
read2();  "Dong Yuan, why did a figure fall from the sky on this dark night? Could it be that it was a severely injured monk who fell directly from the sky without physical strength? You ask where Are there any other specific details about the wind coming?"

On the deck of the Rolling Jinzong ship, under the instruction of the gold ingot, the whole ship suddenly turned to the west, and at the same time its speed soared, as if it became a mountain-opening axe, directly splitting the dense fog in front of it. Then Dong Yuan closed his eyes again when asked by Jin Yuanbao, and began to continue to use the supernatural power of listening to the wind.

   After a few breaths, he opened his eyes and opened his mouth to respond:

"Master Jin back, I carefully asked about the wind that had just passed by in that area. They said that no one had passed through this area before. This figure appeared directly above the void out of thin air, and then fell to the sea. "

   "That's a weird thing."

The murmur of    continued from Jin Ingot's mouth, then he raised his hand to touch his chubby chin, and continued to speak:

   "Could it be that some kind of void-shifted treasure was used?"

   For the wealthy Jin Jinzong, there is no shortage of precious escape treasures in the weekdays. At this time, Jin Dashao also has many space moving artifacts with similar functions.

   Then, while the gold ingot was thinking about it, he continued to use Dong Yuan to listen to the wind power, and that a little anxious voice sounded in everyone's ears again:

"Young Master Jin, the situation is a bit bad. The figure that fell on the surface of the sea has wounds on its body, and the smell of blood attracts the strange beasts in the sea. Just now, the wind has seen a group of twilight birds heading here quickly. Pounce."

   "It's okay, in the kingdom of the sea, no existence can do things under my nose."

[笔趣阁] Xue Dao, who had rarely spoken before, suddenly opened his mouth, and after his young voice with a little jealousy came out, he stretched out his hand and gently held it in the darkness ahead. In an instant, with this fast-moving ship as the center, the originally slowly rising and falling sea surface suddenly began to boil upwards as if being called by the master of the deep sea.

At the same time, Dong Yuan, who was using the supernatural power of listening to the wind, suddenly opened his eyes. There was a look of astonishment in his eyes. He could no longer hear the words of the sea wind in front of him, because the wind above the sea area in front of him was covered by the sea. Suddenly, an endless suction force was firmly fixed in place.

   After a few hundred breaths, a petite figure floating in the middle of the more turbulent waves along the route of the Golden Rolling Zong ship’s sailing gradually became clear.

The black robe on this figure is tattered, and the whole figure is curled up in one place, like a fragile and helpless child after being frightened. At the same time, a lot of blood gushes out of the figure, even on the former’s body. Around, a small pool of blood formed.

It stands to reason that such a pungent **** smell will surely cause a lot of bloodthirsty sea beasts to fight, and even after a long time, the sea beast's fangs will directly tear the figure into pieces, and the fact is the same, this **** smell Directly attracted sea beasts to gather around, including the dusk bird.

Twilight Bird, one of the water overlord sea beasts in the waters of Fengxian County. It is about one person tall, but its shape is between a bird and a fish. Although it does not have the wings of a bird, it has huge duck webs on its feet, which can be in the sea. The extremely fast swimming, coupled with the extremely sharp beak, is called the sea sting by the local people of Fengxian County.

What’s even more troublesome is that the dusk birds have always hunted together in groups. When they encounter their prey, they will rush forward without fear of death, so that even sea beasts that are dozens of times larger have to retreat. As far as the monks of Fengxian County moving on the sea surface, the most unwilling to encounter is this evening bird.

This fierce beast between birds and fish, in the name of the dusk that brings darkness, is enough to see its cruelty. At this time, under the dense fog, the figure floating on the sea is surrounded by a large number of people. Twilight bird, but the weird thing is that no matter how hard the twilight bird jumps and kills, there will always be a waterspout next to this silhouette to shoot the former directly.

The angry twilight bird will naturally not give up the deliciousness that is in front of you in this way, so it opened its mouth and let out a very harsh roar, and then the other twilight birds around also issued a furious roar, and began to line up with their sharp beaks pointed forward. Immediately afterwards, they all shot forward.

Suddenly, in this North Sea, there seemed to be dense and powerful arrows shot out. At the same time, the sharp roar of the sea was torn through the night. However, no matter how fast these dusk birds are, the waves in front of them are Under the control of this vast will, it once again rises toward the sky, blocking the sharp arrow.

In the next breath, these sea waters converged directly inward into a huge trident, and then the transparent trident shook directly downwards, and a ripple containing the most violent and mighty power of the sea swept outwards instantly, like a nuclear bomb in place Was detonated.

But this violent explosion did not make any sound, everything was silent, and where this shattering ripple passed, everything turned into nothingness, including the twilight bird that turned into sharp arrows. Within, the surrounding large area of ​​sea centered on the figure above the sea surface instantly turned into an exquisite area without any sea beasts.

  Hundred breaths of time passed, and a touch of gold slowly appeared between the darkness and the thick fog, and then a huge ship sailed from afar, and the voice from Dong Yuan on the ship sounded:

   "Masters, this mysterious person is right in front, but the strange thing is, why is there not even an ordinary sea beast around here?"

   Dong Yuan came down with a surprised voice, and a group of people on the deck of the big ship, looking down at the sea below, gradually appeared in the line of sight.

   "The figure is petite, either a child or a woman."

   came from Xue Dao's mouth with a slight stern voice, then he gently raised his hand and tapped a finger, and a big hand of water slowly appeared on the surface of the sea, holding up the entire figure and coming towards the big ship.

   "This figure has made people feel no breath, and I don't know whether it is alive or dead. If it is already dead, I am afraid it will be a waste of work."

   After the voice of the gold ingot fell, he shook his head gently next to him, and the response sounded:

   "Sometimes it doesn't matter whether a person is dead or alive, life is too humble for some other things."

As soon as Ye Yi’s meaningful words came out, the people around them all looked contemplative, and even Dong Yuan felt his heart stunned, but the next breath, everyone who was originally watching the figure in the hand of Water suddenly Turned his head and looked at the dark night sky.

   I saw a loud thumping sound coming from the dense fog, and then the round face of the gold ingot was full of horror, and he opened his mouth and let out a strange cry:

   "One more drop?"

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