The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1251: can not wait


read2();   The sun and the moon are past, and cannot be tracked again. Although the sun and the moon over Beihai County, the land of the profound mystery, are not visible for thousands of years, time still rolls forward without stopping.

   But for too many people, these short two days are extremely long.

The North Sea Opportunity Conference is close at hand, so within these two days, more and more forces from the inland and north have rushed to Shenxian City by various means of transportation, flying in the sky, swimming in the sea, and on land. The running, mighty towards the only city on the shore of the North Sea.

Since that day, the young man Xuan on the shoulders of the Great Lord Jin Hai announced to the world the exact time for the chance meeting, the rhythm of everyone going north suddenly accelerated, and those forces who had not yet reached the shore of the North Sea tried their best to move towards Came from the north, for fear of missing this unprecedented opportunity meeting.

It is worth mentioning that the vast sea of ​​gold formed by the Great Lord Jinhai, after bringing the young man Xuanbei up to the shore of the North Sea, he did not do any other actions, but sat down directly on the seaside cross-legged, huge and boundless. Standing like a giant mountain not far from Shenxian City, he quietly waited for the arrival of this last moment.

The sky full of Jinhai occupies the entire half of the sky, and has even become the only touch of bright color in this deadly and quiet vast area. Looking out from Shenxiancheng, you can clearly see the figure of Jinhai standing on the sky, and at the same time lament it Magnificent and unparalleled.

For tens of thousands of years, the holy court has been like a big hand covering the entire sky of the Supreme Profound Land. While floating above the nine heavens, it is infinitely awe-inspiring. At the same time, it is difficult to wonder how powerful it is. At this time, the holy court is slightly revealed. With a hint of sharpness, the so-called great power in the Taixuan Land lost any idea of ​​fighting for the edge.

The light of a Golden Sea is stronger than all the super powerful ancestors who led the team this time, not to mention that the large troops of the holy court have not arrived at this time. Therefore, in a sense, the two are mayfly and The difference between giant whales.

   Shenxian City on the shore of the North Sea, the drifting heavy rain enveloped the entire North Sea city in the evening without warning. The salty and bitter storm in the North Sea made the pampered big children very uncomfortable and hid in the building not to go out.

   In this way, the originally bustling streets and alleys of Shen Xiancheng, except for the gossip square where there are still densely packed monks landing, the land becomes empty for an unprecedented time.

The overall layout of Shen Xiancheng is in the shape of gossip, accompanied by wide streets criss-crossed horizontally and vertically, thus isolating blocks of square buildings. By this time, countless people have come to Beihai to participate in the chance meeting. The forces are divided up as a whole.

   The heavy rain was like a column. In a building complex near the east of Shenxian City, two cloaked figures slowly appeared from the unlit street corner, and slowly stepped forward.

   Among the two figures, there is a particularly petite figure, and along with it walking, there are several green curly hair protruding from under the hood, adding a breath of youthful vitality.

   "After two years, this lady finally returned to Shen Xiancheng, and she was really moved!"

   The sweet and crisp voice came from under the hood of the petite figure. It was Miss Qing Tian who set off from Dongsheng County with You Tianya and passed through most of the northeastern part of Taixuan Land.

After    finished speaking, the young girl Qingtian stopped at the entrance of the street, and then looked up at the dense forest of various trees and vines in front of her. A trace of nostalgia flashed in her emerald green eyes, and she continued to speak:

   "Unexpectedly, Qinglin has done a lot in Shenxian City in the past two years, and even planted a forest containing the will of the mother of the jungle on this soilless armor."

After Qing Tian finished her words, she stretched out her white and slender fingers and slapped them lightly in front of him. At the next breath, a shining green light suddenly appeared under the heavy rain. At the same time, there was a strong vitality in front of the two. The forest plants immediately began to shake violently, as if cheering for the girl's arrival.

Using this as a starting point, this piece of forest that occupies a large area suddenly turned from quiet to boiling, and the vast vitality began to pour outwards. Then dozens of green awns rose from the jungle to the sky, and after the blink of an eye, they came directly to Qingtian In front of Yu You Tianya, within the green light, the figure of an old and a young man appeared, and then sounded with an urgent voice:

   "Miss, you shouldn't be in the Silver Night Forest in Dongsheng County at this time. Why did this Shenxiancheng suddenly appear, and there is no sacrificial guard nearby?"

This old anxious voice just fell, and the old-faced Master Young Miao stepped forward from the green light, and quickly came to Qing Tian, ​​carefully looking at the latter's body up and down, and after making sure that he did not suffer any harm, Some voices of blame continued:

"Too adventurous, too adventurous, the eldest lady is honorable, Yan Jueguo's underground livestock occupy half of Fengxian County, and there are eyeliners everywhere. If they learn about your whereabouts, the lady will definitely come out. "

   The words of Master Qing Miao fell, Qing Lin stretched out his hand to take off the hood on top of his head, a faint smile appeared on the delicate face, and said with relief:

"Grandma Qingmiao, don't bury me. I've arrived in Shenxian City safely, and You Tianya is with me. His body is the Youtianweng clan, and the underground creatures of Yan Jueguo may not be able to catch up. "

After   , the young girl Qing Tian looked at the green forest that was standing not far away, with a handsome face but a large mature face. In her green eyes, there was a raging war spirit burning, and a cold voice followed:

   "Qinglin, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, you have not forgotten all the things that were here two years ago?"

   "Naturally, I have not forgotten. If I forget, then my Highness will not stay in Shen Xiancheng for two years!"

In Qinglin's response, there was not only a stronger will to fight, but also revealed a few billowing evil spirits about to cut off the enemy's head. Then he stepped forward and came to the front of the girl Qingtian, with the corners of his mouth raised. A signature confident smile appeared, and the voice continued to be heard:

   "I have always believed that the eldest lady will return to Shen Xiancheng again, and then wash away the shame of two years ago!"

   "This young lady is no longer what she used to be. After breaking the mirror this time, her strength has increased several times."

   A confident and extraordinary voice came from Miss Qing Tian’s mouth, and then she turned around, letting the rainstorm from the sky fall on her petite body to make a crackling sound, and a murderous voice came directly:

   "Surprising winds and rains are suitable for killing, Qinglin, you have been in Shenxian City for so long, this site of Yan Jueguo should be familiar to you, right?"

   When Qing Tian said this, whether it was the Master Young Miao in front of him, or Qinglin and those who rushed to Qingzhi Country, the Shumei clan changed greatly.

   Then Qinglin just wanted to open his mouth, the young lady on the side stretched out a hand and patted his shoulder, and a serious voice rang in everyone's ears:

"You guessed it, this lady just can't wait for a moment. I, Qingzhiguo, have no interest in this so-called North Sea opportunity, but those people from Yan Jueguo must die. There is no need to wait for any chance meeting. I will send it tonight. They go to **** and lead the way!"


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