The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1216: Celestial Warrior


read2();  The stern of the big golden ship of the Jinzong, when the unsmiling middle-aged housekeeper, after revealing the vast high-level palm edge master's cultivation aura, stood aside Dong Yuan's youthful face was directly horrified.

   It's really because this housekeeper not only doesn't have the airs of any great monk on weekdays, but he also takes good care of Dong Yuan, who has just arrived, and even does it himself in many ways.

As Jin Yuanbao said, the countless forces in the Taixuan Land are like huge lakes, which seem unfathomable on the surface, but if you don’t really measure it, you won’t know which lake is the deepest. The lake contains the most water.

Behind Jin Yuanbao, the murderous words of the middle-aged housekeeper just fell, and his burly body had disappeared. In an instant, above the void of this sea area, there was a sudden sound of air piercing after being hammered. The roar, the already chaotic Qi machine was suddenly completely disrupted.

At the next breath, before the rest of the Feng family's fleet of cultivators could react, the figure of the Gunjinzong steward appeared directly on the Feng family's battleship. He directly fisted and blasted out against the Feng family cultivator commander. There was a loud sound in the void. Even louder, is a wolf howl!

At the same time, in front of all the monks on the battleship of the Feng family, there seemed to be a roaring wolf that occupied the entire line of sight, with blood clots on the huge sharp fangs, and a strong and **** blood. Wei, almost swallowed the Feng Family Brothers and the boat at once.

   "Supernatural power. Wolf howl!"

Under the impact of such fierce Taoism and supernatural powers, the cultivators of the Feng family directly withdrew a step backwards, stabbing all over their bodies like needles. The Feng family leader who was in front of the supernatural powers felt the most obvious. Under the bombardment of the more pure and more powerful original source wolf howl, he could only wrap his hands around his face, and instantly mobilized the body's original body to the limit. Do defense.

Then, in the void between the two ships of Jin Jinzong and Feng Family, there was a harsh sound of rags being torn apart, and the aftermath of the mighty power generated by the conflict of countless original forces exploded outward, and the sea surface A mushroom cloud rising in the sky appeared.

The strength of the hidden butler of Jin Jinzong is unexpectedly strong, and it is much stronger than the general leader of the Feng family who has reached the palm-line life and death state. Therefore, under the supernatural power of wolf howling, the leader only insists After two breaths, the entire burly body blasted out directly from the warship, turned into a black line in the void, and crashed into the turbulent sea.


After a loud noise, countless splashes of water rose into the sky, followed by a strong aftermath of vigor, pushing the warship where the Feng family members were all back, and after a breath, the ancestor of the Feng family, who was covered in robe and white beard, flew outwards. Lifting his foot and stepping down fiercely, the huge palm edge of birth and death realm opened out, firmly fixing the battleship under him in place, and then the old voice came out:

   "It's worthy of being a wealthy gold sect. A steward can reach the state of being a half-step superior."

   After the Feng family's ancestors finished speaking, the gold ingot standing proudly on the golden boat raised his eyebrows slightly, opened his mouth and responded:

   "Old man Feng, you are not bad, no wonder you have the confidence to come to the young master's unlucky attitude. It turns out that you are cultivated for gain. Not only is the half-step exalted upper realm, but you also reached the upper third level."

"The strong dragon does not suppress the snake. If it is in the inland of the Taixuan land, my Feng family will naturally shrink its tail, but this is Fengxian County. It is the site my Feng family has operated for tens of thousands of years. If there is even a pirate Yu Niye dare not chase after him, so I can't say anything!"

The sound from the ancestors of the Feng family became louder and louder, and then he raised his hand and grabbed forward, and the boiling sea water around the entire battleship was violent countless times in an instant, and then a large chunk of it bulged upward. , As if there is a huge monster about to rush out from under the sea.

   In the next second, the bulging sea water exploded outwards, and a hand of the sky, made of light blue sea water, stretched out directly from under the sea surface, with five fingers spread out and grabbed it downward.

This one has almost enveloped the hand of the sky that most of the big golden boats are on. Not only does it have a pure and vast original power, it even brings a trace of the power of the law, which makes people feel like a whole one. Angry, fell from above.

   "Young Sect Master stepped back a bit, this old man Feng has already practiced at least half a step up to the seventh level of the Land Fairyland, and may even reach the eighth level, and his subordinates may not be able to completely protect your safety."

In front of Jin Yuanbao, the figure of the middle-aged butler after he fisted the Feng family leader into the air once again appeared. Then he watched the giant palm of the sea photographed by Feng family ancestor with all his strength, and unreservedly released it outward. Race bloodline images and realms.

   That is a howling wolf with countless spikes and silver hair!

  While the giant wolf roared, the sky that was already at dusk seemed to be out of the crescent moon ahead of time, and then the extremely cold fog gathered inward to form a huge giant wolf facing the big hand of water.

   "At your age, you can cultivate to such a realm, the old man admires it very much, but in the world of cultivation, age is also part of the cultivation, your half-step land fairyland triple cultivation, can not stop me!"

The ancestor Feng’s low roar continued to resound across the sky, and then the big water hand above the sky was gently squeezed inward, countless sea water swirled directly inward and rose into the sky. In the blink of an eye, it formed a strip that almost penetrated The sky-reaching tornado in the entire sky swept across the ship where the gold ingot was located.

At the same time, on the other warships of Feng's family that surrounded the Jinzong Golden Ship in all directions, all the lights of the runes blasted into the sky, and then the rays formed huge spears aimed at the Jinzongzhi. Man, the violent murderous intent leaned out without hesitation.

  Whether the Feng Family of Linchuan City is the ancestor with the highest cultivation level, or the ordinary child, they all released their fangs in an instant, revealing the most violent murderous intent without hesitation.

   "It's you, old man Feng, who is talking about you, old man, until this time he still put a hat on the head of this young master."

On the golden ship covered by countless murderous intent, the sound of the gold ingot sounded, and then Jin Dashao raised the round left hand that was full of Dao Rings, pulled out a ring from the finger, threw it forward, and the voice continued to spread. Debut:

"If it was two years ago, when this young master was still an ordinary disciple of the Jin Sect, he might still follow your way, but now Lao Tzu is the young master of the Jin Sect. If I were bullied by you, the Jin Sect’s Where to put your face."

   Accompanied by the roar of the gold ingot, this Tao ring that was thrown out was directly brightened, and then the light formed a light and shadow, and at the same time, the extremely violent aura swept outwards, and even pressed the sea.

   "The fairy palace heaven soldiers?"

   After the light and shadow were clear, the ancestor of the Feng family not far away opened his mouth and let out a weird cry, and then the gold ingot took four identical Taoist rings from the remaining four fingers in turn, and the voice continued with a smile:

   "The young man is very angry, so I decided to use the fairy palace heavenly soldiers to kill you!"


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