The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1222: Fight the North again


read2();  The moon is in the sky, the silver light is vast, people standing at different heights, looking at the bright moon above their heads, the senses are completely different, and at this time standing in the silver night of the towering ancient trees Above, Qing Tian and You Tianya, who are rising to the sky more and more, the full moon on the sky seems to be in front of you, within reach.

The gift of the Mother of the Jungle makes these ancient trees that gather in the Qingzhi Kingdom temple taller, and these tall trees can absorb more sun and moon essence, and thus become stronger. With this cycle, the gap gradually enlarge.

   The strong are stronger, and the weak are weaker!

   This is the origin of the Tongtian Mountains in the Silver Night Forest of Dongsheng County, and it is also the most intuitive embodiment of the basic law of natural selection in the entire Taixuan land.

Under the will of the young emperor and many measures, every citizen can be promoted according to the dynasty examination, academy, etc., to stand higher in the vast land of China. However, in the land of supreme profoundness, the weak It is undoubtedly more difficult to stand up.

   In this naked world, the only way to become stronger is to embezzle the rest of the people's luck, step on the bones, and fight for more opportunities.

   "In the land of Tai Xuan, human life is the least valuable thing."

A faint voice came from Miss Qingtian's mouth, and after two years of hard practice, the young girl's emerald eyes were shining with mature wisdom, and then the girl stared at the upper half of the sky. Mingyue, the voice continued to spread:

   "It's not a few days since the North Sea Fate Conference that lasted two years. I count it as a day. If I don't leave again, I'll wait too late."

   Qingtian finished speaking, turned to look at You Tianya with a solemn face, and continued to ask:

   "In two years, plus the support of the spirit fruit holy medicine of my Qingzhi Nation, you should be able to fly, right?"

   "The eldest lady has broken through the shackles. I naturally can't hold back when I travel around the world. Although I haven't really flew, I have already felt the strong call of the sky to me."

  You Tianya's response sounded with full confidence, and then he turned and ran to the wooden house that had been living behind him. The voice came out:

   "Miss, wait a minute, I'll get something next time."

   As you traveled to Tianya and returned to the tree house to pack things, under the moonlight pouring down like mercury, Miss Qing Tian's pretty figure stood straight on the branches that were still rising.

Then he lowered his head slightly and fixed his gaze at the silver awns emanating from the old trees below. Just as the girl said to Yeichi before, the Mei Clan of Qingzhi Guoshu cannot lack light, because the billowing darkness will burn them. Skin.

Therefore, whether it is a bright sunny day or a night when Qionggou hangs high, the forest of Silver Night is always bright, and then Qing Tian bathed in light, a trace of longing flashes in her eyes, red lips Weiqi, said a voice that only oneself can hear:

   "I haven't seen the real dark night for a long time, are you okay and where are you now?"

This inaudible voice gradually faded with the wind, then Qing Tian stretched out his right hand and grasped forward lightly, as if he wanted to touch the ubiquitous billowing night around him, and at the same time the color of longing in his eyes became thicker. .

   After a breath, in the girl's mind, the memories of the dark night began to emerge continuously, and the young and steady voice, even after so many days and nights, still appeared in her ears clearly:

   "From today, the night will no longer hurt you."

   "For some reason, this lady misses the night a little."

The low voice continued from Qing Tian's mouth, and then in his eyes, the wisps of silver light in front of him seemed to condense into an extremely tall figure wearing a large robe, the figure still has dark eyes as deep as night. .

   "We will meet again sooner or later, Yasi Cheng!"

   The girl's murmur fell. Suddenly, Qing Tian walked back behind You Tianya and asked, pulling back the former thoughts:

   "Miss, what night?"

   "It's nothing, this lady meant to take advantage of the dark night, hurry up and head north."

After    finished her words, the girl calmly put away the strangeness in her eyes, then turned her head and looked at a rucksack that You Tianya straddled on her back, with a slightly surprised voice coming out:

   "You came back so soon, but you have already cleaned up before?"

"Miss, let’s just tell you that, seeing this so-called North Sea Opportunity Conference is about to begin, I think that Miss will definitely take action in the near future, so I packed up things in advance. In fact, there is nothing else in it, just some A picture scroll made by Qingzhi."

After You Tianya finished speaking, he raised his hand and patted the cloth bag full of scrolls, raised the corner of her mouth to show a smile, and then Miss Qing Tian nodded, raised her hand directly and threw out a dark green robe, gently After shaking, draped over his petite body.

The surface of this robe is unremarkable, but there are countless silver leaf runes in it. The moment after putting it on, it directly conceals the breath of Qing Tian's body cleanly, and it feels like a dead tree without any breath. , Is one of the treasures of Qingzhi Kingdom, the Wizard of Oz Robe.

After adding the robes of the Wizard of Oz, Qing Tian continued to raise his hand to the front. The branches and leaves of the old tree under him turned more violently at this moment, carrying the two of them towards the sky at a very fast speed, and at the same time low. A low voice came from the girl's mouth:

   "Get ready to travel the world!"

As soon as Qing Tian’s shout fell, this ancient branch from the sky was violently thrown toward the sky. With a low howl that tore the void, You Tianya and the girl were thrown towards the sky and the moon at the same time, and if anyone was far away If you look around, you will find that two small figures appeared on the bright moon.

And at the next breath, one of the figures suddenly swelled outwards, and at the same time, two pairs of huge wings spread to the sides, and then one feather was covered on it. It took just a few blinks to directly Become a Sky Overlord Yu Tianweng who occupies more than half of the sky.

After two years, You Tianya once again revealed his body, and this time, his wings were completely undamaged, and then his four wings opened up to embrace the call of the sky. At the same time, the wind over the Silver Night Forest looked like At this moment bursts of cheers were emitted to celebrate the return of the Son of the Sky.

   "Traveling around the world, all the way north, this time this lady will not let anyone bully her head!"

On the back of You Tianya, the eldest lady who was sitting cross-legged in a robe of the Wizard of Oz looked solemn, and the earthly and vocal words came from her mouth, and then You Tianya, who was standing in the air below, slammed its four wings, and the sky and the earth blew up with violent winds, even void The air bubbles were torn into a huge wound.

   "The wind is surging, and we will fight again in the North!"

After    finished speaking, You Tianya carried Miss Qing Tian, ​​and disappeared instantly.


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