
read2();   The development of everything in the world is like a river that rushes to the sea and never returns. What determines the direction of this river is inevitable and accidental.

   The general trend of the world determines the main direction of the development of all things, and those accidental events full of uncertainty, although extremely inconspicuous, can have a fuse-like influence on the entire event.

The world says that people’s hearts are the most unpredictable, and the emotions of creatures are always unpredictable accidents, just as the world would never have imagined that the old casual cultivator outside Xiaoyao City smashed into that northern enchantment. The monks of the major forces also did not expect that on the streets under the darkness and heavy rain, the flames of revenge from the girls would completely ignite the extremely barren land of Beihai County.

   "Miss, please think twice, Shen Xiancheng can be described as a gathering of dragons at this time, if you do this at this time, it is extremely likely to be siege from all directions."

As the oldest person in Qingzhishangguo in Shenxiancheng, Master Qingmiao is naturally based on safety. Therefore, after Miss Qingtian surfaced her own will, she directly persuaded her without saying anything, but her face was exquisite. The girl with green curly hair hanging down like a waterfall shook her head directly, and solemnly responded:

"Grandma Qingmiao, it is precisely because at this time that the various forces in Shenxian City are densely packed together like thread, it makes this lady feel upset. If we wait for some chance meeting, too many variables will be added. Since this time we will go to the country. The purpose is clear, so just keep it simple."

After    finished speaking, Qing Tian licked her red lips, squinted her eyes and paused for a while, the voice continued:

"Since the Honorable Yan Jueguo has shamelessly attacked this young lady, this time, the younger generation of Yan Jueguo in Shenxian City must die. This young lady wants them to not even participate in the chance meeting. Don't worry, Qing Miao Grandma, now I can pull out the jungle to judge. It is not easy to want my life!"

   Young girl Qing Tian's decisive declaration of revenge sounded under the heavy rain, and then Master Qing Miao moved her lips, wanting to say something, and finally withdrew a step back, closely following the former.

   "Qinglin, lead the way ahead!"

  Ms. Qing Tian's fighting voice rolled out, and then Qinglin's tall and straight body was blurred, and then directly slammed into the heavy rain of Shen Xiancheng, and took the lead in the building controlled by Yan Jue.

After Qinglin, there were shadows rushing out from the Qingzhi jungle one after another, including the young girl Qingtian. These elite monks of the Shumei clan from Qingzhishangguo, each of them can hide almost perfectly. The green robe with its own breath was so fast that it disappeared in a flash.

Among all the forces in the entire Taixuan Land, the Shumei clan must be among the best in terms of the ability to restrain the breath. Therefore, these cultivators of the Qingzhi Kingdom quickly shuttle through the dark streets of Shenxiancheng, just like wandering in the darkness. The ghosts are so common that they did not attract the attention of the rest of the people.

In order to avoid violent conflicts prematurely, the major forces that come to Shenxian City, if there are **** enemies between each other, will generally choose to live far away, the two enemies of Qingzhishangguo and Yanjueshangguo. The same is true of nature, where Qingzhi Kingdom is in the east of the city, while the latter is in the west.

In this way, the elite monks led by Miss Qing Tian will pass through the Shenji Pavilion in the center. Although a group of people lock their breath firmly in their bodies, there are still a few eyes staring from the Shenji Pavilion. There was doubt in his eyes.

   After all, for tens of thousands of years, the Shumei clan has been synonymous with disliking disputes in the eyes of all forces. Therefore, even when a large number of Qingzhi Kingdom monks came out, most people did not think about fighting.

At the same time, among the gazes that discovered the action of Qingzhi Kingdom, there was a window from a certain attic of the Shenji Pavilion, and this gaze looked down at the time when the petite figure in the wizard of Oz robe was flying in the rain. , Obviously brought some ups and downs.

The night demon's mood fluctuates, and the entire boundless night will begin to oscillate. Then in the room, Xue Dao, who felt the night rolling up and down, raised his head, looking at Ye Yi's back by the window, a slightly doubtful voice sounded :

   "Ya Si Cheng, the night is suddenly ups and downs, but there are some accidents?"

   After Xue Dao's voice fell, Ye Yi stared at the figure below, his gaze remained unchanged. After a moment of thought, a steady response came out:

   "When I met an old person, I was as reckless as before."

   "The old man?"

   After Xue Dao underestimated, his black eyes lit up and he continued to speak:

   "It turned out to be Miss Qing Tian. I haven't seen each other for two years. I really miss it."

After    finished his words, Xue Dao frowned, with some incredible voice coming from the attic again:

"Ye Sicheng said that Miss Qingtian was reckless. Could it be that she is leading the team to attack Yan Yan tonight, and the power of the country will not succeed. With this young lady's turbulent personality, this kind of thing is possible? Great sex."

"You are right, this eldest lady is heading towards Yan Jueguo's territory at this time, and in this dark night, I can clearly feel the violent boiling killing intent on her body, but she breaks into the palm of her hand. After birth and death, she is much stronger than two years ago."

In the sound that rang in the room, Ye Yi carried a hint of inexplicable emotions that he might not have noticed. Then the thoughts of the great summer nightmare in the sea of ​​knowledge rolled, and after a few breaths, the voice Sounded again:

   "Don't look at Shen Xiancheng at this time, it is still calm, but in fact, the internal balance is extremely fragile. Miss Qing Tian's move will undoubtedly give all parties hands-on signals. It is foreseeable that Shen Xiancheng will be in chaos right away."

After the sound of    Ye Ye fell, he turned around, looked at Xue Dao who was sitting on the ground in front of him, and continued to speak:

   "Xue Dao, you take Li Dingshan, Jin Yuanbao and others directly to the Wuxianzong in the center of Shenxian City, and the Secretary Cheng will follow Qingtian to take a look."

After    finished speaking, the huge Night Demon's wings behind Ye Yi burst out, and the billowing night suddenly became several times thicker, and the former's figure slowly disappeared.

   Half a quarter of an hour later, north of Shenxiancheng, under the rainy night, the elite monks of Qingzhi Country led by Miss Qingtian slowly slowed down, and gradually approached the gathering area in front of the people living in Yan Jue Country.

   Then the eldest lady stared at the deadly Yan Jueguo in front of him, and the intense fighting spirit in the green eyes could hardly be suppressed, and an excited voice came out:

   "It's really beautiful. Yan Jueguo and the underground people want to rush out of the ground every day, but they are afraid of the rain. At this time, under the heavy rain, they must hide in the corner and shiver."

After    finished speaking, the girl directly pressed her feet, rushing forward like an arrow, and at the same time her voice was heard by everyone beside her:

   "Qinglin and the rest are giving me pressure, this lady is about to do it!"


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