
read2();  The huge square in Linchuan City, because of the coin throwing of the Jinzong Jinzong gold ingots, the atmosphere was suddenly pushed to the peak, and the sky above the sky exploded in all directions The celestial coin fireworks formed a rain of celestial coins falling from the sky, radiantly falling on the square.

Immortal coins are like rain and charming eyes, and the gold rolling sect has always used a wave of money offensive to make the enemy disarm and surrender. In the land of the profound mystery, although this trick can not solve all problems, most of them have no prospects. And unfavorable.

   It is precisely because of this that the inheritance of the Jin Jinzong can continue to this day. You must know that this sect with such wealth is a piece of coveted fat no matter what age.

Under the rain of celestial coins, the large number of local creatures above Linchuan City Square, who rely on guides for people to make a living, went into madness, and rushed forward directly on the ground, emitting a colorful light. The celestial coin was stuffed into his arms, and the scene was so chaotic that when Dong Yuan took his partner to officially board the big golden ship where the gold ingot was located, the bottom was still a mess.

   "Part of the reason for you in this big and young photo is your self-confidence, but on the other hand, it is your completely dismissive attitude towards the coins scattered around you."

   A voice of neither light nor seriousness came from Jin Yuanbao’s mouth, and then he played with his fingers full of Taoist rings, squinted his eyes and continued to speak:

   "Since I was a child, I have believed in the words that my ancestors once told me that the most feared enemies of Wu Jinzong are those who don't care about the existence of cents."

   "Jin Dashao's remarks are very reasonable, but to be honest, I am not a person with money as dung, I am just seeking more cents."

   When Dong Yuan responded, Jin Yuanbao turned his head and looked at the short one beside him, only to the waist, with a smile on his chubby face, and then he spoke:

   "You kid is very frank. This young master feels that he has picked up treasures more and more. It is right to think about it. No one in the world will care about wealth. It is already extremely difficult to meet a few people. How dare to ask for more."

   Jin Yuanbao's meaningful words made Dong Yuan's eyes move slightly, but he did not speak too much, but stood quietly on the side.

After a while, the battle for celestial coins under the big golden ship gradually came to an end. As the last celestial coin on the ground was stuffed into the arms of a monk, all the monks on the square gradually stood up and looked up. The golden clothes fluttering, the rich and powerful gold ingots, all started and said:

   "I'm waiting, thank Young Master Jin for generous throwing coins!"

The sound of shouts rising up into the sky formed a rolling sound wave in the square. At the same time, Jin Dashao's body was woven with the most precious material and made into a robe to blow backwards, while the latter had a friendly smile on his face, reaching out and pressing down gently. , Responded loudly:

"The land of the Profound Sky is vast and boundless, with countless creatures, and the chance of encountering between people is very small. And if you can meet this young master in the vast sea of ​​people, it is the will of heaven in the dark. It is fate!"

  The voice of the gold ingot fell, and in the group of cultivators below, somebody directly opened his mouth and said loudly:

   "Since we are so predestined with Young Master Jin, can you drop another coin, Young Master Jin?"

  As soon as this statement came out, the monks who had already tasted the sweetness around directly raised their hands and clenched fists, opening their mouths and shouting loudly:

   "Throw a coin, a coin, a coin!"

Accompanied by the roaring sound that resounded throughout the square, the young companion standing next to Dong Yuan's complexion slightly changed. He just wanted to step forward to speak, but was directly held on his shoulder by the latter, and then the color on the bow of the ship was still smiling. , There was no change in the gold ingot, he looked down at the bottom and smiled, and continued to speak:

   "It's easy to talk about it. Since your enthusiasm is so high, this young master is not happy, so let's throw another coin."

As soon as the words of the gold ingot fell, the middle-aged steward beside him gently waved his hand, and a multicolored streamer on the golden ship, which was exactly the same as before, rose to the sky again, exploded in the sky after a few breaths, and formed a whole world. The rain of cents in the square.

Today, due to the arrival of the Jinjinzong, the monks in Linchuan City are destined to fall into a carnival. Then the gold ingot standing on the edge of the deck, put away the smile on his face, turned and walked back to collapse. Where.

   After the gold ingot sat down, he raised his hand to take the fruit handed by the maid next to him, put it in his mouth and took a bite, and chewed on Dong Yuan and said:

   "Is there anything you have to do with the kid, I'll give you half an hour, or I will go to the sea."

   When this question came out, Dong Yuan, who looked young but looked extremely wise in his eyes, pondered for a few breaths, and directly said:

   "I have no concerns in Linchuan City, but there is still something to ask for."

After    finished speaking, Dong Yuan did not sell Guanzi, but directly spoke:

"Standing next to my lower body are my brothers who grew up together since childhood, but I know the dangers of this trip to the North Sea, and my brothers are fierce and impulsive, afraid that it will delay the plan of the young master, so I hope that the young master can advance You don’t need too much cents, just a moderate amount. I let him take it off the boat and walk inland to the land of the Supreme Profound Land, which can guarantee a worry-free life in the future."

   After Dong Yuan's voice of neither humble nor arrogant fell, the faces of the surrounding people changed slightly, while Jin Yinbao put down half of the fruit in his hand, took a deep look at the young man in front of him, and waved his approval.

Then the middle-aged housekeeper stepped forward and took out a beautiful money bag and handed it to Dong Yuan. With the wealth of the Jinzong, the amount of cents in the bag must not be low. Then Dong Yuan changed hands and handed it to the side. The young man patted the latter on the shoulder, everything is said without saying.

   After all this was done, the impatiens grass family named Dong Yuan bowed to the gold ingot in front of him, and solemnly said:

   "Everything is going on, but I can fight the Beihai together with Young Master Jin. Although I have a shallow cultivation base, I still have some racial talents to help."

After the voice of    fell, the gold ingot opened his mouth again and took a bite of the sweet fruit in his hand. The voice came out:

   "This young man would rather use money to hit people than to kill, and you have to help another person."

   The words of the gold ingot made Dong Yuan frowned slightly, and at the next breath, a steady and young voice sounded directly in the former's ears:

  "You do not allow your brother to stay in Linchuan City, but have been moving towards the inland of the Taixuan Land. But do you judge that Linchuan City will be in danger of destruction in the near future?

"It is said that during the **** battle in the North Sea, Linchuan City was preserved in the flames of war, but this time you think it will be destroyed. In other words, you think this time the North Sea War will be worse than tens of thousands of years ago. More tragic?"

   The two consecutive interrogative sounds fell, Dong Yuan hurriedly turned around, and saw in front of him, two figures in dark robes appeared at some point.


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