
read2();   In the cabin of the big ship that rolled Jinzong towards Beihai County, under the fist of Jin Dashao, the three princes of the Central Empire who just woke up, Yin Lie, just said After a word, he let out a muffled hum, tilted his head, and fell into a coma again gorgeously.

Then the whole cabin suddenly became extremely quiet, especially Dong Yuan, who had just guessed the identity of the two, opened his mouth because he was too shocked, enough to lay three eggs. After a while, the golden ingot came to his mind. Shaking his right hand that was a little tingling from the back shock, he turned his head and let out a scream:

   "Oops, this young man actually beat the emperor of the Central Shangguo, and he is the third child who is known as a lunatic and a brash man!"

  As soon as this said, everyone looked at the sad gold ingots and smiled. Then they noticed the shape and color of the eyes that had just opened Yin Lie. After a few breaths of thought, the voice came out:

   "Fatty Jin, just now I saw that the eyes of the three princes of the so-called Central Empire are golden, which is very rare."

"Brother Ye, it is not only rare, but unique. As an orthodox inheritance of the Immortal Palace, the Yin clan of the Central Shang Kingdom has the strongest ethnic bloodline known to all, the Golden Dragon. Therefore, the eyes of people like the Three Princes are Golden dragon eyes."

After the four words    golden dragon eyes were introduced into their ears, Ye Yi and Xue Dao then glanced at each other, and both saw a hint of unusual meaning in each other's eyes.

  Because of these golden eyes, they are not unfamiliar. Before crossing the boundary city from the vast land of Shenzhou to the Taixuan Land, they also saw golden dragon eyes almost exactly the same as the three princes in front of them.

  The owner of those eyes is called Shanzi, who was once an elite scout of the Dark Assassin Army at the Yulong Pass of Daxia Endless Mountain!

In fact, the deeper Ye Yi and Xue Dao went into the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, the more they discovered that there were inextricable connections between them and the vast land of Shenzhou. The two were in the same vein tens of thousands of years ago, so they are still vaguely connected. There are traces to follow.

"This golden dragon bloodline can be said to be the foundation of the entire central empire's royal family. Its offensive and defensive capabilities are the ultimate in the world. This is also the arrogant and reckless man. After being severely injured by the land gods and eroded by spatial cracks, The reason for waking up so quickly."

  The response sound of the gold ingot at this time still contained a little bit of resentment, then he stood up, collapsed back on the seat, and muttered:

   "I hope this youngest member of the Central Shangguo will not remember the fact that I punched him when he wakes up, otherwise the body of this young man is not enough for him to punch him."

   "Here, I hope so!"

   Dong Yuan, who had been in horror since only then, turned his head and looked at the gold ingot, who was sighing and sighing. His words were stuttering.

   The short-lived tall image that the gold ingot had established in his mind suddenly collapsed, and he suddenly felt that in this coming troubled world, it might not be a safe choice to put himself on top of this rolling gold sect.

   But getting on the ship is easy to get off the ship. Now that I have boarded the jeweled ship of the Rolling Jinzong, I can only bite the bullet and continue to make suggestions. Therefore, Dong Yuan, who was thinking about it, continued to ask.

"My lords, based on the conversations between these two young disciples of the Feng family, the forces that had participated in the war in the North Sea did not give up, and continued to search for the whereabouts of the master Duobao. It can be seen that this woman , Maybe there is a secret."

   After Dong Yuan finished speaking, everyone in the cabin turned their gazes to the Master Duobao, who hugged his chest with their hands. The whole person curled up to one place. Then Jin Yuanbao touched his chin and responded:

"Generally speaking, because of the existence of the Heavenly Enchantment that isolates Beihai County from the outside world, it is almost impossible for the power of space movement to appear directly on the sea surface of Fengxian County from Beihai County, even if it is a respectable person who has the basic power to travel through the void. It’s impossible for them to cross this barrier that blocks air transport, so it’s also weird that the two of them can reach this place directly from the Taixuan Land Beihai."

"What Young Master Jin said is that no one can imagine that these two people will appear in Fengxian County to the south, and in between, a large number of powerful forces at this time are still searching in the North Sea, and our Feng Above the sea of ​​Xianjun, there should be only Feng's family who has come back for repairs.

   Just as Dong Yuan’s words fell, the boat where everyone was on suddenly trembled, and then the middle-aged man wearing meticulous housekeeping clothes stepped in quickly, and his solemn voice came out:

   "Young Sect Master, you need to come out to see if there is a situation. There is a fleet of ships behind us, and it's not good."

   The middle-aged housekeeper's voice fell, and the gold ingot slowly stood up from the seat, and the voice sounded:

   "As soon as we talked about the Feng family, this Feng family came, what a coincidence!"

In the depths of the northern waters of Fengxian County, the billowing waves are constantly undulating, and a scream of cold wind blows from the north, with a stinging edge, and then a lot of deafening roars sounded from above the sea, and it sounded in the blink of an eye. Throughout all directions.

   These roars, like heavy hammers, came from a warship that broke through the waves and swiftly moved forward like a sharp arrow, and the target of the warship was a huge golden ship sailing ahead.

   "Old ancestors, we investigated all the ships that sailed in the nearby waters that night, and confirmed that only the golden ship of the young master of the Rolling Jinzong happened to pass by the vicinity of that spatial fluctuation."

On a battleship in the front of the Feng family fleet, the middle-aged man who commanded all the cultivators of the Feng family spoke. After the voice came out, standing beside him, an extremely old rickety old man raised his head and stared at the touch in front of him. The golden light reflected from the ship asked:

   "I ask again, are you sure?"

The old man’s words were full of solemnity, and with a strong sense of oppression, making the monks around the deck felt a surge of depression before the storm, after all, the three words Rolling Jinzong gave these Feng family’s children the oppression The feeling is not small.

   After a few breaths of silence, the middle-aged chief nodded his head and responded word by word:

"In the sea area where the space fluctuates, we sent the people to search carefully, and we didn't find any traces of being bitten by the sea beasts, so it proved that someone rescued these two people, and the Jin Jinzong is not weak. There must be monks with unusual cultivation levels on the ship, so it is reasonable to be able to perceive this spatial fluctuation.

   "Old ancestors, I can be sure that these two are on the big golden ship ahead!"

   After the terrible voice of the commander of the Feng family fell, the ancestor of the Feng family on the side narrowed his eyes and murmured:

   "But this Jinjin Sect, which is well-known throughout the Great Profound Land, is hard to deal with!"


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