The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1202: Very high profile


read2();  Linchuan City, Fengxian County, the land of Taixuan, the already chaotic county city ushered in the most lively and violent sensation in the past six months, with countless local and spiritual monks from all over the world , A large number of pouring from everywhere, looking up.

Above Linchuan City, with its wings spread, it is almost impossible to see the edge of the sky floating in the sky, exuding a kind of heavy power like a high mountain pressing the top, and as some monks in the city below said, such a behemoth should belong to nature. Skyrim.

   "According to legend, You Tianweng is the illegitimate son of the **** of the sky. He was born to control the power of the sky. Flying across the void is as simple as eating and drinking water."

On the square directly below Yu Tianweng, a monk who looked very young, looked up at the sky, muttered, and then the admiration in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and he opened his mouth and sighed:

   "If you are lucky enough to soar once in the wind on its back, it will be worth it in your life."

   The young man just finished speaking, and the companion who was with him directly raised his hand to his back and slapped his back, and the response sounded:

"Don’t dream about Dong Yuan, first think about how to make ends meet. Look at the rest of the people around you. Everyday business doesn’t run out, and they all show off in front of me. But you look at both of us for so many days. But I still didn't make any money at all. Looking at so many people coming and going every day, no one can see us."

   This line fell with a little complaining voice, the young man named Dong Yuan also sighed, slowly speaking:

   "I think it may be that both of us look too young. These great monks from each county do not believe me to wait."

   "These people are also true. Don't they know that the impatiens family of Linchuan City, Fengxian County, can't guess their age based on their appearance?"

The young man next to Dong Yuan continued to chatter endlessly, showing that he was extremely dissatisfied with all of this. Then Dong Yuan, who looked like a child who was just in his early ten years old, looked at the huge banner raised on the back of the sky and covered the entire sky. The three big characters of Jinzong were extremely conspicuous, and the eyes were bright, and he said anxiously:

   "Here is here, the opportunity is here. The power on the back of this traveler turned out to be Jin Jinzong, but this also makes sense. Only Jin Jinzong can be so high-profile in the entire Taixuan Land."

   After Dong Yuan finished speaking, he stepped directly toward the center of the square not far away, and ran away with his companions who stepped behind him, while shouting loudly:

   "Dong Yuan, you know a lot. Tell me what's wrong with the Jinzong, why is it our chance?"

   "There is a saying among the slightly well-informed monks in our Taixuan land, this is the number one victim in the world, plus the lamb to be slaughtered."

   with a hint of excitement came from the mouth of Dong Yuan, who is short in his own stature, and then moved extremely flexibly between the huge creatures in the Supreme Profound Land, like an agile assassin, and then the young voice continued to sound:

"Golden gold, can be named as the source of gold, you can naturally see the wealth of celestial coins owned by this sect. It is said that before the imperial palace collapsed, this celestial sect monopolized the mining of celestial coins. The method, just imagine, all the cents in the world are in his hands, can you not be rich?

"On the other hand, this celestial coin is a number that will never decrease for the disciples who are walking outside of the Gold Rolling Sect. They are very generous in their shots. Once we take over this business, it means that we can take it seriously. Make a lot of money."

After the voice fell, Dong Yuan ran to the most favorable position in the center of the square. Until then, the rest of the monks on the square who could see the back of You Tianweng above and waving the contents of the flag in the wind reacted and uttered all together. Shout:

   "It's the gold rolling sect. The gold rolling sect is here, so go ahead and take a favorable position first!"

Accompanied by shouts from the sky, the entire square suddenly became extremely noisy. These monks who made a living on Linchuan City Square on weekdays all used the way for the big forces to earn cents for their lives. Naturally They know more about the outside world than the rest, and the Jinzong, a wealthy boy who exudes the light of celestial coins, is certainly not unfamiliar, so they all tried their best to rush to the center of the square.

Until then, the advantage of Dong Yuan and the two of them was reflected. Then the two of them firmly held their position, while looking at You Tianweng hovering overhead, with a determined voice from Dong Yuan's mouth. :

"There is a small piece of news about this Jinjin Sect. It is said that in the past two years, this sect has officially set the position of the Young Sect Master. He is a young man called Jin Yuanbao, and this person can become a Jin Jin amidst heavy competition. The case of the young master of the sect also caused the monks who knew a little inside to drop their jaws.

"This Jinjin Sect uses a routine of multiple births and more gains. Therefore, it is not even clear how many direct descendants this sect has. As a result, the younger generation of Daozi level in the Jinjin Zong is even more powerful than the general tradition. It’s a lot more, and this little-known Jin Ingot was able to take the lead. It’s almost magical. I heard that this young man was bullied on weekdays, but he suddenly emerged during that time. In the gold rolling sect, blood and blood flowed into the sky."

   "Then Dong Yuan, the legendary Golden Ingot King who came from the top of this place on the traveler?"

   "Nine out of ten!"

   Dong Yuan, who only looks like a ten-year-old baby in her early days, nodded heavily, then his eyes lit up and he continued to open his mouth and say:

   "Here is coming, this person of the Golden Sect has come down!"

   The voice fell, and the back of You Tianweng floating in the sky suddenly burst into golden light. This golden light was not the golden light of vitality generated by the release of magical powers by ordinary monks, but the gilt light reflected from the sun by genuine jade and gold.

   At the next breath, this golden light fell directly from the sky from above, and even left a huge shadow on the ground. The monks who were shrouded in shadow on the square hurriedly moved away to avoid being affected.

   This piece of golden light fell on the ground of the square extremely fast, and it fell directly on the square in the blink of an eye, and then the dazzling golden light of jade and stone caused all the monks on the square to squint their eyes and look in a trance.

   After a long time, everyone recovered and looked at the center of the square, and then their complexions changed suddenly.

   I saw a giant exuding glazed golden light standing on the square, just like a high mountain that suddenly appeared, and on this high mountain, decks, masts, and sails were all available.

   "Good fellow, this golden sect has left a battleship abruptly, no, it's a golden ship!"


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