The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1250: Undercurrent


read2();   Shen Xiancheng on the banks of the North Sea, after the darkness fell, the squally stormy waves from the depths of the North Sea were even worse, and even at the end of the dark sky without any light, there were faint strips like The silver snake-like dazzling thunder flashed, accompanied by roars.

   Such a vision caused a cultivator who was in Shenxian City, wandering around, or practicing cross-legged to stand up one after another, looking up at the depths of the Beihai night sky, his complexion slightly changed, and his eyes solemn.

   "Elder Ge, with such a vision of lightning and thunder, is it possible that this disillusioning North Sea hurricane is about to strike?"

   Shen Xiancheng’s top floor, the bright lights in the main hall shone on the two figures standing at the window, and two not tall lights and shadows were outlined on the side wall.

   After the sound of the question fell, the old man with his hands standing next to the bed with his snow-white beard almost touching the ground, turned his eyes from below to the brightly lit Shen Xiancheng to the depths of the night sky in the distant sky, and responded:

   "The frequency of North Sea hurricanes in these tens of thousands of years will not be too long. Unless someone shakes the sea bell, it will not appear so easily. It should just be some abnormal movement in the depths of the North Sea."

  Shenji’s old population called Hailing the three words, and the figure behind him was vague, the figure shrouded in black light paused, his head hung down, and the response sounded:

   "The subordinates have neglected their duties. For such a long time in Beihai County, they failed to realize that the Five Immortals actually possessed the ancient Beihai treasure, calling the sea bell.

   "This Five Immortal Sect can be regarded as a descendant of the Beihai Five Immortal Sect at any rate. Although the Five Immortal Sect that was once prosperous for a while fell apart because of the war, it is normal to retain some of the treasures of the past."

   An old voice came from the mouth of the old man Shenji, and then he continued to lower his head and watched at this moment, there are still countless forces that have fallen down the gossip square through various means, and the voice once again sounded in the top hall:

"Whether you are a negligent old man, you will be dealt with by someone in the cabinet, but there are rules in the Shenji Pavilion, and the Shenji Pavilion can unconditionally mobilize the people of the Yu Pavilion. The old man will take over the entire Beihai County Shenji Pavilion from this moment. There should be no problem?"

   "Naturally, there is no problem. In the next and the entire Beihai County Shenji Pavilion, listen to the instructions of the old man!"

The harsh and hoarse voice fell, and the person stepped back and kneeled on one knee to show surrender. If you look closely at the center of his eyebrows, you will find that there is a gleaming eye inlaid on it. If Zhao Yu and others were here, Will recognize his racial identity, soul race.

   "You will receive the latest news from this northern land recently and talk to the old man."

There was no expression on the gully face of the old man, the old voice was also cold, and then the soul clan behind him raised his head, and from the soul eyes of the eyebrows, a ray of light appeared in the void of the top hall. A huge map of the fifteen districts of Beidi, the land of Taixuan, was intertwined in the middle, and he respectfully said:

   "Elder Ge, please see the specific map of the fifteen counties in Northland."

After the hoarse voice of the soul race came out, the old man of Shenji turned around, and his old eyes stared at the map outlined in the void in front of him. At the same time, the biggest change on this map was the one that once represented the northern enchantment. The lines have disappeared without a trace.

"Lao Ge, the sky-reaching barrier across the entire Northland collapsed in the past few days, causing the entire heavenly secret to become chaotic at an unprecedented speed. The fog of Dao abandoned on the North Sea descended south and collided with the vitality of the south. A series of extremely weird appearances. There is news that some green plants have appeared in the border between Beihai County and Meteorite County!"

"The fog of Taoism and the air of life are opposed. On the other hand, the existence of this northern enchantment has sealed all the possibilities of Beihai County's recovery in these years, and if it is the chief culprit of Beihai's famine The culprit is that **** battle, and the accomplice that has caused Beihai County to become more and more silent for tens of thousands of years is this northern enchantment."

This speech that came from the mouth of the old man of Shenji clearly explained the pros and cons of the northern enchantment. In other words, it was like a sharp blade of heaven and earth, which would destroy the rotten flesh of Beihai County. , A cut from the land of Taixuan.

   For the remaining one hundred and seven counties in the Taixuan Land, this is the least expensive method, but for Beihai County, it means that it has been ruthlessly abandoned.

"Elder Ge, for the sudden collapse of the northern barrier, his subordinates sent many people to investigate, but they didn't have a clue. Although it was finally smashed by an old Sanxiu in Xiaoyao City, everyone with a discerning eye Knowing that this is just the last straw that will crush the camel."

   Inside the main hall on the top floor of the Shenji Pavilion, the voice of the Yuge Soul Race continued to sound, and then the elderly Shenji old man waved his hand, and the response came out:

   "Behind the sudden collapse of the northern enchantment, someone must be helping, and the old man behind the scenes, the old man has already guessed a little."

After finishing the sentence, the rickety old man turned around and looked at the center of Shenxian City. There were only a few lights, and most of the remaining areas were hidden in the darkness. His eyes were narrowed and his face was old. There is an inexplicable color flow above.

   "Elder Ge, according to your opinion, the man behind the collapse of the northern barrier is the Five Immortal Sect. How is this possible?"

"There is nothing in the world that is completely impossible, and in terms of motivation, the Five Immortal Sect has the greatest possibility. On the other hand, having this heavy treasure also proves that this Sect is not as fragile as seen by the outside world. "

After    finished speaking, the old man Shenji stretched out his right hand like a dead branch, pressed the edge of the window, and continued to speak slowly:

   "Now that the various forces in the entire Northland are gathering, the current situation of Shen Xiancheng is complicated, but is there something unusual?"

"Elder Hui Ge, today Shen Xiancheng gathers 80% of the great powers with famous names and surnames in the entire Taixuan Land, and the rest are constantly coming to gather. It is rare in ancient times, and it is restrained by all parties. Down, although Shen Xiancheng did not break out violent conflict, but undercurrents surging in private.

"The most noteworthy of these is that, in addition to some top powers such as the Four Great Kingdoms and the Five Hidden Sects, many forces in Shenxian City have chosen to join the camps of the princes of the Central Kingdom. The prince and the fourth prince are the most powerful, and there may be some variables in this chance meeting."

  As soon as this remark came out, the old man Shenji fell into deep thoughts, which meant that countless thoughts in his mind were madly deducing. Then the old man seemed to have thought of something and asked:

   "Is there any news about the third of the Central Empire who disappeared in the fight for the dragon fishing rod and was called a lunatic?"

  The question of the old man of God machine fell, and the Yuge Spirit Race, who was still kneeling respectfully on one knee, raised his head. After a few breaths of thought, he responded:

"Elder Hui Ge, there is definite news that the youngest of the Central Empire has appeared in the depths of the sea of ​​Fengxian County, and it is worth mentioning that it is the man who saves him who is very civilized and inferior to military affairs. The second prince of the Central Empire who is late!"


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