
read2();  The central square of Linchuan City, Fengxian County, accompanied by a huge golden boat, fell straight down from You Tianweng’s back, and hit the square ground heavily. All the surrounding people witnessed it. The monks, as if they were pinched by Qi Qi, couldn't make any noises of their own accord.

Most of the practitioners in Linchuan City were caught in a trance because of the sudden big handwork of the Jinjin Sect. At the same time, the jeweled jewel in front of them like a wave, wave after wave impacted the minds of these people. Even the eyes of some unsteady monks gradually became bloodshot.

Then the needles fell on the audible square, and on the huge mountain-like ship where everyone’s eyes were intertwined, changes began to occur. On its deck, many beautiful maids stepped out of the ship, and The hands of these maids, who are pouring out like dense ants, are holding precious things such as fruits, delicacies and so on.

And after the maids walked out, an extraordinary monk's house would appear in the sight of everyone. These people's faces were gloomy, and they looked like strangers were not close, and then stood on important places on the deck, and even faintly formed A guardian formation.

After all this was over, inside the golden ship of the Jinzong, a middle-aged man dressed in brocade clothes stepped out, and he came to the bow of the ship in three or two steps, his gaze swept down with a look of horror. The cultivators touched the two handfuls of meticulous horoscopes under their noses, and then said loudly:

   "My master, the young master of the Jinzong, the gold ingot, the young master, came to Linchuan today. Since you are here, it means that you are all destined."

As soon as the middle-aged manager’s mouth came out of the three words for a destined person, the breathing of the monks below suddenly became rapid, their fists clenched, and their eyes were eager to try, because for the disciples of the Jin Jin sect, the word destiny represents The meaning is very simple, that is to throw money.

   As expected, in the next second, a loud voice continued from the mouth of the middle-aged manager, resounding across the sky:

   "Since everyone is destined, it is natural to reward, reward, reward!"

As soon as the sound of this energetic reward came out, on the big golden ship of the Rolling Gold Sect with fluttering flags, accompanied by a fierce roar, a colorful glazed light directly rushed to the sky, and then this glimmer of light was in full view. It exploded in midair.

   "Ula, Young Master Jin dropped coins, dropped coins!"

   With the cheers rising straight into the sky on the square, this burst and gilded light, just like the brightest fireworks in full bloom, directly turned into countless cents falling.

   A rain of cents suddenly fell on the square of Linchuan City!

   "Sprinkling immortal coins to transform the rain, the name of the rich and generous wealth of the Jinzong is really well-deserved. No wonder the various monks in this place, there is no one who dislikes the Jinzong."

   The voice of admiration came from Dong Yuan’s mouth, and then he grabbed his companion who also wanted to rush forward to pick up money, shook his head at the latter, and said:

   "Don't pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon. We have more important things to do."

After speaking, Dong Yuan ignored the other monks around who were desperately picking up celestial coins. Instead, he jumped up and came to the golden ship of the Rolling Jinzong. He bowed to the middle-aged steward on the deck and bowed with confidence. Open the mouth:

"Dear Young Master Jin, the current situation in Beihai is unpredictable, including the sea area from Fengxian County to Beihai County. There have been several battles in a row in recent days. It is very dangerous. Although the young master’s methods are well-known, the common saying goes, more One thing is worse than one thing less, I am not talented, I would like to be a guide for Young Master Jin, so as to avoid some detours."

   After Dong Yuan finished speaking, he looked at the middle-aged steward on the deck with confident and flying eyes, while the latter looked at Dong Yuan, who was standing steadily among the crowd, but looked like a teenager in his early tens, and fell into a little thought.

   It is true that the temperament that Dong Yuan reveals on his body does not match his immature appearance, and at the moment when people around him are rushing to grab the rain of celestial coins, his appearance standing with his hands is very different.

   After a few moments of hesitation, the new manager of Jinzong Gold Ingots opened his mouth to the front:

   "This little brother waits a moment, the road guide is extremely important. After I tell the eldest master, he can decide."

   However, the words of this management have not yet fallen, and in the cabin of the big ship behind, a young voice rang directly:

   "This young man likes self-recommended young people who are confident and energetic. Butler, you can let our new road guide board the ship."

The sound fell, and on the deck of the big ship, a recliner carried by eight people was slowly lifted out of the cabin, and on top of the collapse of the recliner was a fat man wearing a golden robe and a sleek figure. , It is the first time two years have passed, to once again go to the gold ingot of the Jinzong in Beihai.

At this time, Jin Dashao, who has become the young master of the Gold Sect, is still rounder than two years ago, but he has lost a lot of weight. It can be seen that in the two years of fighting for the young master, he is not less. Suffer.

However, now that he has sat on the position of heir as he wished, the confidence on Jin Ingot's face has become more and more intense, and even the benefits of travel have directly increased. Not only did he hire a hegemony-class Yutian Weng from the Tianyun Temple to stand by at any time, even this The luxurious golden boats I took at the time were dozens of times larger than the last time I visited, and they were called small islands.

On the deck of the luxurious golden ship, after being gently put down by eight people carrying the sedan chair, the fluttering gold ingot stood up and walked slowly to the edge of the deck. Then he looked down and was led by the servant. The two of Dong Yuan who came, showed a little unexpected color in their eyes. It was because Dong Yuan looked too young, and then the voice of Jin Yuanbao came from above:

   "Boy, you look so young, how old are you?"

   "Back to Master Jin, I will just turn 110 years old next year!"

As soon as Dong Yuan's response came out, Jin Yuanbao's eyes became more interested. Even the middle-aged steward next to him showed a moment of astonishment. Then Dong Yuan raised his hand and bowed to the front. , The response continued to spread outward:

"I belong to the Impatiens family in Linchuan City. Young Master Jin may not have heard of our clan, but our clan looks different from other races. The first hundred years old is one year old for others, and the formality begins at the age of 101. grow up."

   "Interesting, so interesting!"

   Interesting words came from the mouth of the gold ingot, and then he stretched out his chubby right hand and grabbed it in front of him, and a swollen, full-dangdang bag appeared directly in his hand.

   Then the gold ingot shook slightly while holding the big kit, and suddenly a ding-dong sound of celestial coins colliding with each other came out, and the next breath, the words of Jin Dashao with careless pride came out directly:

   "Don't look at the bag, but the penny coins in it are ten times more than the ones just scattered. Make a guide during this time, and this is yours."


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