The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1234: Yan Jue shot


read2();  "On the side of the couch, no one is allowed to snoring, I was reminded by Brother Ye that the young master did ring out the sects or families that claimed to be great powers before the start of the chance meeting, I will enter the market early, quickly annex the surrounding forces, and act as my rear, preparing for future opportunities."

   On the deck of the Rolling Jinzong ship, the response from the Golden Ingot fell, and then the young master of the Rolling Jinzong who had been lying on a side sat upright, raised his hand to touch his chubby chin, and continued to speak:

"The land of the Supreme Profound Realm is too large, and it often takes a long time to continuously deploy troops from the base camp. Therefore, these big forces carry a lot of people each time they go out. Naturally, they need to find a safe rear. To get a good strategic depth."

"Jin Yuanbao, you are right, but this time is very different, because the two immortal mountains that will be born are located in Beihai, the land of Taixuan, so whether it is Beihai or the entire Beihai County, which is not a small area, it is completely A deserted and quiet place, so the interesting thing is, where will these big forces participating in the chance meeting place their rear positions?"

   As soon as the faint voice fell in the night, Dong Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the deck, changed his face frantically. He staggered directly from the deck, and blurted out:

   "The target of these big forces must be several counties adjacent to Beihai County, and the only Fengxian County that can enter Beihai from the sea channel will be a battleground."

"This is also the reason why the ancestor of the Feng family in Linchuan City took most of his hands to give me a fight at sea, because this is his last chance. In fact, this old man who has lived for so many years looks better than most Everyone needs to understand."

After    Yaichi’s response fell, he turned his head and looked to the south, which was the direction of Linchuan City, and the flat voice continued:

   "However, Linchuan City at this time should no longer be named Feng."

After Ye Yi’s words fell, he traveled south along the place where the Jinjinzong's big ship was, passed through the Beihai Tongtian barrier, and then across the vast open sea in the northern part of Fengxian County, which is Linchuan called the North Sea Throat. city.

   But at this moment, under the dawn, this big city that has suddenly become lively in recent days, no matter the buildings on the earth or the creatures living in them, are in constant tremor.

At the same time, above the void, a wave of incomparable shocking weather conditions collided with each other, and the fierce supernatural powers turned into a storm that stirred the void, raging across the entire world. The thick clouds above the sky are completely torn apart, and the instant light after the bombardment of the field containing the power of origin is even a few points dazzling than the sun rising in the sky.

Since last night, there have been 17 great forces from all over the Taixuan Land, which successively declared their occupation of Linchuan City, and then the monks belonging to these forces broke out with the mansion where the Feng Family of Linchuan City was located. War.

This battle lasted all night, and finally entered the final white-hot stage in the early morning. Under the circumstances of the other forces knowing that they were invincible, retreating, and dead, the final victory or defeat depends on the two cultivation bases. The highest half-step terrestrial fairyland monk.

The fierce aftermath of the confrontation between the two high-ranking monks raged across the city, and the huge area of ​​the back door of the Feng Mansion in the center of Linchuan City. After escaping from the back door, he was guarded by the powerful monks behind him, and then he was dragged to the gate of Feng Mansion to kneel and pray.

The fate of the Supreme Profound Land is like a must, and these big powers that dominate one side on weekdays are also indifferent and abnormal. Naturally, they will not pay attention to the prayers of several female families and children. Suddenly the entire entrance of Feng's mansion was dyed red.

Then when the scorching sun on the sky rose completely, accompanied by a deafening piercing roar, a field above the sky burning with the white source of light directly fell like a big sun, crashing on the land of Linchuan City, powerful The unparalleled impact even made the entire ground of Linchuan City shook fiercely. A large area of ​​the building in the center of the landing area was directly completely blasted, and a huge scar hole appeared.

   Countless trembling people in Linchuan City hid behind the bunker, and looked up at the only earthy-yellow origin domain that stood proudly above their heads, as well as the looming burly figure in the domain, and swallowed subconsciously.

   At the same time, those local aboriginals in Linchuan City who have lived in the city all their lives clearly know that from this moment on, the Feng family, a family that ruled Linchuan City and even Fengxian County for nearly ten thousand years, has completely become history.

The Wannian family collapsed overnight, and the cruelty of the Supreme Profound Land was evident. What the restless creatures in Linchuan City didn’t know was that in the dark night a few days ago, when Xue Dao stretched out his hand and slapped it. When the shot was taken above the head of the ancestors of the Feng family, the Feng family in Linchuan was already exhausted.

Under the intertwined lines of sight, the huge figure stood proudly above the void of Linchuan City, freely releasing the vast aura outwards, and the heavy coercion like a mountain rolled downwards, and then the figures in the domain bowed their heads and watched Below, the female relatives and young children who kept kowtow at the door of Feng's house were full of indifference in their eyes.

   At the next breath, this figure flipped his hand and slapped it down. The ground outside the entrance of the Feng Family Mansion instantly turned into dust and cracks. At the same time, the Feng Family who originally begged for mercy turned into meat, and then a hoarse voice resounded across the sky:

"Everyone in Linchuan City is listening. The Feng family is dead. According to the rules of the Taixuan Land, from this moment onwards, Linchuan City in Fengxian County belongs to the forces of the Bengshan Sect. Waiting in the house."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone who heard it in Linchuan shrank their necks. This collapsed mountain sect is not weak in the Taixuan place. It occupies many counties in the south, mainly rocky. Although it is often called barbarian Because of his strength, few people would provoke him on weekdays, and his ability to win seventeen consecutive battles in one night shows that it is not a mere manifestation.

Under the mighty power of the Bengshan Sect, the entire Linchuan city fell into silence for a while, and then the Bengshan Sect above the void, after looking around for a week, spit out a cold snort, just about to fall, but at this moment, The change suddenly occurred, and a more hoarse and weird voice exploded directly from the void:

   "The deity and Yan Jue are not very convinced!"

   After the hoarse roar fell, a sea of ​​lava and magma appeared directly above the sky of Linchuan City. In the next breath, countless lava meteorites fell from the sky like rain.

   "Is the second supreme of Yan Jue Shangguo, Yan Jue Shangguo actually wants to take the Linchuan City!"


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