
read2();  [Literature Museum] As the saying goes, no matter how the world changes, the sun and the moon will still flow as usual, and no one can stop the long river from rolling forward.

   The sea outside Fengxian County, with the passage of time, is like a round moon like a silver millstone, leaping out of the sea and rising above the sky, while sprinkling the moonlight like mercury.

   Under the moonlight, the big golden ship from the Rolling Jinzong floats on the surface of the calming sea, and behind the golden ship is the dilapidated Master Feng's ship.

Undoubtedly, as Jin Yuanbao said before, this time the Feng family’s heavy punches found the wrong opponent and hit the iron plate with one punch. Instead of smashing it through, even his own bones and flesh and blood were completely destroyed. Shattered.

The Wannian family was wiped out overnight in their own hands, which is enough to show how regretful Feng family ancestors were at this time, but in this naked world, there is no pity at all, and then this only half of his cheek is left. The ancestor of the Feng family opened his mouth to the front after breathing heavily and was silent for nearly ten breaths:

   "Sect Master Jin, this is the end of the matter, the old man, I don't say anything else, there is only one request, the old man can die, but I also hope that you will not rush to kill, and leave my Feng family with the last trace of incense."

   After Feng's ancestor finished speaking, he raised his leg and took a difficult step forward. Drops of blood dripped from his cheeks, dripping onto the deck, and then continued to add:

   "In this battle of the Feng family, there is no one out of ten combat power. You are a wandering dragon in the sky, and the little incense left in the Feng family will not pose a slight threat to you, the young master."

   "Old man Feng, you can be considered alive for so long anyway, and now you are bullying this young man who looks like a fat man, kind-looking and talkative?"

   Before the words of the ancestors of the Feng family, the voice of the gold ingot resounded directly across the sky, and then the mellow young master Jin shook his head very seriously, and the words continued to be heard:

"Even though I think I am stupid, I still understand the truth of slashing the grass without getting rid of the roots and the endless disasters. In fact, when it comes to the education of being a human being, the other disciples of the hidden Sejong sect are really no match for me. of.

   "Because the rest of the people are cultivating their understanding of the principles of the Great Dao, and when I go to the Golden Sect, I am cultivating yellow and white things, and people who cultivate are full of attitudes."

   As the gold ingot spoke, its voice became louder and louder, and finally turned directly into a roaring forward, even with a hint of inexplicable aura.

After rushing toward his face, the ancestor of the Feng family also shook his head, straightened his rickety body, raised his right hand, and slapped the body of the leader of the Feng family next to him, making it too late to speak. He was shot flying directly from the big ship, and plunged into the dark and cold sea.

   Then the terrifying old man, his eyes collided with the sight from under the gold ingot horn helmet, and opened his mouth and said:

"Sect Master Jin, I'm not talented, and my cultivation is still considered diligent so far. Therefore, my cultivation has reached the eighth stage of the land fairyland, but he has not dared to set foot on the ninth moon wheel. Close to that dream bridge of heaven and earth.

   "Old man, I am too old, I think it is impossible to step on that bridge again, but I still hope that the young master will know that I still have the last fight."

   "Old man Feng, are you threatening me for the second time?"

The voice of Jin Yuanbao's words was cold and angry, and then the five Immortal Palace Heavenly Soldiers standing in front of him once again held their swords forward, and the sound of sword howling suddenly resounded through the sky, and even the dim void was directly lit up. Several points.

"Sect Master Jin, I admit that these five or more ancient sword immortals in your hand have the supreme power to destroy the dead, but I want to step on that bridge just within a single thought, and even if I force my life and die after breaking the boundary Dao Xiao, the old man can still be that ten breath god."

   The hoarse voice came from the ancestor Feng's mouth, and then he opened only half of his mouth, and continued to growl forward:

"There is a huge difference between the land gods and the palm edge birth and death realm. Even if there is only ten breaths of time, you can't kill Young Master Jin, you can at least kill most of the people around you, so I hope Young Master will think twice. Those surviving children of the Feng family have a way to survive."

When Feng family ancestors roared with the word “think twice”, the faces of Dong Yuan and others on the big ship of the rolling gold sect changed in unison, and the middle-aged butler, who had been condensing his momentum to the peak, stepped directly to the side. , Resist the body in front of the gold ingot.

The enshrined monks on the big ship of the rolling gold sect clearly know the power of the land fairyland. Under the power of the law, they are as small as facing the sky. This is also clear to the gold ingots that arm themselves to the teeth. However, under the threat of the ancestors of the Feng family, Jin Da Young had no worries or fear on his face.

   "Old man Feng, the young master has been talking to you about the pattern, but in the end, you are still uncarving."

  Gold Ingot's subsequent response sounded with complete indifference, and then he took a deep look at the Feng family ancestor below, and his voice continued:

"In the inland of the Great Profound Land, clamoring like you to break the realm forcibly, the mangy dogs with dead fish and nets are really disgusting, so for you, there is a hidden world who has made a very expensive and expensive The thing is called the lock celestial ball."

Just as the words of the gold ingot fell, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it forward, and a small, extremely inconspicuous black ball was directly held in his hand, and then the pupils of the ancestor Feng family shrank inward, which was incredible at first. , And then directly turned into panic.

   In the next instant, the ancestors of the Feng family directly summoned the bridge of heaven and earth, trying to step on the nine heavens and forcibly breaking through the realm. However, what made his heart suddenly cold was that the bridge of heaven and earth with flowers and fruits did not appear.

   Then the ancestor of the Feng family suddenly raised his head, only to see the void above his head, and the rolling black fog formed a small cover, just covering the former.

   "Locking the celestial sphere can lock the heavens and the earth to induce ten breaths. With less sovereign, subordinates are confident to kill this Feng family ancestor within ten breaths."

  'S determined voice came from the middle-aged housekeeper, but there was a younger voice earlier than him:

   "Come on, I haven't touched it for a long time, some hands are itchy."

   Then everyone turned their eyes to the front, because when this voice sounded, a figure in a black robe appeared in front of the ancestor of the Feng family.

   In contrast to the sluggish body of the ancestor of the Feng family, Xue Dao's upright body almost enveloped the front of the former, and then the old man raised his head in the eyes, and there appeared a pair of pure black eyes like the night.

   "It turned out to be human, human."

   A shocking thought flashed through the Feng Family Patriarch’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, but the thought had not yet fallen, and Xue Dao’s raised left hand had already patted the former's head.

   At this time, what Xue Dao photographed with his left hand is an entire deep and violent deep ocean!

   After blinking, the bow of the main Feng’s warship sank violently, and the stern was tilted up at an extremely exaggerated angle, causing the entire ship to stand upright.

At the same time, all the creatures in the sea within a hundred miles of Xue Dao, whether they were sea beasts or the children of the Feng family who fell into the water, and even the leader of the Feng family who had just been shot flying, were all shaken out of the sea and floated. Above the void.


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