The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1235: Sprites carnival


read2();   Linchuan City, Fengxian County, after a whole night of violent fighting, peace did not come in the early morning, but in an instant, the lava meteorite rained like a land fairyland Respecting the crimson kingdom covering the sky and obscuring the sun is a scene of destruction that destroys living things.

If the Seventeen Great Wars last night only allowed the creatures of Linchuan City to hide in the houses to avoid being affected, then the full-scale offensive of Yan Jue Kingdom at this time caused these people's faces to change wildly, howling and rushing out. Outside the house, fled towards the outside of the city.

   Yan Jue Kingdom, which is composed of underground races, can be said to be natural enemies of the creatures on the surface, and even those underground creatures that are violent by nature, their only hobby is slaughter.

Within Linchuan City, gunpowder was filled with smoke, and underground poisonous flames burned everywhere, and within every piece of lava meteorite that fell from the sky, there was densely squeezing a large number of Yan Jueguo monks. After the ground broke, these underground race monks, accompanied With the incomparably pungent sulphur stench, it came out, opening a feast of killing.

   This is a living purgatory on earth!

Above the center of Linchuan City, the second crimson kingdom of Yan Jue Kingdom’s Land Fairyland Sovereign stood in the air. Although he did not make a move, his infinite aura was already as powerful as Kunlun’s topping the mountain, bringing down the mountain sect. The entire palm edge birth and death realm peak overhaul was shot on the ground.

Everything is possible in the Taixuan Land. One second before the collapsed mountain sect overhaul, he waved expressionlessly and photographed all the surviving female families of Feng's family into meat, and the next second, they were also in the same position, like an ant. Press down on the ground.

   "You and Yan Jue dared to occupy the city on the ground arrogantly. This is openly provoking the bottom line of the rest of the country and the great powers on the surface!"

A voice of extreme horror came from the Bengshanzong Daxiu above the ground, and then this monk, who had already half-footed on the bridge between heaven and earth, tried his best to lift his head under the pressure of the vastness, and stared at the occupation above. The crimson country half of the sky continued to roar:

   "You can't do it. There is a covenant in the land of the Supreme Profound Profound Realm. You can't do it to me for no reason, and my Bengshan Sect is not without great power. Once you kill the Bengshan Sect disciple, you will never die!"

   "Guess if the remaining powers that have already occupied the first position in Beihai, the land of Supreme Profound Land, will they collectively turn their heads back to trouble Yanjue Shangguo because the deity has occupied Linchuan City."

The hoarse and piercing response came from the crimson country above Linchuan City, and in the eyes of the Bengshan Sect, there was a behemoth swimming in this country shrouded in countless underground magma, and then two like The scorching orange eyes rose, and the harsh voice continued to roll down:

   "On the other hand, there is only one Bengshan sect who respects the ancestors, dare you come to me for revenge?"

With a hoarse and stern shout, the Bengshan Sect on the ground lay down on the ground and let out an extremely painful roar, because the ground under him suddenly cracked, and several blood bowls with exposed fangs violently stretched out from it, directly touching the former’s The limbs were torn apart in one bite, and blood and blood were blurred.

   "Although the deity cannot kill you personally, the rest of the people of Yan Jueguo can."

Hoarse and indifferent voices sounded from within the country again, and then the ground of Linchuan City below cracked faster and faster, the building collapsed, and the creatures disappeared, as if there were huge earthworms rolling under the ground, just a few dozen breaths. After that, countless magma lava spewed out from the cracks in the ground, and began to rush through the streets and alleys of Linchuan City.

   The wailing sounds of countless creatures who originally lived in Linchuan before their deaths resounded across the sky, but they couldn't stop this county town of Fengxian County from turning into a hot and poisonous lava volcano.

  In the land of the profound, weak urination is the original sin!

After Linchuan City was buried in the magma sea, the second land immortal from the Yanjue Kingdom, controlling the power of the whole body, slowly sinking, but the kingdom fell to half. At that moment, the whole kingdom suddenly stopped, and then the two huge eyes within the kingdom lit up, looking to the west, countless thoughts flowed in their eyes.

Following this gaze to the west, across the vast land, that is the Meteorite County on the west side of Fengxian County. At this time, a small city in Meteorite County is covered by a cloud of countless ghosts. The entire sky, obscures the sky, and even completely isolates the sunlight above the sky.

   Under the ghosts, in the streets and alleys of this city of Meteorite County, countless shriveled corpses of dead creatures whose vitality has been taken away are lying on the ground, the loud roar of ghosts is enough to pierce the eardrums of those who hear it.

Swarms of ghosts wandered in the void, roaring and searching for all creatures that contained life breath. This ghost roar was full of unfinished greed, but all the lives in this city had died out, and they were dead. Very tragic.

   Then at the gate of the big city, two petite figures shrouded in black robes slowly appeared, and then a very sweet voice sounded:

   "My sister, this act of slaughtering the soul of the city, seems a little uncomfortable, will it make the outside world hate my Soul Burial Sect?"

The words fell, and the two figures passed through the roaring wandering souls, and came to the empty city gate without any hesitation. Their smooth and jade-like feet crossed the ground and died. The tragic and terrifying mummy slowly entered the city, and then another response sounded with charm:

   "My sister's words are not correct, are the rest of the forces in the land of the profound mystery that do not hate my Soul Burial Sect? They are just afraid of us and dare not say it."

After    finished speaking, the figure who was half a head taller than the shadow next to him raised his head, revealing half of his white and round chin, and his voice continued:

   "Before there were so many pairs of eyes staring in the world, trying to absorb some of the power of the soul was extremely difficult. Now that I have finally caught some opportunities, I naturally have to supplement them."

This voice fell, and the figure opened his red lips directly, a huge suction came from the former's mouth, and the next breath, the countless souls permeating the entire city seemed to have encountered some kind of extremely fearful existence, vying to want it. Fleeing outwards, but it didn't help at all, one after another was inhaled.

   In just ten breaths, the entire city of ghosts and spirits was completely swallowed like a giant whale absorbing water, and disappeared without a trace. Then under the black robe of the figure known as the sister, the enchanting voice continued to speak:

   "My sister won't come here, this fresh soul after torment is truly the supreme delicacy in the world."

   "My sister has the heart, but the younger sister is timid, afraid of punishment by the elders, but still can't."

"You are courageous. Some of the elders have gone to the North Sea, and some are occupying the county town of Meteorite County. After all, the Star Sect in this Meteorite City is not weak. Even if our Soul Burial Sect is one of the five hidden sects, we still need Take some effort."

After the sweet and soft voice came from that sister, she raised her hand and waved forward, and a black air poured out, directly flushing the whole lifeless city in front of him to powder, and at the same time licked the scarlet. His lips continued to sound with excitement:

   "I really look forward to it. Every time the world changes drastically and the luck reorganizes, it will be the carnival of our demons and sprites!"


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