The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1218: It's nice to have money


read2();   Outside Fengxian County, the scorching sun sank half way below the sea level, and the light above the sky also became dim, but in this gradually dense night, the sharp swordsmanship pours in all directions. , The heavy rain made up of countless sea water leaped down.

   The changes on this sea area took place too quickly. From the five ancient swordsmen forward, the sword was out, and then the entire sea surface was turned upside down. The Feng family warship was stood in fragments. In fact, only a few dozen breaths had passed.

   The pouring sea rain fell on the Golden Rolling Zong ship, and was finally isolated by the barrier released from the ship, and then inside the barrier, a voice from Dong Yuan sounded in shock:

   "Young Master Jin, in this rain composed of sea water, there is actually the stump of the Feng family's child with a broken arm."

   "This is normal, because the annoying Feng family warships on the periphery have been chopped into countless pieces by Jian Mang."

   After Dong Yuan's voice fell, the voice from the gold ingot sounded again. At this time, standing proudly on the bow of the ship, watching the gold ingot on the **** sea in front of him, his face was as normal, and his eyes were full of indifference.

   In fact, in the past two years, for the original slightly weaker gold ingot, he has almost undergone a completely reborn change, and he has seen a lot of scenes even more **** than this time on the sea.

  There are so many Daozi-level children of the Jinzong who want to step on their heads to climb to the position of this young sect leader. Although with the help of Yeyi and others, if the gold ingot itself is an incompetent straw bag, it is no use.

The sound of wailing from the Feng family’s children from all directions, accompanied by the sound of crackling falling rain, came to my ears, and then the gold ingot raised his right hand and waved forward, rolling on the golden boat, the five milky white rays of light lingered The Immortal Palace Heavenly Soldier immediately took the sword and stood, while the sword energy that was originally scattered in the void instantly dissipated.

   At the next breath, the entire sea area fell into a strange silence, and then stepped forward. Dong Yuan, who stretched out his head to see more clearly, continued to murmur:

   "I don't know how the Feng family ancestor is on the battleship. Will it be torn to pieces by the sword light like those on the periphery?"

"How can it be so easy? There are still two palm-line birth and death masters on that ship, and that old man Feng's cultivation base is half-step-sovereign-three-level, it can be said that half of his foot has already stepped on that world. It’s impossible for the bridge to be unable to catch a single sword light."

   It was not Jin Yinbao who responded to Dong Yuan's question, but the middle-aged butler who made the shot at the beginning. Then the Jin Yinbao in front of the two put a smile on his mouth, and then said:

   "However, under the sudden action of the soul of the five ancient sword immortals, this polite and liar old Feng is not well. It is estimated that besides anger, there is regret in his heart at this time."

After the sound of the gold ingot fell, the middle-aged butler, who did not put away the silver wolf statue behind him, still condensed the breath of his body to the peak, after a few breaths of hesitation flashed on the ordinary face, he continued to speak:

"Master Jin, there is one thing I want you to pay attention to. We have been circulating this sentence in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm. Never press or underestimate a half-step noble upper realm, because every one who embarks on a three-fold overhaul will There is one final hole card."

   The middle-aged housekeeper's words just fell, the gold ingot in front of him nodded, and the response sounded:

   "This young master knows that, forcibly breaking through the border, stepping on the bridge between heaven and earth at the cost of his life, and bursting out the power of a short-term land fairyland."

  Gold ingots have just finished speaking, the sea rain rushing down in the sky gradually stopped, and then the bright moonlight shone down, illuminating this sea area ravaged by sword light.

Behind the big ship where the Rolling Jinzong was located, the main battleship of the Feng family was bombarded. It was as if it had been hit by a hurricane. It was devastated. Not only the main mast broke and fell, and even the surface of the hull with runes was drawn. , All under the sweep of Jian Qi, shocking scars appeared.

At the same time, on the deck of the battleship, a disciple in Feng's robes lay down on the ground and wailed. The only people on the battleship who did not fall were two people. .

   Kneeling on one knee, the Feng family leader, with **** hands, and the Feng family ancestor who stood rickety with half of his cheek cut off by himself!

At the moment when the sword light was directly bombarded, the ancestor Feng, who had shaved his face and defended himself, struggling again at the last moment, using the few laws and auras in his body to mobilize the sea water in front of him to form a barrier. It would not allow the warship under him to be directly smashed like those on the periphery.

The bright moonlight sprinkled from the sky on the ghost-like face of the ancestor of the Feng family, making most of his missing face even more terrifying. Then an extremely heavy breathing sounded from the former's mouth, and the whole body was bathed. The moonlight without temperature made the old man feel extremely cold.

Above the sea, the surviving monks of the Feng family screamed for help and wailing continuously. After a long breath, Feng family ancestors shook his body, stretched out his left hand and held down one knee beside him, kneeling on the shoulder of the commander, weird The hoarse voice came out:

   "Within a short period of breath, ninety percent of my Feng family's ninety-nine cultivators will be wiped out. Sovereign Jin Shao is really a good method. After all, this local snake can't beat the strong dragon!"

The voice that came from the ancestors of the Feng family, although there was no obvious emotion, still made people hear a trace of loneliness, and then the middle-aged leader who had been cut out by the sword light all over his body coughed out. After the blood, struggling to stand up, the voice came out:

   "Old ancestors, I can still fight!"

   "The gap is too big, don't struggle."

   The hoarse and harsh voice continued to be heard from the ancestors of the Feng family, and then he continued to turn his gaze to the front and stood on the deck of the big golden ship. The extremely indifferent gold ingots opened his mouth and let out a roar in front of him:

   "This time it's the old man and I am confused. I underestimated the power that occupies the rich and fertile counties in the hinterland. But the troubled times are approaching. If my Linchuan Feng family does not fight, it is the difference between early death and late death!"

   "You can see it clearly, but you have said it is a fight, then you are doomed to die in nine deaths, and in the opinion of this young master, you have chosen the wrong target."

  The sound of gold ingots lingered in the sky, and then the ancestor of the Feng family, who was breathing harder and harder, fixed his eyes on the big ship of the rolling gold sect in front, his eyes full of unwillingness.

  He has enough reasons to feel unwilling. As one of the highest level practitioners in Linchuan City and even Fengxian County, he has not been able to make his best out from beginning to end, but he has been directly suppressed.

   The gold ingot fulfilled his previous words, and with only one heavy treasure, it smashed a ten thousand-year-old family with no temper and fell apart.

   Then Jin Yuanbao looked at the ancestor of the Feng family who looked like a ghost in front of him, and casually raised his other hand, gently rubbed the other five Dao Rings on his fingers, and said lightly:

   "It's nice to have money."

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