The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1209: Underwater figure


read2();   The night is ups and downs, and the darkness completely covers the sea outside Fengxian County for a few breaths, and the billowing mist over the sea is also under the action of sea breeze. , Wandering around aimlessly.

  The night is deep and the fog is thick, the big golden ship of the rolling gold sect is like a sharp sword pierced between the two, rushing forward, and exudes an unstoppable vastness.

Regardless of this large ship built with countless cents and treasures, it weighs far more than ordinary ships, but with the addition of various top formations, its sailing speed on the sea is extremely fast, and it only takes a short time. In just one short daylight scene, it has been from Linchuan City and completely deep into the sea of ​​Fengxian County.

As the saying goes, Lin Shen sees the deer, and the sea blue sees the whale. Although this area formed by the aftermath of a **** battle tens of thousands of years ago smashing the land and the day after tomorrow cannot accommodate the existence of ancient giant whales, there are still many sea beasts and big ships. The sea in front leaped out, and then with scarlet eyes, he carefully looked at this shining behemoth.

In fact, the sea area of ​​Fengxian County is not peaceful at this time, especially in the night after the sun goes down, hunting and fleeing are going on all the time, and because of the large number of corpses of monks who died in the battlefield of the ruins a dozen days ago, It also attracted countless predators who were originally hidden in the depths of the ocean surfaced to participate in the competition.

In the Great Profound Land, when a feast of predation was ignited and detonated, it seemed extremely difficult to calm down, and because there were killings in the sea every moment, I looked down from the deck of the big ship. You will see a large number of bubbles emerging from the seabed around the big ship, and among these bubbles, the sea is full of blood.

On the deck of the Big Golden Ship of the Rolling Jinzong, after Jin Ingot made a proposal, he wanted to meet the talented Ye Yi and three of the Impatiens Clan, listening to the wind race, put down the information they were reading, and got up to the edge of the deck. Observe everywhere.

Everyone’s eyes were full of curiosity. After two years of living in the Taixuan Land, which was neither long nor short, Ye Yi and others had a deeper understanding of this world, which was very different from the vast land of China. , I have seen too many strangely talented races, but it is the first time to listen to the wind like Dong Yuan in front of him.

   In fact, in a sense, this talent, called listening to the wind, is somewhat the same as Li Dingshan's talent for listening to the truth. Therefore, the gaze from under Li Dingshan's hood is full of inquiries.

   Then Dong Yuan let out a sigh of relief in full view, and slowly closed his eyes. He understood that in the land of the profound mystery, everything speaks with strength, and only by fully demonstrating his abilities can he realize his ambition and ambition.

At the next breath, a faint misty light gradually appeared from behind Dong Yuan. It was a silver light flowing like water waves. Then a touch of tender green began to appear in front of everyone, and a grass slowly grew out of the silver light. Racial ethics.

   Phoenix Immortal Grass Bloodline Daoxiang!

As Dong Yuan said before, the impatiens clan looks exactly the same as ordinary waterside grasses in the transformation stage for a whole hundred years, and when the impatiens plant completely appeared, it began to swing from side to side. It's like listening to the outside world with ears up.

"got windy."

Along with the words of the gold ingot, a sea breeze rushed out of the thick fog surrounding the big ship, and then directly blew on the deck, blowing everyone's robes together. At the same time, the phoenix fairy behind Dong Yuan The grass road suddenly became clever, and it swayed more violently from side to side.

   It started to listen!

Afterwards, a mysterious power spread outward from the statue of the Immortal Grass Road, and under the effect of this power, the roar of the sea breeze around Dong Yuan's body gradually turned into a human voice vying to tell. .

These narrations belong to the wind, there are males and females, young and old. They are like a lonely person who has been lonely for too long. They finally meet a person who can talk about it, and then they rush to take themselves. All of what he saw and heard was revealed, making the entire deck suddenly become very noisy.

   Human voices were noisy. Under such circumstances, Dong Yuan, who was standing on the edge of the deck, had no choice but to stretch out his hand and press it down, then opened his mouth and gently said:

   "Don't worry, everyone, please tell me one by one."

After    finished speaking, the howl of the sea breeze on the deck suddenly weakened by more than half, then Dong Yuan continued to close his eyes and began to listen carefully to the sound of the sea breeze.

In the ears of Jin Yuanbao and Ye Yi, the sound of the wind was just an ordinary whining sound, but to Dong Yuan's ears, Feng'er was talking about what he saw and heard around him, and some unknown things. An interesting story, followed by the whimper of sea breeze from all directions, a three-dimensional picture around a large ship clearly appeared in Dong Yuan's mind.

"According to the wind, there is no danger in the area where the big ship we are sailing is temporarily in danger. Even because it is night, there is not even a single other ship. About ten miles to the right of my waiting, the sea is full of violent bubbles. , It should be two huge sea beasts fighting for food, and behind us, we are following a large group of extremely hungry wolffish. This wolffish is known as a pack of wolves in the sea and likes to chase the boat, but the big ship I was waiting for was too much It's huge, they can't jump up, wait, there are circumstances!"

   At this point, Dong Yuan's expression changed, and after suddenly opening his eyes, he looked at the left side of the ship sailing, raised his right hand to the thick fog, and then his solemn voice sounded outward:

   "Young Master Jin, the wind blowing from the left just now told me that before thirty breaths, a figure fell strangely on the surface of the sea a hundred miles away.

  As soon as Dong Yuan said this, the eyes of Ye Yi and others suddenly brightened. They all turned around and looked to the left, then squinted their eyes and thought, and with their fingers, the questioning voice of the gold ingot playing with the Taoist ring sounded:

   "Brother Ye, how do you say, do you want to check it out?"

   After the question of the gold ingot fell, Ye Yi did not speak yet, and Li Dingshan's voice surrounded by black robe directly sounded:

   "He didn't lie, and for the figure that suddenly appeared above the sea, I suggest to check it out. There is no reason, just instinct."

   After Li Dingshan's voice fell, Ye nodded his head, who also hid his face under the nightmare division's robe, and the response sounded:

   "Since Dingshan said so, then this matter may have a certain impact on us in the dark."

   After finishing speaking, he stretched out his slender and white right hand, held down the deck railing in front of him, and stared at the dark and misty west in front of him, word by word sounded over the entire deck:

   "Young Master Jin, turn to the west and look for it!"


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