The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1191: Call the sea


read2();   "Yin Lie, do you have to do this to be happy?"

In the night sky of the North Sea, countless auras fight against each other. A huge golden statue of a dragon, waving its golden glass claws in the sky, slaps on the cracked golden defensive enchantment again and again, and then the golden palace that is moving backwards. In front of the door, the big prince whose face was already condensed to the extreme, opened his mouth and let out a roar.

The roar of the big prince resounded through the void, with uncontrollable anger in the voice, and even directly called the name of the three princes, and then the three princes who turned into golden dragons stopped their violent movements a little, looked down, and responded. Resounding through the sky:

   "Brother Dahuang, do you think I am the kind of reasonable person?"

After the dragon howl, the third prince Ao Lie continued to lift the giant claws and snapped them at the barrier. After a piercing roar, the dragon claws penetrated the barrier again, tearing the latter outwards and creating a huge wound. The howling resounded across the sky again:

"Ao Lie, I have always acted only with my heart. If I feel unhappy, then I will fight until I am happy. I admire this Master Duobao very much. The fact that she fell into your hands makes this prince extremely unhappy. It even makes me unhappy than you get the treasure fishing rod. If I'm unhappy, I have to fight!"

Accompanied by the roar of dragons, a large number of golden auspicious clouds continued to spread out from the body of the three princes to the entire sky. At the next breath, within the auspicious clouds, countless golden lights flashed, and the entire body of the three princes Yin Lie suddenly burst into gold, directly deceiving On the body, hitting directly above the barrier.

   "Crack, click!"

Two extremely clear shattering sounds rang out in everyone’s ears, and that extremely strong defensive barrier began to crumble from top to bottom, and then the three princes’ battleships, which had already been lined up outside the barrier and ready to go Monk, continue to charge forward suddenly.

   An all-out battle will start at a moment's notice, with infinite murderous opportunities and close combat!

   "His Royal Highness, we are willing to come forward and meet these three princes for a while."

Outside the Golden Palace, several black-robed monks who had closed their eyes behind the big prince suddenly opened their eyes, swords blared in the void, and then a sound like iron rubbing came out, but then the big prince shook He shook his head and replied:

   "It's not worth exposing too many hole cards for the third lunatic, this time we retire!"

After the extremely cold words of the prince fell, he gradually calmed down. After all, he was one of the most powerful emperors in the central empire. Therefore, after the initial anger, he continued to give orders:

   "Ma Cang, detonate the Heaven-seeking Seal on this woman for my prince. Since my highness can't get it, the rest of us don't want to miss it."

The changes in the current situation above the North Sea are not optimistic for the big prince, and in order to avoid the forces of the three princes that attacked like a madman, he had to make a choice, so he did not hesitate to let Ma Cang detonate Xuntian Seal, annihilate the soul of Master Duobao.

The great prince's command came down, and Ma Cang, the young disciple of Xuntianzong standing beside him, changed his face for a while, nodded directly, raised his hand and pointed to Master Duobao who was floating on the sea and coughing, and an angry shout came out. :

   "The seal of seeking the sky, the soul is corroded and destroyed!"

   With this shout, Master Duobao's body neck suddenly began to show a mark composed of mysterious runes, and then his body began to tremble violently.

   "No, this prince wants to kill the master Duobao!"

Now the battle center area above the North Sea has long been locked in by the consciousness of countless monks, so every reaction of the people on the side of the prince has been closely watched. Seeing Makura's magical powers, the rest of the people already know its purpose. , Shouting and continuing to speak:

   "This Master Duobao cannot die, she has the secret of a dragon fishing rod in her hands!"

Under the roar, countless monks could no longer hold back the wait and watch, and directly used their magical powers. The vast number of magical swords rose from a large ship into the sky, turned into a stream of light and fell in the place where the Ma Cang was, trying to use their edge. Zhiqi cuts off the connection between the latter and the Seal of Xuntian.

At the same time above the void, the third prince Ao Lie, who was suddenly coming from Cyclonus, gave out an angry roar. The golden dragon claws violently tore the void in front of him. After the mouth, the huge dragon body then penetrated into it.

After three breaths, the golden dragon directly tore through the void next to Master Duobao's body, and the ferocious head drilled out, but it was too late. The Tianxun seal on Master Duobao's neck had turned into a dazzling lava color. , And even began to burn the flame of extinguishing soul.

   "It's too late, the soul-extinguishing fire of Tianxunyin has already burned in her soul, as long as I knock a finger, she will be burned directly."

The arrogant voice came from Ma Cang's mouth, and then he raised his hand, squeezed two fingers, and was about to snap his fingers forward, but at the next breath, his body staggered forward suddenly, and he couldn't help but rush forward. With a roar:

"who is it?"

Before the roar, Ma Cang turned his head and looked to his side, and the color of horror appeared on his face again, because not only him, but everyone on the entire golden palace, including the prince, jumped forward. Fucked, it was as if there was a huge force from the lower side, overturning the huge golden temple pulled by the eight heavenly horses.

Then this huge force that shook the sky with the void as a wave continued to sweep outwards, shaking all the monks on the surface of the sea once, and even under this great force of heaven and earth, it made the clouds and rains on weekdays. The big monks have all realized what it is that they can't help themselves.

After an instant, a ring of bells became louder and clearer from the depths of the void into the ears of every monk above the North Sea. The ringing was sweet and crisp, just like a lively girl with a bell tied to an ankle was playing playfully. Come!

   But for the monks who heard the ringtones, it was not a beautiful girl who came here, but the fascinating North Sea Hurricane in the North Sea of ​​the Great Profound Land!

Time passed another breath, accompanied by louder and louder and crisper bells, before these monks could react, the vast void of waves once again swept the world, continuing to sweep the countless monks on the sea, together with the huge warship, and even Including the Golden Temple, it continued to shock into the air.

   At the same time, above the sky, the gray mist condensed directly into a dark cloud. Within the dark cloud, countless white thunders kept shining, and the thunder piercing the eardrums spread out.

The thunder roared, tearing through the world, and then on a large ship that was shaking up and down, the magical old man who stretched out a hand to hold down the railing in front, looked up at the terrifying sky before the North Sea hurricane, and the old voice said Debut:

   "Ten thousand years of dormancy, once he was born, what exactly is this Five Immortal Sect thinking about, shouldn't it be so uncontrollable?"


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