
read2();   Taixuan Land, Shenxiancheng on the bank of the North Sea, under the gray and broken sky, the dense fog of Taoism, is no longer satisfied with floating above the North Sea, but mighty Dangdi rushed towards the landing, like a rolling line of soldiers charging.

   Because of the sudden shattering of the northern barrier separating the heaven and the earth, the balance between the northern county and the remaining fourteen northern counties was completely broken.

The gray fog that was originally only permeating the North Sea, after unstoppable, Chen Qun went south in a group. On the other hand, the rich vitality of the south and the vitality of heaven and earth began to go north. The two are like opposing armies in Beihai. On this extremely barren land, the county fights against each other.

After two years of spreading the fate of Beihai, more and more people came to Shenxiancheng from various places in the Taixuan Land. As Ye Yi said, the entire Beihai County is on such a vast wasteland. , Shen Xiancheng is a huge city that stands on top of Ao Jia and can live in. Therefore, the only place that those forces who come to participate in the chance meeting in advance can stay is Shen Xiancheng.

   Today's Shen Xiancheng, except for some stubborn people, almost all the local Beihai creatures have left one after another, leaving the entire huge Shen Xiancheng to the powerful monks who are still rushing here by the North Sea.

   Even the Five Immortals Sect, where the five Tongtian Mountain peaks in the center of the city are located, recalled all the disciples and monks six months ago, and announced that the sect was officially closed, not participating in all competitions.

Wuxianzong’s showing of weakness also meant giving up the entire Shenxiancheng, but strangely, after losing control, there were few conflicts in Shenxiancheng. All parties showed great restraint, even if there was irreconcilability. Contradictory hostile forces are also deliberately avoided.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand. Under the circumstances that the casual cultivator dare not go north, the forces that can establish a foothold in Shenxian City have huge forces behind any family, and it is the so-called influence that affects the whole body. Who are these big forces? They are not willing to break this fragile balance before the birth of Beihai.

   The night is approaching, and the gray fog is even worse. The last gleam of light in the sky shines on the huge city of Shenxian standing on the giant ao. From a distance, it even gives people a sense of tranquility and peace.

   This is undoubtedly the moment of tranquility before the storm!

   "Uncle, is it the legendary Beihai Shenxian City? As it is said, it is a majestic city standing in the air."

Above the Shenxian City in the North Sea, a clear sigh sounded, and then the little girl standing in the sled of the flying race in the Tianyun Temple, Shui Lingling's big eyes stared at the looming Xiongcheng under the faint sunset light ahead, and continued Open the mouth:

   "We have come all the way to have a panoramic view of the desolation of Beihai County, and it is really not easy to build such a huge city in this land of abandoned roads and stand for tens of thousands of years without falling."

   After the little girl's voice fell, the middle-aged man beside her had not yet responded. The North Sea wild bird waving its wings above the two responded directly:

   "That's a little girl, of course, this Shenxiancheng is the last home of those of us who stayed behind in Beihai County. Without this city, we would have no home!"

   The words from Asuka from the North Sea contained tens of thousands of years of bitterness, which made the little girl who heard it suddenly feel sour for some reason.

The little girl once followed the middle-aged man next to her to read the ancient books that once recorded the **** battle in Beihai, so she naturally knows how prosperous and powerful this Beihai County was tens of thousands of years ago. It was completely a holy place for cultivation in the entire Profound Skyland. However, the world is very cold, a great battle has destroyed everything, and the black brown wasteland is so shocking all the way.

   Then just as the little girl Yi'er was sad, the North Sea bird above continued to pass down with a little proud voice:

"After the **** battle in Beihai tens of thousands of years ago, the surviving creatures in Beihai County went south and far away. Fortunately, the Five Immortals and the predecessors left behind built this Shenxian City on the Ao Jia, and they have guarded it to this day. Although Shenxian City is no better The big cities in the mainland are prosperous, but they are not bad. You will know when you get there."

   After the North Sea bird finished speaking, he began to speak, but the voice that continued to sound was melancholy:

"It's no secret that after taking the distinguished guests to Shenxian City this time, I will also go south to stay away from home, and temporarily go to the relatively safe South to avoid the wind. No matter it is the Tianyun Temple or the Five Immortals in Shenxian City the other day. They all warned me, saying that there will be major changes in Beihai, and asked me to wait temporarily.

"Now that most of the people of Shen Xiancheng have left, I also gave the house to a large sect from inland, thinking that I will come back after this drastic change in the North Sea is over. After all, these large forces cannot always occupy Are you in Shen Xiancheng?"

   After the North Sea wild bird had finished speaking, he let out a rather optimistic laugh, then the middle-aged man standing with his hands under his hands, staring at the front, suddenly asked directly:

   "What if after you go here, Shen Xiancheng is completely erased because of the war?"

   The middle-aged man's words were not finished yet, and the response of the North Sea Wild Bird above quickly sounded:

   "Impossible, our Shen Xiancheng has been standing for tens of thousands of years, and the Five Immortal Sect has always been out of the world, and now it has announced that it will not participate in the so-called battle for chance."

  The North Sea Wild Bird's words contained eagerness, and then the color of fear grew stronger and stronger, and he continued to speak anxiously:

"These powerful people said they wanted Shen Xiancheng. We gave it. Almost all the people have left. Even the Five Immortals are closed. There is no dispute. Why do they want to destroy Beihai County, the last one? A city destroys our last home.

   "Beihai County has become the way it is today, so what are they going to do? If they lose even the last home of Shen Xiancheng, I will wait for these Beihai County creatures to wander in the world."

   The simple words of wandering in the world have exhausted the sadness of the world. No matter where, for any wise and emotional creature, leaving one's hometown is one of the greatest woes in life.

   "Uncle, people of Beihai, it's really not easy."

   The little girl Yi'er turned around and looked at the middle-aged man beside her. After the clear voice fell, the middle-aged man on the side sighed slightly, and the voice came out:

   "Yi'er, it's not that the people in the north suffer, but the people in the entire Taixuan Land suffer."

   The voice fell, and the middle-aged man stared at the huge Shenxiancheng that gradually disappeared into the darkness in front of him, and his mellow voice continued to sound:

   "When the road is narrow, leave a step for people to walk. When the taste is strong, subtract three points for people to taste. Why is such a superficial truth that no one can understand?"


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