
read2();   On both sides of the wide central avenue of Shenjingcheng, the beast oil street lamps specially made by the Ministry of Industry radiated bright light outward in the cold winter night, and then these lights passed through The window of the carriage that was moving forward quickly left patches of flares in the carriage.

The orange-red flares of light lit up in Li Chunfeng’s old eyes, as if two groups of flames were burning. Then the former raised his hand and gently opened the carriage curtain beside him, staring backwards on both sides of the street. Wanjia's lights, which quickly receded, said:

"Do you know that when the old man was young, he often took a carriage on this central avenue to the Baidi Palace, but at that time, on a winter night when the moon rose, the lights on both sides were almost extinguished. There is no sea of ​​lights as it is now, and there are no bright street lights on both sides.

   "So the old man would feel a deep loneliness at that time, but the changes in the capital city and the entire summer are vividly visible. The light has driven away the darkness, and the winter night is no longer cold and lonely."

Li Chunfeng’s remarks are filled with joy and nostalgia. It is true that every old man who has experienced all this, like Li Chunfeng at this time, will not help but sigh when he sees this sea of ​​winter night lights under the melting moon. And sigh.

   In a sense, the sea of ​​lights at night reflects the prosperous level of a civilization. It is nothing more than that.

   "Master has often sighed and sighed recently. This is a bit abnormal."

   After Li Chunfeng's voice fell, Xia's soft voice in the carriage continued, and then Li Chunfeng continued to look outside the carriage and responded:

   "Because Master, I really feel that I am old, and once people get old, they become sentimental and nagging."

   After finishing speaking, Li Chunfeng turned his head to look at Ying Xia in front of him, and his old eyes were not only covered with criss-crossed bloodshot eyes, but also with a deep tired look.

Such a tiredness has never appeared in Li Chunfeng’s eyes, and it also made the girl who watched all this suddenly twitched in her heart, because in the memory of Xia Xia, the old man in front of her eyes always They all contain a bright light.

   Then Li Chunfeng, who was sitting upright in the carriage, gently waved forward, took out a small blue porcelain bottle, opened it, and poured it into his mouth. The voice continued:

   "In the past, the old man always felt that people can get old, but they can't convince them, but these days, the old man feels that he is old and even tired."

   After Li Chunfeng’s voice fell, the person in front of him, Xia, bowed to the ground, and the respectful voice came out:

   "Tui'er asks respected Master to take care of your body and take more rest."

   "Xia'er, don't worry, I have made an agreement with Wei Guogong and other old guys. Before seeing our Daxia gaining a foothold in the Taixuan Land, we won't close our eyes so easily."

   After Li Chunfeng finished, he stroked the white beard on his chest. Suddenly, there was a billowing vitality on the whole body, making the original tiredness disappear without a trace in the blink of an eye.

   Then the vast and steady aura once again permeated the carriage, and the gaze from Li Chunfeng's eyes once again brought weight and wisdom, and then the latter's question sounded:

"Please Xia, I know that you and Master Taiping, the first artifact of Daxia, are more closely connected than I am. Therefore, you can know how the awakening of Shanhaitu is different this time, so that Let your Majesty call me to wait at night."

   Li Chunfeng's words were filled with anticipation, because he knew that the first divine artifact, the mountain and sea map, fell into a deep sleep two years ago under Zhao Yu's will. Now that the transformation is completed and awakened, there will be earthshaking changes.

  Although Li Chunfeng knew that Zhao Yu was not a person who would sell Guanzi, the old man still took the lead in asking his side, except for the young emperor, the disciple who had the deepest contact with Shanhaitu throughout Daxia.

   "The question of Master is stumping me."

   A slightly smiling voice came from Xian Xia's mouth, and it sounded throughout the carriage. Then the young Si Tian Jian Jian added:

   "Although Master Taiping has regained consciousness, his will is still in the White Emperor Palace and has not returned. Therefore, the disciple, like Master, is very much looking forward to the great transformation this time."

"In fact, in recent years, the people of the world have gradually overlooked the power of the mountain and sea map because they have seen the endless magical methods in the hands of your majesty. But please, Xia, you and I have both been in charge of the Sitian Supervisor, and naturally know why this mountain and sea is called Shenzhou The first divine weapon of the vast land is because it has a vast power far beyond ordinary people's imagination, and no one except your majesty can accurately know how great it is."

   Accompanied by Li Chunfeng's words, this carriage quickly passed the Baiyu Avenue in front of the Baidi Palace and entered the Meridian Gate. At the same time, the light of the whole body suddenly brightened.

Tonight’s Baidi Palace is different from the past. Starting from the Meridian Gate, all the way to the square under the Palace of Emperor Ji, and then to the imperial garden behind, all bright lights are lit up, and the three of Li Chunfeng In front of the carriage in which they were riding, carriages filed back and forth waiting to enter the side square.

   This scene of long queues of carriages entering the palace, if it weren't for the bright moon hung directly above, it would even make people think that it was in the early hours of the morning, and hundreds of officials were all going to the court.

Under the bright lights in the Baidi Palace, a large number of imperial guards maintained order on both sides of the road. After Li Chunfeng's carriage stopped on the side square according to the instructions, he brought Xia and Zhijuan with him. The people all walked down in the carriage.

   As soon as Li Chunfeng’s feet landed, a strong voice rang directly in the former's ears after the next breath:

   "Old Li, old man, I've been waiting for you for a while, and I will reveal that your majesty summons the officials late at night, what's the point?"

After the sound fell, Li Chunfeng turned his head and looked in the direction where the sound was spreading, and saw that under the light, the burly body of Wei Guogong Xu Sheng stood proudly, and behind Xu Sheng, the Great Xia Bow, everyone Commanders of Daxia's army also stood like a rock.

   At such a scale, Li Chunfeng's eyebrows were raised, and then he thought about it and responded:

   "Since even the commanders and envoys of the garrisons in Daxia have been summoned together, it can be seen that your Majesty is doing a earth-shattering event this time."

   "The old man knows this naturally, but is there anything mysterious to reveal?"

After    finished speaking, Xu Sheng came directly to Li Chunfeng's side, with inquiring eyes like tiger eyes, and then the latter stroked the white beard on his chest and responded:

   "My Lord, your Majesty is unpredictable, how can I guess, but I can tell you one thing, this time may be related to the divine mountain and sea map."


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