
read2();   "My Lord, Duobao is just an ordinary maid on the boat, so why bother."

On the big ship where the North Sea Rolling Jinzong is, looking at Master Duobao, who is gradually covered with frost under the eyes of the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom, the gold ingot standing by the side opened his mouth and raised his foot to step forward and stretched out his left hand Opening forward, the upper road ring began to emit a strong sword light.

   "She is not an ordinary maid. She can leave with things under the eyelids of an even-numbered land fairyland. How can she be ordinary?"

   A faint voice came from the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom covered by frost and snow, the voice fell, the former disappeared, and after reappearing, he came to Li Duobao with tight lips, and continued to speak:

"If my monarch hadn’t obtained this dragon fishing rod himself, maybe even I didn’t know that in addition to the fishing rod, it also needed bait. Then let my monarch take a look. You can hide this bait. Where is it?"

As the words fell, the Monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom directly raised his right hand like ice crystals, and pointed at Master Duobao’s eyebrows. The cultivation of the monarch of the Kingdom Xuemei reached the sky, even though Master Duobao had already cultivated to the Grand Master of Birth and Death. The realm, but still can be spied on all the content and memories in the sea of ​​knowledge with one finger.

   "My Lord, your move is a violation of the covenant!"

Jin Yuanbao roared anxiously, but the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom remained unmoved. Perhaps for her at this time, the covenant had already been left behind. However, just in the midst of this moment, a young and steady voice suddenly sounded. :

   "The bait the Monarch is looking for, if it is this, it is in my hands."

In the next instant, the figure in the frost and snow stopped moving, and his finger was only a little away from the center of Li Duobao's eyebrows. Then the former turned around and looked at the mouth of Ye Yi, only Ye Yi was holding one in his hand. Dark, very ordinary beads.

   "It turned out to be an extinct dragon ball. No wonder you can fish for dragons!"

After that, the Xuemei Kingdom’s body, which was covered by frost and snow, suddenly turned into countless snowflakes and disappeared at the same time. There was also the ordinary black bead in front of Ye Yi, and then the whole body of the rolling golden sect. All the frost began to shatter and collapse, and every inch of space in the depths of the North Sea was once again occupied by the frozen waves and gusts.

   "Kang-dang, 哐-dang!"

The two collisions on the deck sounded at once. One of the collisions came from Master Duobao who was directly stunned by the imposing force just before facing the monarch with a finger, while the other was lying on the ground with a big body. Sweaty, almost fainting gold ingot.

   "Water, get water for this young master quickly."

   Gold Ingot's plump chest rose and fell violently, and then he sat up with the help of his attendants, and suddenly began to laugh, and the laughter rolled out, resounding throughout the deck, full of wanton arrogance:

   "This young master can actually compete with the first king in his lifetime, and no one will believe it, but this is the fact. How many people are as tough as this young master in the whole world?"

After the extremely excited voice of the gold ingot resounded through the entire deck, the rest of the gold-rolling sect on the big ship reacted. They sighed together, but they also found that they were already covered with cold sweat, wet as if in the sea. Just drilled out like that.

Although the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom did not release too strong malice, the sense of oppression given by the top power is hard to describe in words. In a sense, the two are already at different life levels. .

  Anyone who can slap their own existence by waving their hands in the face will naturally have strong heart palpitations. This is a kind of awe at the level of life.

Now that the leader of the Xuemei Kingdom is leaving with the Dragon Ball, everyone on the boat feels like a survivor. In fact, except for Li Duobao, who was directly stunned, Jin Ingot and others were robbed of the Dragon Ball. The feeling is not deep, for them, it is lucky to be able to pick up a life.

After taking a rest in the same place, the big gold rolling ship continued to move forward, but everyone on the deck, including the gold ingots, was not too close to the front of the deck because there were two lanes there. The figure wearing a large black robe stood upright, looking from the rear, with an inexplicable and unclear aura, and even gave people a sense of murderous intent before the warrior went out for battle.

   The cold wind rolling over the North Sea blew the robes of Ye Yi and Xue Dao who were standing on the bow of the ship, hunting and hunting, and then Ye Yi ear, Xue Dao's sharp voice sounded:

"The monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom has not only obtained the treasure fishing dragon rod, but also the dragon ball as the bait, then for her, everything is already in place, and listening to her words before leaving, she will not want to come. Give the holy court the opportunity to hold the so-called chance meeting. In other words, as long as the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom is willing, our Shenzhou vast land is located in the two immortals mountains, and perhaps in the next second, we will be born in the Beihai, the land of the Supreme Profound."

   After Xue Dao's voice fell, Ye Yi, who was silent for a while beside him, nodded, and the response came out:

   "It's been two years, why is it only two years, but why does it feel that it is longer than twenty years?"

   "Maybe this is the feeling of being alone in a foreign land, everything around is not really ours, even if it is the time that keeps going forward."

   Xue Dao continued to speak with a melancholy voice, and then he thought for a while and continued to ask:

"Ye Sicheng, will it be a too risky decision to choose to let this Snow Enchanted Monarch catch the Two Immortals Mountain in advance? After all, what you need is time for you [Guchengdushu] and Daxia. "

   After Xue Dao’s questioning sound came out, Ye Yi did not answer directly, but reached out his finger towards the violent sea in front of him, and the voice sounded:

"Xue Dao, in the two years inland of the Taixuan Land, we have studied the high holy court and the holy lord who is faintly regarded as the strongest person in the Taixuan Land, and can understand the information. The more, the more disturbed my heart is, because as the Xuemei Kingdom said, the chance of swallowing most of the entire Taixuan Land cannot satisfy the latter's ambitions. Above this Beihai drastic change, it must be unimaginable.的Layout.

"There is no doubt that, no matter from which way to judge, Da Xia definitely cannot get along with that holy lord. In that case, instead of following the holy lord’s arrangement, it is better to be surprised and let Shenzhou Haotu be born ahead of schedule. The saint and the holy court are not without power to check and balance in the Taixuan Land, the old fellow in the mouth of the Xuemei Kingdom is one of them."

After the voice of    fell, the gaze under the hood of the big robe of Ye became more and more solemn, and at the same time, a fiery fighting spirit also rolled up, and at the same time an unchecked voice came out, accompanied by the wind of the North Sea.

   "The general trend of the world, after a long period of time, must converge, if this dramatic change is the starting point for the entire Taixuan Land from chaos to unification, then your Majesty, the stage here is very big!"


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