
read2();  The turbulent waves of the North Sea in the land of the Taixuan, throw the golden ship sailing on it into the sky without any effort, and then let it smash down hard and repeat, However, at the bow of the Jinzong big ship between the wind and waves, there were two figures flying in big robes, letting the ship bump, but still standing still.

   "Yesicheng, shall I wait for this trip or continue to Shenxiancheng?"

After the voice fell, Xue Dao fixed his eyes on the raging ocean in front of him, and his thoughts flowed constantly in his eyes. In fact, as the master of the deep sea, Xue Dao, surrounded by squally winds and waves, was his best place to fight. Every drop was like a bullet. Generally, the pouring seawater can provide endless power for it.

   In the past two years in the land of the Supreme Profound Land, the cultivation bases of the two great summer taboos Ye Yi and Xue Dao did not stand in place, but were nourished by the vitality of the heaven and the earth, which is richer than the vast land of Shenzhou, by leaps and bounds.

   Just as Xue Dao was thinking about it, a huge wave slammed on the golden defense barrier of the Rolling Jinzong ship. After a loud noise, it rolled back, and at the same time a response from Ye Yi sounded:

"Naturally, we still have to go to Shenxian City. After all, there is still our biggest ally in the Supreme Profound Land. On the other hand, the Holy Court naturally needs a huge venue for the so-called chance meeting, so even if it is finally held The land is not in Shen Xiancheng, and it will certainly not be too far away from there.

   "The entire Beihai County is such a big city. Except for Shenxian City, no place can accommodate so many monks."

After    Yeyi’s response was finished, Xue Dao nodded, then frowned, and the voice continued:

"Under the Great Ao of Shen Xiancheng, there is a big secret that shocks the world. It was only because of the monks from North Seafood for tens of thousands of years that it can be kept secret until now. Now the banks of the North Sea have flooded into the entire Taixuan land almost half of the time. Among the cultivators, there are many major repairs whose cultivation level reaches the sky. The Five Immortal City and Human Race under the Ao Jia will inevitably be discovered."

"I'm waiting for the worst plan to be discovered, so I need to rush to Shen Xiancheng before the opportunity meeting begins. After all, whether it is an ally of the same blood, or my Daxia in the entire Supreme Profound Land The strategic needs of Shen Xiancheng cannot be missed."

After    finished speaking, Shen Ning breathed, and then the young and steady voice continued to ring in Xue Dao's ear:

   "Although I don't know what the specific battle plan made by your majesty and the court is, there is no doubt that Daxia wants to gain a firm foothold in the land of Supreme Profound. The role of Shen Xiancheng is beyond doubt.

"It is not only our first step from the North Sea to the land, but it is also the rear of the entire North Sea for the strategic depth. Once the two fairy mountains are caught, we will erect it in Shenxian City. The first ancient stone statue tower in the land!"

   The words that night spoke with a decisive color, and the deep meaning behind it was also enough to stir up stormy waves among the countless forces in the entire Taixuan Land.

  In Daxia, China, all the people understand a truth. The place where the ancient stone statue tower is located is the extension of Daxia's land!

   And perhaps for the great forces in the Taixuan Land now gearing up, the young emperor dominates Da Xia, not the fish of desire, but the phoenix of nine heavens that swallows heaven and earth.

   After Ye Yi’s words fell for a while, Xue Dao, who was also full of fighting spirit in his eyes, turned sideways slightly, and his voice came out:

   "Unfortunately, Li Dingshan has been in retreat since he went to sea. If he can't leave the customs after arriving in Shenxian City, then I will not get a lot of information later."

   "He will leave the customs. This time of retreat, he should also prepare for the final battle."

After    Yaichi’s response fell, he slowly turned around, and the voice continued to sound in Xue Dao’s ear:

"I put a trace of the power of the law of night in the dragon's salivation bead, which contains the latest information collected in the recent stage of the Taixuan Land. Once the two immortals are caught, your majesty can receive the news in time. "

   "Will it be discovered by the Xuemei Kingdom monarch, after all, that is a great monk with a very high realm?"

   "It shouldn't be. If I want to find out, at least I must crush the Ambergris bead. She has only one on her hand, there is no room for waste."

   After the night, he raised his hand and waved his black robe, walked forward to the front of the deck, stepped to the front of the gold ingot, and then looked at the latter with a slightly suspicious look, and the voice continued to sound on the deck:

   "Gold ingots, according to the agreement between you and me, the two-year period has come, so when you arrive at Shenxiancheng by the North Sea, you can part ways."

   Ye Yi's words were still plain and did not contain too strong emotions, but to the gold ingot, it sounded like a thunder in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, shaking violently.

At this moment, in the mind of Jin Yuanbao, scenes of scenes flashed continuously, from the first encounter in Shen Xiancheng to the **** battle of the Young Sect Master in the Rolling Jin Sect. Abruptly, the cultivation base was superficial, and the dull and talented self lifted the throne of the young master of the Jin Jinzong.

   This is the fastest time in this life for gold ingots, and it also makes gold ingots feel for the first time that there is something more pleasing to the world than money.

   Then the gold ingot came back to his senses, staring at the back of Ye Yi who was walking toward the cabin, and directly shouted:

   "Brother Ye, since the previous cooperation was very pleasant and you and I have achieved your goals, why not continue to have more cooperation in this upheaval in this world?"

   "Heaven and earth change suddenly, and luck shuffles. If you continue to cooperate, you may inherit the extinction of the Golden Sect and die completely in the rolling history."

   After the response from the front fell, the round face of the gold ingot showed a solemn color, and he continued to speak:

"As Big Brother Ye said, this is a shuffle that swept the entire Taixuan Land. Naturally, I know how many catties I have in the Jinjin Sect. To put it bluntly, my Jinjin Sect is actually a larger chamber of commerce. It is undoubtedly difficult to be independent in the troubled times, so it needs pressure."

  As soon as the words of Jin Yinbao came out, Ye Yi's figure paused as he walked forward, then turned his head slightly, looking at Jin Yinbao with a serious face, and the voice of inquiry came out:

   "You want to bet against us when you roll Jinzong? You don't even know who we are."

"Before the old man abdicated, the young master, as the young master, was unable to decide how to bet the roll gold, but I can make the bet on my own behalf. If Brother Ye doesn’t dislike it, I don’t have the others, but Xianbi, I There is no shortage."

  After the gold ingot finished speaking, he grinned and revealed a smile that he thought to be honest. Then Ye Yi smiled, and the response came out:

"If you accept your bet or not, I said it won’t count, but you can follow me first, and one more thing, you don’t need to call me Brother Ye from now on, because I’m much younger than you, you can call me For Ye Sicheng!"

   As soon as the steady voice fell, Jin Ingot's eyes opened incredibly, and then his lips moved, making it difficult to speak for a long time.


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