The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1208: Listen to the wind


read2();   "Fuse your will in the wind, listen to the singing of the wind, and then in your mind the picture that the wind is talking about is to listen to the wind!"

After Dong Yuan stated his racial talents, the Ye Yi class on the deck of the Gold Rolling Sect, the more they think about it, the brighter their eyes, because this is an extremely rare auxiliary talent. In other words, they have Dong Yuan with this ability is a natural guide.

In the land of primordial mystery, blood is the king. Most of the abilities of creatures are accompanied by blood, which has derived many types of talents, and the world divides the spiritual monks into combat races and non-combat races based on these types. Two types.

The fighting race naturally does not need to say much. The powers of the races are all born for war, and the talents of non-combat races are varied, but it is generally accepted that Dong Yuan, who is on the deck at this time, volunteered, can be called Outstanding non-combat race.

   "As you said, the power of listening to the wind possessed by the Erfeng Xiancao clan is the ability that every big force is eager to obtain, it should not be so unknown."

   Some rounding voices came from the gold ingot, who was gnawing on a beast's leg. Then the young master of the Jin Jinzong squinted his eyes for a while and continued to speak:

"My Jin Jin sect itself is not very talented in cultivation, and a large part of the fighting power in the whole sect comes from the worship of various races. Therefore, an intelligence agency was established to collect this matter, including the extremely rare turtle turtle clan. There are a large number of strange people and strangers within, but I have never heard of this impatiens family."

   "Back to the Jin Dynasty, after the almost genocide destruction and destruction of the North Sea **** battle of my impatiens clan, not only all the people died, but even the habitat that had reproduced for generations was completely submerged by the rolling waves."

   The voice fell, Dong Yuan put down his teacup in his hand and continued to speak:

"On the other hand, the conditions for the growth of our impatiens celestial clan are extremely harsh. During the entire one hundred years of turning grass, it is just like ordinary fragile grass. The wind can blow it, and the creatures can step on it. What's more, being swallowed directly by cattle and sheep and died, it can be said that after losing the racial asylum, our people cannot survive this century.

"Additionally, the northern part of the Great Profound Land is weak, and living creatures are scarce. Therefore, except for the brothers who grew up with me, I have never seen the rest of the tribe myself, let alone inland on weekdays. The golden age of life is less, and I often joked with my brothers, perhaps our Impatiens tribe may be the most miserable race besides that human race."

Just after Dong Yuan’s last sentence fell, he was eating a piece of gold ingot with a steak, his billowing face became extremely solemn, and he subconsciously reached out and held down the tabletop in front of him. At the same time, the atmosphere on the entire deck suddenly seemed to drop to freezing point. An invisible layer of frost formed on the surface.

Then Jin Yuanbao carefully turned his gaze to Ye Yi, Xue Dao and Li Dingshan, who were sitting aside. Seeing that they did not react excessively, they sighed imperceptibly, and hurriedly turned away from the topic and turned to Dong Yuan. Open the mouth:

   "Since it is so difficult for you to wait for the Impatiens family to grow, how did you survive this long hundred years and grow up to this day?"

  The question of gold ingot fell, Dong Yuan, who looked like a teenager, nodded, and after a salute in front of him, the response sounded:

"The reason why I was able to live through this hundred years of long time without incident was purely because I was lucky when I was born. When I was still a seed, I was fortunate to land in the backyard where the Feng family’s daughter lived in Linchuan City. Although the Feng family is not the foremost power in the Taixuan Land, it still exists in Fengxian County that no one dared to provoke. Therefore, under its protection, it was fortunate to spend the first one hundred years underneath."

Dong Yuan’s words carry a hint of fortune. It is true that even if their ancestors were once in the immortal class, it is undoubtedly an extremely difficult task for the impatiens family who has lost their ethnic habitat It even requires an extremely difficult luck.

"There are countless creatures in the Taixuan Land, and there are ants under the avenue. No one knows whether tomorrow is the calamity of extinction or the fate of heaven, but this drink and peck have cause and effect. This may be the so-called luck of countless monks The reason for being so crazy."

   The still steady voice came from Ye Yi’s mouth, and then he seemed to have thought of something, he directly raised his hand and pulled out a book from the thick pile of intelligence next to him, opened it and continued to speak:

"I just heard you talk about the Feng family, but I remembered the news I saw before. The news said that the Feng family had taken a fleet of ships out to the Taixuan Land Beihai half a month ago. Later, when he returned dingy, although there were not too many casualties, all of the family's children seemed to have lost their souls. People in Linchuan City were all speculating about what happened in Beihai."

As soon as    Yeyi’s voice fell, Dong Yuan’s response sounded below:

"My lord, what you said happened to be heard in the next. It was said that the Feng family went to the Taixuan Land Beihai to participate in the competition for the treasure fishing dragon rod. However, this treasure is very important to the birth of the two immortals, so he participated in the competition. There are countless top powers, and even the land gods and fairyland have appeared one after another."

The scorching sun above the sky in the sea outside Fengxian County, accompanied by Dong Yuan’s narrative, sank directly below the sea level, the sun and the moon rotate, and darkness replaces the light to dominate the whole world, and when the night falls, the originally blue and peaceful sea gradually The discoloration became a bit ferocious, and then the voice from Dong Yuan on the big ship sounded again:

"As far as I know, the Feng family in Fengxian County does not have a terrestrial fairyland, and everyone understands that there is a gap between the sky and the earth between these two realms. A different state of mind, the sense of insignificance facing the entire sky, has a great impact on the minds of the younger generation."

   "You know a lot."

   A voice with a slight smile came from Jin Ingot's mouth, and then the round-shaped Jin Sect Young Master stood up and walked to the edge of the deck, watching the undulating sea surface in the dark.

   There is no bright moon rising over this sea area tonight, so it looks extremely dim, and even as the dark night intensifies, a lot of fog appears.

As the fog rolled, the front view was completely obscured, and then Jin Ingot stretched out his hand and gently grasped the void in front of him. After feeling a gust of wind, he raised his eyebrows and turned around to open his mouth with interest. Road:

   "Dong Xiaozi, the wind is coming, come and listen and see what this gust of wind will tell you?"


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