
read2();   Shen Xiancheng on the shores of the North Sea, violent and violent waves, roaring from the sea and rushing to the coast, and wrapped in unimaginable force, crashed into the shore. On the towering Ao Jia on the side, there was a loud noise and then rolled back.

The relic of the Ao Jia that has been standing on the banks of the North Sea for tens of thousands of years is unimaginably strong. It is unmoved by the impact of the huge waves, but at this time, Shen Xiancheng above the Ao Jia is growing bigger and bigger. Shivering in the heavy rain, and the extremely strong smell of blood rushed into the sky, and if you look closely at the rain flowing above the ground in various places in Shenxian City, you will find that it is mixed with glaring scarlet blood.

Throughout Shen Xiancheng, colorful magical powers gleamed on the rainy night, and the aftermath of the mighty force knocked down houses. As a result, in the midst of the fight between the sneak attackers and the attacked, Shen Xiancheng came to the west. The battle between Qingzhi and Yanjue, who had begun a deadly battle, became more and more unconcerned.

   Above the void on the west side of Shen Xiancheng, the young girl Qing Tian stood in the air, looking down at the Dao Zi of the Flame Demon who was bitten by the Demon Devouring Vine from all directions, and the emerald green pupils were full of coldness like a dying person.

Qing Tian, ​​who broke into the birth and death realm of the palm, can now break free from the shackles of the earth and stand proudly in the void, and the holy spear that extends from the void behind the girl is slaughtering the nearly double-numbered Yan Jue country After the underground troll, he continued to point his sharp edge straight down, and the rich and extremely murderous pouring down, and then the cold voice of the young lady sounded:

"Perhaps you are waiting for someone to rescue you. This young lady knows that Yan Jue Shangguo has worked hard for the so-called ground plan. Whether it is using symbiosis, such a vicious act, or the coercive and lure method, have you won Few so-called allies, so you feel that you have not lost hope."

   After the voice of the young girl Qing Tian fell, Daozi Yan Jue opened his mouth and roared, and gave out a harsh response:

   "We, Yan Jueguo, and the four princes of Central Shangguo have formed an offensive and defensive alliance. If your Qingzhi country does not want to face the two great Shangguo all at once, then this demon advises you to leave as soon as possible."

After    the roar, the huge body of Dao Zi Yan Demon suddenly began to violently pull the Devil-Eater Vine on his body, and the cracking voice continued to roll out:

"You wait for these innocent tree people of the Qingzhi Nation. Don’t think that you can eat the demon by using this so-called Demon Eater Vine. The Underground Demon God is on the top. Even if the demon lets these vines let go, they want to kill me. , It’s not so easy, the demon can insist on the rescue of the rest of the people."

There is no fear in the roar of Yan Jue Dao Zi of the Flame Demon. In an underground world that is countless times more cruel than the ground, he has his status today because of killing. There are not many moments of life and death in this life. As the strongest royal family underground, in addition to the strongest talent, the flame demon clan is also the key to a lot of wisdom higher than other races.

After the heart attacking words of Dao Zi Yan Demon sounded in Qing Tian's ears, the girl's face remained unchanged, but she slowly put away the jungle holy spear that protruded from the void behind her back, and this action made her watch below All the flame demon Daozi's eyes were bright, and he opened his mouth and continued to roar:

   "Qingzhiguo, you killed so many monks in Yan Jueguo, this account will be long in the future!"

   "No need for tomorrow, because you have no future at all."

A flat voice came from Qingtian's mouth, and then the vision behind the girl changed again, and wisps of hazy green mist gushed out of the void, and at this moment, the entire west side of Shenxian City was filled with mystery. The mysterious and immense will suddenly rises.

"The reinforcements you are waiting for can't come, and you and the cunning Flame Demon clan can naturally understand that none of the major forces in Shenxian City is good, so it is estimated that many people have been ambushing on the road at this time. Carry out interception, especially the four princes of the Central Shangguo, do you think he will risk the danger to save you?"

As soon as these words came out, the misty green glow behind the young lady Qingtian became more and more intense, and between the green glow, a long sword phantom slowly emerged, and then the majestic and unparalleled will, in the girl's control Down, crashed from above the sky.

  The magnificence and swiftness of this will is like the sea of ​​nine heavens pressing on him. After making Daozi the Flame Demon groan, the whole body directly kneels down, and then the voice comes out from his mouth word by word:

   "Jungle trial!"

Dao Zi Yan Demon made a stern voice, and the fuzzy sword shadow behind Qing Tian once again became clear. At the same time, Qing Lin and Master Qing Miao looked at each other, and directly held the ground in front of them with both hands, to the west of Shen Xiancheng. Suddenly, a barrier composed of shadows of trees rose up, enveloping everyone's location, and at the same time isolating the will of the jungle mother summoned by the jungle trial.

If you take a bird’s eye view from the sky and spread out with this barrier as the center, the entire Shenxian City has been completely chaotic at this time, and **** and tragic fights are staged everywhere, and in the upper-class room of the Shenji Pavilion, a powerful power holder Unable to sit still, they rushed to the large army that was raided with the forces under their hands.

   At the same time, in the periphery on the west side of Shenxian City, there were several fights that were extremely tragic, and it was no one else who participated in this battle, but the princes of the Central Government.

   However, it is worth mentioning that the people who chose to ambush the four princes and monks on the road of rescue were not the only prince of Central Shangguo. The rest of the princes who took root in Shenxiancheng also had the same idea and sent out elite ambushes.

As a result, the complete chaos in this area turned into a pot of porridge. The heavy rain and the mist of Dao Qi made the spiritual consciousness restricted. The forces of the four princes had not arrived yet, but the rest of the ambushing teams had already been killed. In a ball, countless swords, lights, shadows and magical powers were intertwined in one place, and the ground was dyed red in an instant.

When the four princes really arrived, they had no time to retreat, they were directly involved in them, roaring, fighting, crashing and whistling, and the sound was deafening. In the curtain-like dark night of Shenxian City, the center The princes of the empire, a life-and-death war broke out directly.

Among them, the great prince is undoubtedly the strongest, especially the violent giant swords of the core disciples of the Great Sword Sect, flashing through the dazzling stream of light sword array in the dark, cutting off the heads of monks one after another, screaming One after another.

   The harsh screams even overwhelmed the sound of the rainstorm and directly reached the ears of the people on the west side of Shen Xiancheng.

   "Have you heard, this scream may come from the person who came to save you."

   A faint voice came from Miss Qing Tian's mouth, and then the petite figure of the young girl slowly descended, and came to the Daozi of the Flame Demon who was lying on the ground by the vast will.

   The girl's figure is only the size of the head of the Flame Demon Daozi, but the power pouring outward from her body completely surpasses the latter.

   The next second, the girl stretched out her hand backwards, gently held the hilt of the blurred sword shadow behind her, and the cold voice continued:

   "Killing you is just the first step for this lady to revenge and glory!"

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