and reckless, their martial arts talents are almost the strongest among all the emperors. However, they have rarely taken shots over the years. There is only a thin line between the superior!"

   As soon as the voice of the old man of God machine fell, there was a particularly harsh loud noise directly above the sky, and the five claws of the golden dragon and the elephant directly shot a large hole in the defensive enchantment.

   The three princes of the Central Shangguo cracked the sky with a claw cracked in the sky, and the exclamation sounded abruptly. However, the expression of the old man of Shenji suddenly changed, squinting his eyes as if he was listening, and at the next breath, his eyebrows were raised and he muttered:

   "The sound of the bell is calling the sea bell?"

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