The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1221: Girl two years later


read2();  The bright moon hangs high, the light pouring down from the huge jade hook, shining on the vegetation of the entire Dongsheng County, just like the catkin of the mother of the jungle, tenderly Brush every citizen.

   For the Qingzhi Country Shumei Clan, the most important thing in the entire world is light.

  Light is the source of life for all Qingzhi Guo Ziming, and the role of sunlight and moonlight is also completely different.

In the center of Dongsheng County, the Silver Night Forest, known as the Silver Star Eyes, is named because under the water and moonlight, the surface of the barren ancient trees whose trunks and branches are covered with countless silver patterns will face The light exhaled and inhaled outside, illuminating the whole direction at the same time, it also made the surrounding void, shrouded in misty silver light.

   The outermost part of the Silver Night Forest, quiet and peaceful, in the dim light, the creatures that whisper in the day may fall into a deep sleep, or practice cross-legged to absorb the essence of the moon.

Because this place is exactly at the boundary between the Silver Night Forest and the outer forest, the silver light that flashes from the surface of the ancient tree is much weaker than the center. If you look at the center from the top of the tree, You will be horrified to find that there is a silver mountain directly in front of you.

   "It's such a magnificent wonder of the world, even if you watch it a thousand times, ten thousand times, you will still be deeply shocked."

On the trunk of the ancient tree outside Silver Night Forest, a young and mellow voice of praise sounded, and then the young man sitting under the tree house leaned back and changed to a more comfortable position before continuing. Staring at the front, at the same time, with a branch in his hand, drew on a wooden board.

On the wooden planks in the hands of the young people, the wonders of the silver mountain in the sea of ​​trees ahead are gradually outlined, not only lifelike, but even with a trace of extremely ancient charm, at the same time, against the silver light, this young man who is painting Human, with a heroic and handsome face, and the sword eyebrows rising to the sky, just like the windward feather that the overlord sky race is most proud of.

   Although the two-year period is neither long nor short, it is enough to allow a young man to gradually mature. At this time, You Tianya, who is painting, will undoubtedly show the character of heroism and exquisiteness.

   When the moon was in the sky, the life elves danced around You Tianya with silver light, and then the young man who was painting stopped slightly with his right hand, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said:

   "Ms. Qingtian came to me so late, are you afraid that the sacrificial house will send someone to arrest you and go back to confinement?"

As soon as You Tianya's words fell, a branch of the silver light above his head suddenly began to fluctuate. Between the shining silver light, a petite figure slowly emerged, and then the young girl Qing Tian lying flat on the branch, Green curly hair dropped from above, and the air seemed to be filled with a very fresh fragrance.

   "This time you don't have to worry that this lady will be caught back and go to confinement, because I escaped from confinement."

   After the crisp response fell, the young girl Qing Tian raised her hand and held it down, her whole body leaped into the air vigorously, and then fell in front of You Tianya, with emerald green eyes watching the latter, and continued to speak:

   "I said You Tianya, you sit here to paint every night, what's your name?"

   "The eldest lady should know that her dream is to be a poet who travels through the entire Taixuan land. At this time, it is fortunate to be so close to the legendary Qingzhi Country Silver Night Forest. Naturally, it is necessary to record it well."

   After a voice of admiration came from You Tianya's mouth, the young man put down the silver tree branch in his hand and continued to speak:

"How can the world know that in the depths of the jungles of Dongsheng County, there is such a silver mountain that can reach the sky completely. If you use local words, it will naturally not be able to express one percent of its majesty. Finally, I wondered if I could use a picture scroll. Copy it down.

   "It's a pity that I am not a member of the Qingzhi Guoshumei clan. Although I have the guarantee of the eldest lady, I still can't get close to this mountain and take a closer look."

   "This mountain itself is actually just taller, bigger old trees."

After    finished speaking, the young girl Qing Tian flicked her hair and looked forward as well, and the voice went on to say:

"The gift from the mother of the jungle radiates outward from the temple in the center of the front. The more trees that receive the gift, the higher the growth. Therefore, descending from high to low, it looks like a growing tree. The peaks of the clouds."

   "True is the creation of heaven and earth."

   You Tianya once again uttered a compliment, and then he seemed to have thought of something, his handsome face gradually became serious, and he asked Qing Tian in front of him:

   "Miss, you have escaped from the confinement of the sacrificial house this time, could it be?"

  You Tianya’s questioning has not yet subsided, and the girl who glowed in the moonlight nodded, and then followed with a little triumphant response:

   "You are right, after this period of hard training, this lady has completely crossed that layer of shackles a few days ago and reached a new realm!"

After the girl Qingtian finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and held it forward. The old tree under the two of them suddenly let out its silver light, and then the huge branches around them seemed to have heard the call of the former. The power of the origin radiated from Qingtian's petite body, and then the girl's crisp voice continued to sound:

   "It's no wonder that everyone in the world says that there is a level of realm and a level of heaven, and this lady has completely different feelings about her surroundings."

After    finished speaking, the eldest lady squeezed both fists forward, and the branches under the feet of the two began to slowly rise towards the sky, then You Tianya got up, bowed to the front, and said:

   "Congratulations to the eldest lady for becoming the master of the palm-line birth and death realm, and since then she has become a human being, and gallops in the land of the supreme metaphysics."

   "Stop these polite remarks, you know Miss Ben doesn't like to listen to this."

   was born with a petite body, and only waved his hand to Qing Tian, ​​who was on the shoulder of You Tianya, before continuing to speak:

   "You Tianya, do you remember what happened in Shenxiancheng, Beihai County two years ago?"

   "I grew up in Shen Xiancheng since I was a child, and I dare not forget everything I experienced two years ago."

  You Tianya lowered his head, and after the sound of a thundering response came out, the color of astonishment in his eyes became more and more intense, and the question continued to spread:

   "Miss, do you mean to go back to the old place?"

   "When I left Shen Xiancheng, this lady told you that everything is not over yet, and there are no two words of failure in this lady's dictionary. Naturally, I have to go back."

After   , a confident smile appeared on Qing Tian’s delicate and pretty face, and the heroic voice continued to sound in the night sky of this silver night forest:

   "How could this lady forget that Yan Jueguo's insidious gangsters sneaked on my back? It's time to settle this account!"


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