
read2();  The North Sea of ​​the Taixuan Land, the roar of the monstrous waves, like the roar of thunder, resounded non-stop in the ears, and at the same time the North Sea hurricane that was rolling in with extreme chill , Just as countless monks are unleashing the cold attribute supernatural powers against you at all times.

Between the huge waves in the North Sea, the countless golden runes carved on the Jinzong ship released rich golden glow outwards, forming a barrier enchantment surrounding the ship, preventing the wind and waves. outer.

   The terrible and extremely dangerous natural weather in Beihai, the land of Taixuan, has played a sieve-like effect invisibly, removing those forces that are not strong but want to fish in troubled waters.

   And if you want to participate in the fight for this illusory opportunity, a master of birth and death in the palm of the hand who can protect ships with the domain is the minimum requirement.

On the front of the deck of the Rolling Jinzong ship, Dong Yuan, who has adapted to the bad weather around him, sat cross-legged. Since then, he has been closing his eyes to release the power of listening to the wind to the outside world. At the same time, the emerald green phoenix behind him The bloodline of the fairy grass swayed quickly from left to right, and it made a call to the wind.

   But what made Dong Yuan's brows frowned, no matter how hard he tried to release the call of the wind, the chaotic North Sea gusts around him remained unmoved, still raging outside the ship.

   "Don't be in vain, Dong Yuan, the wind on the North Sea is different from the wind you usually deal with."

   The voice of gold ingots rang from the back of the deck, and then the young master of Jin Jinzong with Erlang's legs tilted up, showing the expression of someone who came by, and continued to speak:

"Even the sky in the North Sea is broken, so everything here is extremely chaotic, including the cold wind. If you are in Shenxiancheng along the coast where the wind and waves are relatively calm, you may still hear a little wind singing, but in the sea Don’t even think about it."

After    finished speaking, Jin Yuanbao put his fat hands around the back of his head, leaned back, and the voice continued:

"This is the place of abandonment second only to the Chaos Extinguish Shenhai. No matter what kind of monk, once above the North Sea and between these gray mists, the sense of God that can be sensed is only a normal percentage. One, or even less, even those of the land gods.

   "So this is a maze, a maze. The entire Taixuan place comes here to participate in the Qi Luck competition. The players are within this maze, and it is difficult to even predict what they will encounter in the next second."

After Sima Annan's words fell, he squinted his eyes to look at the squally stormy waves that almost obscured the entire line of sight. Then he turned his gaze to the other side of the deck, which was right there. There are two figures sitting cross-legged opposite each other.

   One is Yeyi wearing a black nightmare robe, and the other is a petite figure who wakes up again, wearing a blanket, Master Duobao.

Master Duobao, who is still in serious injury, has no blood on his beautiful face, frowns slightly, and his pale lips exudes a pitiful charm, but it is a pity that her In front of him, sitting in front of him was the Night Stalker who didn't know how to pity Xiangxiyu, and then a cold voice came from under Ye Yi's hood:

   "Young Master Gunjin Sect is on this ship, why are you looking for me?"

After    Yaichi’s question fell, the woman did not respond directly, but stared at the deep figure in the night sky in front of her, blinked her eyes, her red lips lightly opened, and the pitiful voice came out:

   "The little girl's name is Duobao, and the last name is Li. You are the first outsider to know my name."

   Li Duobao's soft voice fell, and he kept staring at Yeyi's reaction in front of him, but feeling the latter's growing coldness in his body, the woman's face changed slightly, and she continued to speak:

"The little girl is not talented and used to trade with Jinjinzong, so it is natural to inquire about the dispute between the young masters of Jinjinzong some time ago, and coincidentally, in the relevant information, the mysterious black robe is mentioned. People, it can be said that Young Master Jin can become the young master of the Jinzong, and the people in the black robe are indispensable. If the little girl guesses correctly, the adults are the mysterious people who can crush the Jinzong. ."

   "You know a lot."

After    Yaichi's response sounded, he raised his head and looked at Li Duobao's rippling eyes in front of him, his voice continued:

   "Do you want to seek asylum from the Jinzong?"

   "It is not a gold medalist, but your asylum. As for the chips, you will not be disappointed."

   At this point, Li Duobao stretched out his hand to hold his chest, his lips moved, but he stopped talking. After a few breaths, he continued to speak:

   "The little girl is willing to use a treasure that the entire Taixuan Land forces are searching and fighting for in exchange for an adult to **** me out of this North Sea realm and go to a relatively safe place inland."

   After Li Duobao finished speaking, he used Qi Yi's gaze to look at Ye Yi in front of him, but unexpectedly from the former, Ye Yi did not have any thoughts or hesitation, and his voice continued:

   "I refuse. First, I will not leave Beihai, the land of the profound mystery. Second, you are right in front of me. I can obtain this treasure in person. Why do I need to make a deal with you?"

When Ye Yi’s voice fell, Li Duobao’s complexion suddenly changed wildly. He just thought of stepping back, but found that the space around his body had been completely imprisoned and could hardly move. Then the ear of the beautiful woman came from Ye Yi The voice continued to ring:

   "There is also this third point. You don't know what will happen to this mysterious place next, so you naively mean that you will be safe as long as you leave Beihai.

   "When you feel confused about what is about to happen, you may wish to look at the past history, and as a treasure hunter, you are naturally familiar with the routine of dividing great opportunities between the forces of the Profound Sky."

   Accompanied by Ye Yi’s words, Li Duobao’s eyes widened suddenly, and even his body forgot to struggle. Then on the deck of the big ship, Ye Yi’s calm and indifferent voice continued to sound in everyone’s ears:

  "In the countless years of being ruled by a group of heroes in the Great Profound Land, these numerous forces have formed a set of fixed pattern of sharing the spoils.

"First of all, a big influence proposes to hold a so-called chance meeting, and this chance meeting, to put it bluntly, is to set the plan for this chance, and the method of dividing is very simple. Who has the big fist, who The share will be more, and if there is dissatisfaction, they will stop playing a game.

   "In the past, some hermit sects, or one of the four great kingdoms came forward to propose, but this time the Holy Court personally dismissed it, which is also rare in ten thousand years."

   Ye Yi’s voice lingered back and forth above the deck, and then Jin Yuanbao and others nodded in agreement, then the corner of Ye Yi’s mouth raised under his hood, and continued to speak:

   "But everything that follows will become particularly interesting, because in accordance with the conventions of these big powers who love ostentation, they will directly clean up and invade around the place where the treasure was born, and if you guess right, this kind of embezzlement has already begun.


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