The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1225: Baiguan Ye Gathering


read2();   "Xiao Weiyang, you can go to sleep, get off Daddy's neck soon."

The imperial garden of the White Emperor Palace, under the mysterious sky, Zhao Yu's helpless voice sounded, then the young emperor reached out and gently hugged the little girl who was holding his neck, placed it on the imperial table in front of him, and then stared Weiyang Wu Lingling, with some big eyes still unfinished, continued to speak:

   "Wei Young, it's already very late today. You go back to rest with your mother first, and then Dad will continue to play with you, okay?"

   Zhao Yu’s words were extremely gentle. This was a conversation between a father and a daughter. Wei Yang sucked his thumb, tilted his head for a few breaths, and nodded solemnly.

"Your Majesty, I did not think I slept for such a short while, and the Zhao family was born with fresh blood. If this matter is known to His Majesty Taizu, his old man will surely laugh up to the sky three times. No, three sounds are not enough. , It should be ten tones."

When Yanzhi returned to the summer palace with Wei Yang and Zhao Hao, Zhao Yu, who was sitting under Xuan Tianmu, suddenly heard a very young voice. This voice came from the peaceful landscape of the mountains and seas, and the sound of it has changed. The naive voice of the milky voice turned into a boy with heroic air.

The change in the voice of Taiping Mountain and Sea Map in the mind of the young emperor also indicates that it has experienced tremendous growth after undergoing transformation. In other words, the first artifact of the vast land of China has grown from a child to a one. A teenager.

   In fact, for the human race, real growth has always been overnight. This is also true for artifacts. After so many years of accumulation on the top of Sitian Pagoda, the mountain and sea map transformed once and truly grew up.

   "I can feel that Taiping, after you wake up this time, you have grown up."

   After the calm emperor's voice sounded in his mind, then in Zhao Yu's sea of ​​consciousness, the response from Shanhai Tu continued to be heard:

   "Of course, Your Majesty, Taiping has not only grown up, but also become stronger, and has also fulfilled the previous agreement with you."

   "So good!"

   Zhao Yu responded with joy, and even the ebony black eyes suddenly lit up. It can be said that Taiping's awakening at this time was the last puzzle of Daxia's response to the drastic changes in the world.

   "The world will change, and the safety of the entire Daxia's trillions of people still needs your protection from peace."

   "This is what I was created and the meaning of existence."

   The response of the mountain and sea map resounding in the Zhao Yuzhihai, with a sharper edge than before, then paused, and continued with a cheerful voice:

"After sleeping for so long, with your majesty's ability, the entire Daxia has definitely undergone earth-shaking changes. I can't wait to see everywhere, and I don't know the little dragon on the bank of the South China Sea that I saw with my own eyes. Have you grown up now?"

   Zhao Yu listened to the tone of Taiping in his mind that was the same as in the past, and a smile appeared on his handsome and majestic face. Taiping was still the one with a heart of innocence, and had not changed because of growth.

  After a few breaths, between countless life elves in the Royal Garden, Liang Po's burly body stepped in from outside, and then his magnetic voice came out:

   "Your Majesty, the hundred officials have lined up in the square of His Royal Highness."

   "I already know."

As always, the calm voice came from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then the young emperor stretched out his right hand and picked up the Tongtian crown that had been placed aside for playing with his girl, and slowly put it on the top of his head. At the same time, the majestic and domineering Emperor Huang Huang sounded through. The entire Royal Garden:

   "Get up and go to the front hall!"

Qiong hooks hung high and moonlight was like water. As time passed, the full moon came directly above the imperial hall of the Baidi Palace, making the majestic and majestic hall, which represents the ultimate emperor, bathed in a layer of silver light. Divide deep and vast.

In the square below the Huangji Hall, the lights are shining, and at the same time, among the dazzling lights, the formations of the Daxia officials in grand official uniforms from the early dynasty are arranged on both sides of civil and military. What is more striking is that they represent In the Daxia military attache's queue, behind Wei Guogong, Ximan, and the Second King of Zhenhai, stood a large number of military commanders.

Behind every commander, there is an army full of iron and blood. In the past, Zhao Yu summoned hundreds of officials. These generals outside the palace would not usually go to the palace to attend, but they were neatly gathered tonight. , We can see the huge scale.

"Song Sili, I have heard that you have stayed in Bingzhou in the western part of Daxia, so you should know something about the Twisting State. Look at the generals in the line, the general in white armor and white helmet, but from The Kunlun Army responsible for guarding the Kunlun Mountains in the west?"

   In the square below the Imperial Palace, a young voice of inquiry sounded. After hearing the words, Song Xinhao turned his gaze to the front on the right. After seeing the white shadow standing upright, he nodded and responded:

   "Yuan Sicheng, this is the commander-in-chief of the Kunlun Army. He once had a relationship with him in Binzhou. He is kind and easy to get along with."

   "Unexpectedly, this time even the generals of the Kunlun Army in the West have arrived. What your Majesty must do will have a far-reaching impact."

The murmur of    came from Yuan Bai’s mouth, and then the top Xiaxin Section champion tightened his official uniform, continued to speak, and exhaled a white smoke visible to the naked eye:

   "Do you think this winter seems to be extremely cold."

   After Yuanbai finished speaking, Nobuhiro Nobuhiro, who was already an official to the ceremonial doctor beside him, narrowed his eyes and nodded in response:

"This year is a lot colder than before. Although the north wind was whistling at this time, it was not as cold as it is now. What is even more strange is that there is very little snow this year. This is not a good phenomenon. As the saying goes, Ruixue has a good year. Once this year is a dry winter, the harvest in the coming year will be bad.

   Shinhiro's voice just fell, and another Hideo's response sounded directly aside:

   "Everything moves in its own law, and they are interlinked and closely related. As long as one link is deviated, it will cause a series of chain reactions, so once the secrets of heaven change, the climate will become extremely strange."

When the words fell, Sima Annan, who was fluttering in white, came from behind and came to stand beside Yuan Bai and Xinhao. The top three of Daxia's ninety-year champion, No. 2 and Tanhua gathered together, and the other officials in the room also drew Cast a gaze.

   Then, Sima Annan, with his usual face, stretched out a folding fan, looked at the two equally heroic young people beside him, raised his other finger to the night sky above his head, and continued to explain word by word:

   "The reason why this winter is so cold and the weather is weird is that we used to be ubiquitous above our heads, controlling the general ethics, the heavenly way of the four seasons, because of the drastic changes in the world, it disappeared!"


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