
read2();   In the north of the waters outside Fengxian County, because of getting closer and closer to the North Sea, the sea gradually became turbulent, and the waves rushed into the sky, and even the ship of Jinzong reached the other ships. The ten big golden ships all began to turbulence violently.

   In fact, for all the creatures in the Taixuan Land, the further north, the closer to Beihai County, the closer to the boundless chaos.

"High-ranking rulers hate chaos, but there are many people who expect chaos to come. The flow of luck between the world and the earth begins to oscillate in the mutual game of the will of the two parties, but it is clear that this number The Ten Thousand Years Balance is about to be broken, and the chaotic side has won the initiative."

   Inside the cabin of the Golden Gun Sect, a voice from the gold ingot rang, and behind this round-shaped Sect Master, Dong Yuan, who was only about ten years old, followed.

Young Master Jin is just like what he said, his talent for cultivation is extremely poor. Under the supply of the infinite treasures of the Jinzong, he was only able to reach the real state of Tao at this time, but he was born with knowledge. Because of his special talent, he did not hide Dong Yuan behind him, and continued to speak:

"Dong Yuan, do you know that if you talk about the power that hates this chaotic world the most in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, I absolutely have a place in the Jinjin Sect. The Jinjin Sect is a Taiping business, and the strength of the entire sect is completely built on countless cents. Above the wealth, so once in troubled times, the celestial coin is not as good as a steamed bun, then the whole Jin Jinzong will fall directly into the dust."

When Jin Yuanbao’s voice fell, Dong Yuan felt a heavy pressure on his face. He suddenly began to realize that behind the more glamorous and envious the existence of others, there are also far beyond ordinary people can bear. pressure.

"But having said that, the countless creatures in the Supreme Profound Land have different ways of living in different eras. My Jin Jinzong has been able to pass on for so many years, and has experienced the catastrophe of troubled times, but it still survives today, except for luck. Besides, there is also the ability to press treasure with one hand."

As soon as the word "pressing treasure" came out, for some reason, three figures in black robes appeared directly in Dong Yuan's mind. The next breath, Dong Yuan's heart shook slightly, because inside the cabin in front, it just came to mind. The three figures in the middle are already standing beside a big bed in front.

On this big bed, lies a man and a woman who were rescued from the sea last night. Although the breath of the two is sluggish, they can still make people feel a little bit of vitality, which proves that these two people have suffered unimaginably. It was hit hard, but life was harmless.

"Brother Ye, these two are really dead. When they came to rescue them last night, this young master thought they would not survive, especially the woman who was pulled up first. The bones all over her body were almost brittle. Can't survive."

   After the sigh of gold ingot fell, he appeared in front of the bed with Dong Yuan's figure, and then the group watched the wandering Master Duobao and the third prince of the Central Empire, their brows were slightly frowned.

   Then a steady voice came out from Ye Yi’s mouth:

   "These two people have a high level of cultivation, so they can still hang their lives with a thick foundation, but before you rolled the gold sect, some healing medicines also played a lot."

After    finished speaking, Ye Yi sat back on a chair in the cabin, and the gaze from under his hood swept over the embarrassed and unconscious two people, and the voice continued to sound:

"Jin Yuanbao, you will let the person in charge of intelligence in your Jinzong see if you can deny the identities of these two people. I have a hunch that some interesting things may happen before we officially go to Beihai. "

After    Yeyi’s voice fell, Dong Yuan behind Jin Yuanbao poked his head out, and then some hesitating voice came out:

   "Masters, there may be some guesses about the identities of these two people."

   "Oh? Come and listen."

Hearing Dong Yuan’s words, Jin Yuanbao’s face showed a hint of interest. He also moved his round body back and leaned against the golden cabin wall, raised his hand to signal the former to continue speaking, and then Dong Yuan settled down. After a breath, he directly said:

  " You may not know that you are the Linchuan city who just came a few days ago, but some time before the next time, I used the Fengshen power in the city, and the target was the Linchuan city Feng family fleet who had officially returned from Beihai.

   "Because the Feng family's big ship is heavily repaired, and its surrounding area is naturally capable of isolating the flow of strong winds, so I don't know much about it, but the conversation of two young disciples is still heard by a ray of wind."

After    finished speaking, Dong Yuan paused slightly. After organizing the language, his voice continued:

"The content of these two young disciples is about fighting for the treasure of the dragon fishing rod in the depths of the North Sea. Because these disciples are not high in status, there is not much information about the specific internal information, but from just a few words, it is still possible. Know some inside information.

"According to the exchanges between these two people, it can be known that the Feng family, the strongest power in Fengxian County in the depths of the North Sea, has no chance to intervene at all. They can only watch from far away, because the terrestrial fairyland participating in the competition is top There are a total of seven of Daxiu, but not to mention the fight between these powerful abilities standing at the top of the practice world. In this battle, two people have attracted the attention of all the monks.

   "That was the first Master Duobao who obtained the dragon fishing rod from the remains of the battlefield outside the sea area of ​​Fengxian County, and the third prince of the Central Empire who took the initiative to attack the Landing Fairyland on the Beihai battlefield!"

   When the names of these two people in Dong Yuan's mouth appeared, the eyes of the surrounding Jin Ingot and others instantly condensed, and then the Golden Ingot, who knew better about the Taixuan Land, raised his hand to touch his round chin, and said:

   "This Young Master still has heard of the name of the Master Duobao. Let's not hide it from you, most of the treasures of this treasure hunter have entered the pockets of my Golden Sect."

   After finishing the gold ingot, he smiled, patted his waist, and continued to speak:

"The whole world has the financial resources to eat all of its treasures. It is really the best choice for me to go to the Jinzong, but we always thought that the master Duobao was a lean old man, but we did not expect it to be a delicate little girl. , Looks good."

   The color of interest in Young Master Jin’s words became more and more intense. In his line of sight, even though the Master Duobao’s face was bloodstained, his pitiful appearance was still stunning.

   At the next breath, Gold Ingot turned his gaze to the third prince of the Central Empire on the other side, then he got up and squatted down in front of the latter who was in a coma. Just about to speak, the eyes of the third prince below suddenly opened.

   Ao Lie’s opened golden eyes were filled with horror, and then gradually returned to coldness and anger, opening his mouth and let out a low drink:

   "Kneel down!"

   "Kneel down? Did you make this young man kneel down?"

   Young Master Jin smiled furiously, made a fist directly, and swiped the head of the three princes in front of him. At the same time, the voice sounded:

   "If it wasn't for this young master to pull you up from the sea, you were in the belly of the fish early now, what are you arrogant?"

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