The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1220: Silver Night Forest


read2();   Deep in the north of Fengxian County, that inaccessible sea area, with the palm of Xue Dao's hand, in the senses of all the onlookers, time seems to be at this moment, infinite Stretched, thus becoming fuzzy.

In this vague time, they saw the Feng family’s master ship turned upside down and saw the monks and sea beasts under the sea being completely shaken into the void, and they could even clearly see the Feng family leader’s face. On the face of weakness and horror.

   This is a mysterious and mysterious state!

However, it may be an instant, or it may be longer. In the eyes of all the monks on the Gold Rolling Zongjin ship, all the creatures that are pierced in the air and are constantly pierced in the air are wrapped in strands of dark blue water at the same time, and then these tentacles The lines of the general law shrank inward, and the inner spirits turned into blood foam and exploded.

   All the disciples of the Feng family were all annihilated in an instant!

   Then everyone turned their eyes to the ancestor of the Feng family under Xue Dao's palm, and then opened their mouths and exclaimed.

I saw in front of Xue Dao, the ancestor of the Feng family with his eyes firmly open. The remaining half of his mouth opened, trying to make a roar, but he couldn't make any sound. At the same time, he tried his best to go to Fang Tian. Make contact, to summon the bridge between heaven and earth, but under the isolation of the lock sky and black fog, everything is in vain.

   After a breath, countless sea water gathered inward to form a huge murloc mouth and opened, swallowing the Feng family ancestor and the main battleship from top to bottom. After chewing for a few times, there was no bones left.

The whole area of ​​the sea fell into the audible silence of needle falling. Everyone on the golden ship of the Jinzong Jinzong was completely motionless as if they had been put down with magical powers. After a long time, Xue Dao, who was covered in a black robe, returned. After reaching the big ship, all the talents slowly recovered, and then Dong Yuan took a sharp breath and muttered:

   "This Feng, the Feng family is gone?"

   Dong Yuan’s horror was beyond words, in fact, no one at the scene knew the Feng family in Linchuan city better than Dong Yuan, because he was still in the grass-to-grass stage and stayed in the Feng family’s backyard for a hundred years.

In fact, Dong Yuan had not thought of joining the Feng family directly, but after being turned away from several trials, he could only wander outside looking for opportunities, but unexpectedly witnessed the destruction of the Feng family with his own eyes. So easy, in just a short while.

   "This is the land of the primordial mystery. No matter how many years you have inherited it, it will be destroyed day and night. The change of power is the normal state."

After seeing Dong Yuan’s complex emotions tumbling, meaningful words came from Jin Yuanbao’s mouth, and then his chubby body suddenly became taller in Dong Yuan’s mind, but at the next breath, Jin Yuanbao continued. The words of the opening once again shattered the image that had just been erected:

"Loss, this young master of this blood loss, for this little Feng family, not only used five Immortal Palace Heavenly Soldiers, but even the chain celestial sphere was consumed. The total amount of money consumed adds up to buy three The Feng family is more than enough!"

   In the wailing of gold ingots, there is a pain in the flesh, which can make the young master of the infinite wealth of gold rolling feel distressed, which is enough to show how rare and precious the treasure smashed by the gold ingot this time.

   "Start, continue north!"

   Half a quarter of an hour later, accompanied by a shout from the middle-aged butler, the big ship where the Jinzong people were on set off again, riding the wind and waves mightily and continuing north.

Then the moonlight above the sky, sprinkled on this sea surface just after the fierce battle, sparkling waves appeared, and on the sea surface shortly after the departure of this golden sect, you could even hear the gold ingot. The distressed gurgling sound during dinner, but where everyone can't see or hear, the wailing sound belongs to the wailing after the death of life, resounding through the world!

Heaven’s secrets have not completely begun to chaos, but under this moonlight, in the vast and vast area of ​​Taixuan, countless creatures die every minute and every second, and at the same time, it seems like a pair of hands, driving away one by one on this land. The forces, with the most elite monks under their command, rushed to the north one after another.

In the eastern part of the Taixuan Land, several extremely fertile counties guard the Dongsheng Plain, forming the Qingzhi Kingdom, one of the four great kingdoms. The center of the Qingzhi Kingdom is the vast dense forest where the Shumei clan lives. Dongsheng County.

It is also the core area of ​​Qingzhi Nation. Countless barren ancient trees that have survived countless years grow densely on the fertile soil of the plain. At the same time, the incomparable ancient Qi permeates the entire void. Once in it, there is a kind of deep life. Feel like the sea.

Dongsheng County is undoubtedly the place with the richest vitality in the entire Taixuan Land, and the Shumei clan in the Qingzhi Kingdom has always been good at it, and rarely participates in disputes, making this endless stretch of barren ancient jungle, which can be seen by the rest of the creatures in the Taixuan Land. It is extremely mysterious, and almost no foreigners can step into it.

Dongsheng County, one of the 108 prefectures in the Taixuan Land, has a huge area. If someone browses the entire Dongsheng County from above the sky, they will find that every inch of this land is covered by various At the same time, a large number of forest life inhabit the forest, especially at night, countless life elves like fireflies, very playfully flying out of the body of ancient trees, flying all over the sky, competing with the stars in the sky.

This is one of the most beautiful scenery in the Taixuan Land, and if you look at the center of Dongsheng County, you will find a touch of silver in the vast green sea, and this silver is round, as if A star-like eye appeared in the forest of Dongsheng.

Among the Four Great Kingdoms, Qingzhi Kingdom is the only one that does not set up a city, because for the Shumei clan who can freely shuttle among the thousands of years old trees in the Dongsheng jungle, as long as they have the power of the mother of the jungle The place under the cover is the city, and every big tree in the sky that goes straight into the sky is equivalent to a house in the city.

As for how to tell whether these ancient trees have been given the gift of divine power by the mother of the jungle, just observe whether there are silver gift runes on the surface. This is also the origin of the silver forest in the center of Dongsheng County, because it is the closest In the worship courtyard and the temple of the Mother of the Jungle, the ancient trees that are as high as the sky are all wrapped in dense silver patterns. Under the moonlight, they shine with breathtaking beauty.

   This sea of ​​silver trees is undoubtedly the core ancestral home of the Qingzhishang Kingdom and the Shumei clan. Over 70% of the trees are convenient for growing, living, and reproducing in the place closest to the mother of the jungle.

   At the same time, there has been a name admired by all the people of Qingzhi Kingdom since ancient times.

   Silver Night Forest!


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