
read2();  In the ancient fairy palace era, all the creatures in the Taixuan land were under the rule of the immortal emperor. Under the immortal emperor seat, all kinds of cacti rule the heavens and the heavens. , And even personally lowered the penalty to protect Tsuna Chang's rotation.

   However, if you want to control such a huge area of ​​the Supreme Profound Land for countless years, it will inevitably require intrepid force, and one of the most important links is the fairy palace heavenly soldiers thrown out by the gold ingot at this time.

In fact, the so-called Celestial Soldier in the Celestial Palace was originally the general term for the army responsible for the suppression and execution of the punishment in the Celestial Palace. Fighting instinct.

These fighting instincts, which cannot be easily obliterated, are found in the Dao Rings after being searched for by people of later generations. After countless years of refining, they have formed a mental warfare body that can be driven and fight. This is the Feng family The origin of the heavenly soldiers in the fairy palace in the ancestor's mouth.

As for why the ancestor of the Feng family made a strange cry, it is actually not difficult to understand. If you want to be able to form a battle body after death, your cultivation base must be thorough, and even use some engravings in the depths of instinct. The magical power of the fairy palace that has long been lost in the ancient fairy court.

The fact is also true. On the golden ship of the rolling gold sect, after the first light and shadow of the heavenly soldiers appeared, a vast majesty that reached the high-level palm edge birth and death realm in an instant swept outwards, and directly appeared above the void of the sea. An ancient breath.

The whole body of this fairy palace heaven soldier is made up of milky white light. The facial features are not obvious, but the figure is tall. At the same time, the fairy robe is fluttering and upright as loose. After it appears, it is gently held and drawn forward, and a sword of war will be directly Pull out and point straight ahead.

   But the gold ingot did not directly let this Immortal Palace Heaven Soldier directly attack, because as he said, as the young master of the rolling gold sect, after receiving provocation, all he needs to do is to smash the enemy with money and treasures!

The four rings of the heavenly soldiers, which were thrown forward by the gold ingot at a second time, suddenly began to shine after tracing the arc in the void. Then the milky white light burst and opened, and four heavenly soldiers from the fairy palace appeared one after another. The billowing breath turned into an edge that splits everything and pointed straight ahead.

The four swords of war intent were once again drawn from the void, plus the one in the hands of the heavenly soldiers, the five swords flying into the sky, making the face of the ancestor of the Feng family who controlled the tornado storm changed again and again, and then the extremely old man With a light cough, he opened his mouth:

   "Five Immortal Palace Heavenly Soldiers, and among them, the most precious and lethal soul of the Sword Fairy, it is the old man who underestimated you to Roll the Golden Sect."

   "You didn't underestimate the Jin Jinzong, but underestimated the great forces in the inland of the Great Profound Land. After all, it is a corner of peace and is limited by the situation."

   The golden ingot resounded through the clouds with an extremely rare calmness. Then he raised his hand and pointed forward, and the five Immortal Palace Heavenly Soldiers in front of him simultaneously raised their swords and pierced forward.

In the next moment, the ear-piercing sword whistling sounded in everyone's ears. This whistling sound was so sharp that it even directly penetrated the eardrums of some ordinary Feng family disciples. After a muffled grunt, hot blood flowed directly from the ears. Then, immediately after the dusk of the entire sea surface, there appeared five sword lights that pierced the void.

   "The magical powers of sword repair that have been lost in the ancient fairy palace are quite powerful."

On the big golden boat, the color of interest came from Ye Yiyi, and then he and Xue Dao watched these five ways, which are actually thousands of times faster than the silver light visible to the naked eye. A hint of admiration flashed through his eyes.

Under the interweaving of a lot of attention and gaze, these five mighty forward silver edges, like the giant claws torn down by the same behemoth of heaven and earth, even left faintly fragmented spatial cracks in the void. In just a few moments, the tornado storm released by the hand of the Feng family's ancestor Qingtian Deep Blue was smashed into pieces without any hindrance, and then the water burst into the sky, directly forming a heavy rain.

   "The sword fairy of the ancient fairy palace, although only the soul of war will remain, it is still as powerful as a servant!"

   came out of the Feng family ancestor with a slight painful voice, and then withdrew a step back. Under the backlash of supernatural powers, a morbid flush appeared on his face.

   Then the ancestor of the Feng family clenched his fists and pressed his lips to prevent the blood that had been sprayed to his throat from spitting out, but five thin sword marks still appeared on his gully face.

There is also a milky white light flowing in these five sword marks. The light contains the ancient laws unique to the ancient sword immortals. Although slight, for the ancestors of the Feng family, once this law erupts, it is unimaginable Hit hard.

   The ancestors of the Feng family, who have experienced many battles in their lives, naturally knew the strength of this law, so without saying anything, he raised his fingers and slashed his face.

   Hands up and down, flesh and blood flew, Feng family ancestors directly cut off half of the face, and suddenly became like a terrifying ghost.

   "Defense, defense!"

The roar and roar came from the leader of the Feng family who was blasted into the sea by the Jinzong butler, and then it flew out from the bottom of the sea, directly before the Feng family’s main ship, and released its own giant sea beast. In front of the bar.

   After that, the five sword lights pouring out continued to move forward, but they were not in one place and continued to cut down, because facing the Feng Family of Linchuan City, it was not worth the second sword of these immortal palace sword immortals.

After an instant, the five sword lights dispersed in an instant. Except for the one that continued to pierce the main ship ahead, the remaining four flashed in all directions. At the same time, centered on the main battlefield where everyone was fighting, the entire sea surface appeared. Four huge indentations were made.

   These indentations are huge wounds on the sea surface that were torn apart by sword power, and the direction in which this wound was torn outward was all the way to the center of the other ships of the Feng family that fired spears.

   "No good, Commander, this sword light of the Jinzong is aimed at the rest of the ships we are cruising outside!"

On the battleship of the Feng family, the roar of the monk in charge of watching resounded across the sky, but the great commander had no time to take care of the surrounding situation, because in front of him, a sword light seemed to ignore the shackles of time and space, and came bombing likewise .

In fact, compared to the monks on the periphery, this chief is more concerned about the situation of the ancestors of the Feng family behind him, because he deeply understands that once this ancestor who represents the strongest fighting force in the family is unable to fight back, then this time the Feng family The fate of all of his disciples will undoubtedly be extremely miserable.

The commander of the Feng family just wanted to look back at the injuries of the ancestors of the Feng family, but the sword beam with a long silver tail pointed directly at the center of his eyebrows. The next moment, a deafening loud noise came out. After this loud noise, One after another, after the outer warship was cut apart, it roared into the sky like firecrackers.

   The countless seas of the entire sea rushed to the sky under the raging of five ancient sword fairy sword lights, and then turned into a heavier heavy rain.

   In the heavy rain, the Feng family leader shouted hoarsely, and at the same time the battleship he was on was chopped by Jian Mang for thirty miles!


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