The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1259: Holy Court Palace


read2();   "Xuan, Shen Xiancheng is in chaos."

On the shore of the North Sea, not far from Shenxian City, on the coast, there is a huge golden sea that occupies the entire half of the sky. The golden light that shines outwards in the night rainstorm comes from the great golden sea, who is standing in the sky, and then within the golden light , The rough and thick voice of the great master rang out.

At this time, the Great Lord Jinhai, who was sitting cross-legged, faced the North Sea, letting the stormy winds and waves hit the rain, with inexplicable emotions flowing in his eyes, and after his voice fell, the shoulders of Jinhai Great The sitting young man Xuan slowly opened his eyes, turned his head and looked in the direction of Shen Xiancheng on the side, and the response came out:

   "Life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky, chaos is chaos."

   "A person who is ruthless and desireless like you is really terrible, so indifferent to everything in the world."

  The voice of the Great Lord Jinhai continued to sound with sighs, and what makes people feel incredible is that, as the created puppet Great Lord Jinhai, he lamented the indifference and ruthlessness of a young man of heaven and earth.

   "The world is vast and everything is like a mayfly. Even if you can live for tens of thousands of years, it is only a drop in the ocean. Therefore, even if a monk with a high level of cultivation, die early or die late, there is no difference in terms of Dao Dao."

   There is no emotional fluctuation in the words that young man Xuan continued to speak, and this simple speech, if anyone else hears it, will surely be shocked. People who are so indifferent to life will undoubtedly make people feel terrified.

   But the Great Master Jin Hai knew about the existence and origin of the young man Xuan, so his huge eyes moved slightly, and his loud voice continued:

   "But then again, Xuan, this chance meeting hasn't even begun, and Shen Xiancheng has been fighting in chaos and becoming what it is now. According to the holy, I am afraid that it is wrong?"

"In my opinion, the life or death of a living being is created by one's own choice. There is a cause and effect between a drink and a peck, and the master's cultivation has reached the realm of heaven and earth. Understand this truth, let them go."

   The young man Xuan's voice was as flat as water, without any waves, and there was no expression on his ordinary face, then his lips slightly opened, and he continued to speak:

   "The whole world will not change due to the life and death of some unimportant monks. If you stand high enough, your eyes will only focus on the widest road."

   After the words of the black-clothed youth xuan fell, the response of the Great Master Jin Hai continued:

   "But there is one thing that the holy court cannot care about. It is glory and face. If the chance meeting is held, the participating forces will be greatly reduced, and the holy court will not be able to raise its head in front of all the monks in the world."

As soon as King Jinhai said these words, the young man Xuan's brows furrowed tightly, as if he had encountered something extremely perplexing, and then the young man was silent for a long time before he continued to close his eyes slowly, his voice said. Then it sounded:

   "I don't understand or don't want to understand the face, but since you say that, the rest of the holy court should stop it, so we wait!"

   The faint voice of the young man just fell, and at the next breath, there was a deafening sound from the nine heavens of the North Sea.

   "Boom, boom, boom!"

   The sound of this sound is like when the sky is shattered, thousands of thunders burst into the ears at the same time, and even the North Sea, which is now surging and windy, has stagnated at this moment.

The wind no longer blows, and the waves are set on the void, and there is a sudden violent sting in the depths of the consciousness of countless monks who are fighting in Shenxian City, making them retreat with their heads clutched. The sound of fighting disappeared in an instant.

   Then countless people in Shenxian City raised their heads and looked into the depths of the sky above the North Sea, while the earth-shattering roar continued to roll down from above, accompanied by a dazzling dazzling light.

   The extremely dense Daoqi gray mist over the North Sea began to roll violently after the roar and light appeared, as if there was a behemoth emitting infinite light above it slowly sinking from the sky.

   "What kind of thing is this? Could it be that the sun fails to fall?"

   After the dazzling light penetrated the gray mist of the entire North Sea, the entire Shenxian City below was still shining like daylight, while the Beihai Heavy City under the light was crimson and corpses everywhere, and the smell of blood was pungent.

   This dazzling light suddenly appeared, completely illuminating the undercurrents and dirty of Shen Xiancheng, and the monks whose faces were shining out hurriedly opened their hands to cover their hoods and retreated to the shadows to prevent their opponents from discovering their identity.

The light dissipated the darkness, and at the same time caused those with ghosts in their hearts to retract into the shadows. As a result, the dispute in Shenxiancheng suddenly stopped, and then countless lights rose from the city, staring at the top of their heads and sinking downward. Behemoth.

   The deafening roar in his ears became louder and louder, and a picture suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.

   A behemoth shrouded in infinite rays of light fell from above the nine heavens, and at the same time smashed into pieces a heavy sky that had been fragmented along the road in the depths of the Beihai Sky Dome, and the shocking weather rushed down with the bright light.

"According to the legend, during tens of thousands of years of **** battles, the Nine Heavens Fault in the North Sea was directly blasted through, so it means that the sky above our heads is leaking. Will such a big battle be the chaos and the gods sea and the sea water inverted? , The people of Sleepless Sect strikes again?"

In the Shenji Pavilion of Shenxiancheng, a large number of monks opened their mouths and let out a scream. These people had infinite horror in their eyes. If this happened, it would undoubtedly be a catastrophe sweeping the world, and as the first Shen to bear the brunt People in Xiancheng, it can be said with certainty that almost none of them can escape.

   Then, when a large number of monks were fascinated and trembling, the top floor of the Shenji Pavilion had been silently paying attention to the old people of Shenji in the whole city, his eyes narrowed, and his mouth opened to the front and said:

   "Don't panic, everyone, this is not a phenomenon of heaven and earth formed by the influx of the chaotic sea, but the arrival of the palace of the holy court!"

  After the vicissitudes of the old man of God machine spread throughout the city, everyone once again let out a cry of exclamation, and then some monks who knew the inside story thought a little bit, and continued to speak:

"According to legend, there are four palaces in the south, east, and north of the palace, floating above nine heavens, with an area as huge as a majestic city. Although it is called the palace, it is actually a fully armed war fortress, but this palace is not always a warrior with the palace. Was it suppressed in the Chaos Sea?"

"It is said that tens of thousands of years ago in the **** battle in the North Sea, the sky of Beihai County was completely shattered, and this Saint Court Palace should have been cut by the Chaos Sea through this fragmented passage, and came to the shore of the North Sea. The Saint Court is worthy of being a Saint. Ting, so strong!"

With the sound of exchanges, Shen Xiancheng topped the sky, and the behemoth glowing like a big sun instantly tore apart the dense fog of Hokkaido Abandonment, revealing a body that occupies half of the sky. The vast and infinite momentum is accompanied by the bright coercion over Shen Xiancheng.

   Bright and bright by the North Sea!


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