The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1236: Soul Burial Sect


read2();  The northern part of Taixuan Land generally refers to the northernmost Beihai County and the total 14 counties of Beihai County.

   It is worth mentioning that the combined area of ​​these counties is not small, and the area of ​​a county in Guangguang Beihai County is one to ten, and its overall shape is like a dam, which horizontally covers the entire Beihai.

Below the long strip of Beihai County, from east to west, there are four counties: Fengxian, Meteor, Quicksand, and Hanyan. Among them, Fengxian County is actually a peninsula. You can directly enter the North Sea by boat from the open sea. The only sea channel connecting the North Sea.

As we all know, since the **** battle in the North Sea tens of thousands of years ago, the North, which was originally one of the holy places for practitioners, was completely lonely. Until this time, both the power and the number of high-level monks in the northern 15 counties were all located at the end of the Taixuan Land. In particular, Beihai County, which was once prosperous for a while, was barren everywhere, except for Shen Xiancheng, there was no other big city.

As a result, the only geographical advantage of Fengxian County that can directly connect to the North Sea has been useless for tens of thousands of years, and even the people living in it have to be worried, afraid that some terrifying things will emerge from the North Sea enchantment. monster.

   But no one would have thought that today, ten thousand years later, this point will become very important because of the rebirth of the Two Immortals Mountain. What is sad is that countless creatures in the entire Linchuan city have also lost their lives because of this.

To the west, Fengxian County is the land of meteorites where the large northern star sect is located. Meteorite County is said to have been formed by a meteorite falling from outside the sky, possessing unique star power and some unusual weirdness. The land contains precious treasures outside the sky, which is quite mysterious.

From Meteorite County to the west, Liusha County is located directly below Beihai County, but the distance from the land to the shore of Beihai County is the farthest among the four counties, and Liusha County is just as its name suggests. The internal forces are mixed with fish and dragons, and are full of fierce generations who live in no fixed place like quicksand.

These people are not convinced by each other, and they are incompatible with each other, making the entire Liusha County have always been in a chaotic environment, and at the same time, there is no overlord who can hold the ground in the huge county. power.

Xiaoyao City, the northernmost part of Liusha City, is full of voices, densely packed with thick cloth robes covering the body of the spiritual monks back and forth in the city, and since a few months, there have been countless forces from all over the place to station here, waiting for the North Sea. The opportunity is coming.

As the saying goes, big forces eat meat, there will be countless small forces behind them to drink soup, and in the land of Taixuan, although small forces like casual cultivators and flies are not seen by big forces, they are treated like stinky maggots, but they have to It is said that they are the bottom layer of the largest number of pyramids in the Great Profound Land.

These people are the cornerstone of the Great Profound Land, and those powerful people who sit on the cloud and look down on sentient beings naturally know that they cannot be driven to extinction. Therefore, they will release a small area outside the land of opportunity for casual practitioners to gather. And wait and see, and because of its chaotic nature, Liusha County was circumvented by those big forces with great tacit understanding, and released to casual cultivators.

In fact, to these great powers, the existence of casual cultivators is like ants, and there is no need to worry about them. If they are allowed to look out, in addition to their inner vanity, they also want these lowest-level monks to witness with their own eyes. The gap between each other is like heaven and earth.

  Because only in this way can one feel despair, and because of this despair, can it consolidate its supremacy.

   But time and history are like tides. Every creature is like a small drop of water in this tide. After the despair of the predecessors, countless descendants continue to rush towards despair.

Xiaoyao City is not the county seat of Liusha County, but this city is a gathering place for countless casual practitioners recently. The reason lies in its unique geographical location. I can only see the yellow sand in the northern part of Liusha County. Xiaoyao City is just under the northern barrier that isolates Beihai County.

At this time, the people living in Xiaoyao City only need to raise their heads and look to the north, and they can clearly see this sky-reaching barrier, which is no different from the sea barrier, and because it is too close to the abandoned land of Beihai County For this reason, there is no grass around Xiaoyao City, and the yellowish-brown sand is everywhere, making it particularly lonely, but at this time there is unprecedented excitement in the city.

Especially the Shenji Pavilion in Xiaoyao City is full of seats. A large number of loose repairs can only see the stitches and are usually crowded in the attic, looking up at the sound transmission lamp above the head, and the surrounding black cloths are constantly being lifted. The intelligence room.

  Because the entire Xiaoyao City is a gathering place for casual cultivators, the monks in the Shenji Pavilion did not have the restraint they used to deal with the children of the big forces on weekdays. They opened their throats and shouted, sighing:

"Sure enough, I did not expect that the northern part of the Great Profound Land has been completely changed. I heard that the counties around Beihai County are already under war. Those big forces who think they can get a share of the chance. One after another, they attacked and occupied the territory in the rear, ranging from a city to half a county, and countless creatures died in the chaos of war. It's sad."

   After the monk's sigh fell, other casual practitioners continued to ask:

   "I just heard someone talk about the subterranean races in the Kingdom of Yan Jue. This time, taking advantage of the drastic changes in the world, they ran out of the ground and occupied Linchuan City in Fengxian County. I don't know if it is true or not?"

"This country Yan Jue has always been mortal enemies with Qingzhi and Xuemei. If this time it really plans to attack the surface directly, it will undoubtedly give the two countries the best target for attack, or Yan Jue has the confidence to be able to simultaneously Resist the attacks of the two countries."

   "Maybe it is Yan Jue's reliance on the country to make a move that has never been done in 10,000 years."

   Just as the opinions of the people in the Shenjing Pavilion were divergent, the San Xiu who spoke at the beginning raised his hand and waved, and the voice continued to be heard:

   "I waited for the money to let Zhong Xiaozi go to the Shenjing Pavilion to buy some information. What is the specific situation? When the kid comes out of the intelligence room, I will know when I ask."

  As soon as this statement fell, a commotion broke out among the crowd, because a young man in a cloak emerged from the black room of intelligence that everyone was watching, and then he squeaked his mouth and said:

"Everyone, boy, I have already exchanged information. This matter of Yan Jue Kingdom's occupation of Linchuan City is not fake, and what Bill and others think is rampant. It not only slaughtered the entire Linchuan City, but even half of it. Every Fengxian County has become a lava hell!"

   The young man finished speaking, a violent riot suddenly sounded in the corner of the Shenji Pavilion, and angrily appeared from the faces of the scattered repairers. Then, the young man took a deep breath and continued to speak:

   "There is another news that just happened not long ago. The Star City in Meteor County was breached. One of the Five Ancient Hidden Sects, Soul Burial Sect, announced the birth to the world!"


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