
read2();  The world must have its own rules, which is the way of heaven.

Beneath the world, monks cultivate their bodies, cultivate the Tao, and cultivate the rules of the whole world. At this time, in the Huangjidian square under this bright moon, whether it is Yuanbai and Xinhao standing next to Sima Annan, or the rest The civil and military officials in Sima Annan's words all showed horrified expressions.

   It is true that the phrase in Sima Annan’s mouth that the vast land of China is hidden, it is too shocking, and even gives people a trance of collapse.

Everyone present is a great wise minister, so it is natural to understand the meaning behind Sima Annan’s words. If the vast land of China is compared to a house where countless creatures live, then the most intuitive manifestation of the way of heaven is It is the strong roof that shelters the wind and rain.

  The disappearance of the Heavenly Way means that this building named Shenzhou Haotu is no longer covered, naked and exposed to the coming storm.

   This is undoubtedly a very bad news, and thinking of this, the hundreds of civil and military officials lined up on the square below the Emperor Hall of the Imperial Palace suddenly looked solemn, and the entire void then began to fill with a dignified atmosphere of rain and wind.

   "Presumably your Majesty summoned me to wait here late at night, just for the hidden things of heaven."

The murmur of    came from the mouth of an old official, and then he looked up to the sky and looked at the round moon hanging overhead and the deep cold night sky, and continued to sigh:

"The rise and fall of a dynasty takes a hundred years as a hurdle. Once it is crossed, it will take off. But this hurdle is undoubtedly too difficult and too difficult to pass. If someone is destined to shed blood and sacrifice for this, then let us veterans, Take the lead in burning the last remaining light of your life."

The veteran’s sigh just fell, and Liang Po’s giant-like body appeared under the bright moon in front of the gate of the imperial great hall above the high white jade stairs. At the next breath, all the civil and military officials below were all gathered up. Thoughts, Liang Po's magnetic voice resounded through the void:

   "Your Majesty, welcome all the officials!"

   After shouting loudly, the densely packed civil and military officials on the square knelt to the ground, and then greeted the sky with a tsunami-like greeting:

   "The ministers welcome your majesty, long live your majesty!"

After the sound of greetings resounded across the sky, outside the Palace of the Emperor, Zhao Yu's tall and tall figure appeared between the firelight and the moonlight, and the tall but not burly body of the young emperor, in the eyes of all officials, seemed to completely occupy the entire sky. .

   Indomitable, Daxia rules!

   Then Zhao Yu, who was standing outside the Imperial Palace Hall, lowered his head, his dark eyes stared at the officials who were kneeling down in the dark, his lips lightly opened, and the Emperor Gunun's voice came out:

   "All the love is flat."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After giving thanks, Baiguan slowly got up, awe-inspiring eyes intertwined with the young emperor standing above. Everyone in the square was quietly waiting for Zhao Yu's next words, summoning Baiguan in the middle of the night, and related to heaven. , It must be extraordinary.

   After a few breaths, the divine sound from Zhao Yuhao continued to pass from above:

   "In the ninety years of the Great Xia calendar, in winter, Zhen summoned you and other hundred officials in the square of His Royal Highness Huangji. There was an announcement."

After the Huanghuang Emperor's voice was heard by all the officials, these great Xia ministers raised their hands and bowed forward, without speaking, but listening in this way already showed their will, and then the voice of Zhao Yu from the sky continued. Sounded:

"Before I make the announcement, Daxia's next plan to deal with the Taixuan Land needs to be known to everyone. This matter is not only related to the imperial family of the Zhao family and I, but also to every official in the room such as Yu'er, and more to the entire Daxia. The life and death of all Xia's people.

   "Where is Sima Annan, secretary of the Military Aircraft Department?"

  The voice of the young emperor resounding through the void fell. Among the hundred officials lined up, Sima Annan dressed in white came forward and responded loudly:

   "The minister is here!"

After    finished speaking, Sima Annan stepped forward directly, and then walked step by step along the white jade stairs to the imperial palace above. Under the intertwining of moonlight and light, the handsome face of this young man was confident and calm.

  After a few breaths, Sima Annan stood under the young emperor and turned to face the civil and military officials on the square. After a few breaths, he spoke directly:

"My colleagues, I have waited for more than two years since I was aware of the land of Taixuan. Everyone knows that this matter is serious. It is a great disaster for the dynasty and a disaster for the common people. If you are not careful, the world will collapse and the people will not live. Therefore, in these two years, from the highest to the sage, to the nine-tier staff, they have spent the past two years and have been exhausted."

The loud voice from Sima Annan’s mouth resounded over the square, and hundreds of officials raised their heads and looked at them. At the same time, there were thoughts flowing in their eyes. It is true that the past two years have not been better for the officials of Daxia, countless People worked hard for this matter, and there were even a large number of veterans who could not afford to be ill due to lack of strength.

   "My Sima Annan was favored by His Majesty, and coordinated in the Military Aircraft Department to deal with the attack from the Taixuan Land. Therefore, on behalf of the 132 officials of the Military Aircraft Department, I thank my colleagues for their support and cooperation."

   After Sima Annan finished speaking, he bowed deeply to the hundreds of officials in front of him, and then the officials from the lower part returned salutes, and their responses skyrocketed:

   "The rise and fall of the world, everyone has the responsibility, for the country and the people, we have dedicated ourselves and died!"

   In the square below the Huangji Hall, hundreds of officials kept shouting together, Sima Annan stood upright, and then slammed into the void in front of him.

"To this day, the Military Aircraft Department has united the six departments of Daxia Soldiers, Households, Officials, Li, Gong, and Penalties, and 15 departments including the Teleportation Department and the Guanyou Department. The dispatching and deployment are all in place, and strive to make the Great Xia Territory as infallible and capable of slashing all invading enemies."

   Sima Annan's voice fell, and with his right hand thrown out, a huge light and shadow suddenly appeared on the void outside the Emperor Palace. Then the light and shadow gradually became clear, and the shape appeared in front of everyone.

   This is a huge island that stands upside down!

"Everyone, just as you and others thought, what appeared in the void at this time is the vast land of the Divine Land of ours, which can also be called another name above the Taixuan Land, Daiyu Immortal Island! "

   After Sima Annan finished speaking, he lowered his head and looked around the densely packed officials below, his complexion gradually became solemn, and he continued to speak:

"But if we call the vast land of Shenzhou directly as Daiyuxian Island, it is actually a little different. According to the information of the Taixuan Land by our military aircraft department and the deduction of the words of the Great Lord Lingbo in the Lingbo Lake, basically An extremely incredible conclusion can be determined."

   At this point, Sima Annan raised his hand and pointed at the light and shadow in front of him. Then the island that represented the vast land of China suddenly began to change, bounded by the Kunlun Mountains, the highest bulge in the center, extending out the other half of the continent.

   At the same time, Sima Annan’s solemn voice continued to ring through the ears of all officials:

   "To be precise, it is our vast land in China, Daxia, and our former mortal enemy, the Sun Empire, who together formed one of the two immortal mountains that sank in the Taixuan Land tens of thousands of years ago, Daiyu!"


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