
read2();   In the depths of the North Sea, wind, waves, and darkness are intertwined together to form this inaccessible region. At this time, in the void of this extremity, There is a piece of frost that exudes colorful light, flying back and forth in an unpredictable trajectory.

Around    Colorful Shuanghua, there are ice warships parked on the surface of the sea, and on the warships a monk of the Kingdom of Xuemei who kneels on one knee and looks pious.

If at this time the young man, Hyun Jae, sitting cross-legged on the shoulders of the Great Lord Jinhai, he would definitely be familiar with this colorful frost flower, because it was also in the fairy palace a few years ago. Flying within the ruins.

With the dance of this frost flower, frost and snow began to appear in the void in the depths of the North Sea, and it became bigger and bigger. After only a few dozen breaths, the snowflakes became the size of goose feathers, and they fell down. At the same time, strands of frost began to appear on the surface of the North Sea that had been tumbling constantly.

The pure and extremely pure law of ice diffused outward from the colorful frost flowers, and then in the depths of the North Sea, which had hardly been frozen for hundreds of millions of years, the sea began to freeze, and under the uniform and uniform reception of the monks of Xuemei Country, colorful Frost blossomed suddenly.

The colorful halo pierced the darkness, and then in the light, a vaguely tall figure stepped out of the void and slowly landed on the surface of the sea, and when the figure stepped on the surface of the North Sea, countless ice Extending from its feet, almost completely freezes everything.

On the Xuemei Kingdom’s big ship, the Princess of Xuemei Kingdom, who kneeled and saluted, slowly raised her head and stared at the figure freezing the entire surface of the sea forward, and when she saw that the king of Xuemei Kingdom held the hand of the monarch and was entwined by several dragons, When the whole body was a golden fishing rod, his pupils shrank severely.

   At the next breath, the princess concealed the shocked look in her eyes, and then a respectful voice came out:

   "My Lord, after I waited for this period of searching, the scales of the fourth statue left in the North Sea a few years ago are just ahead."

   The voice of the princess of Xuemei Country fell, and the figure above the sea covered with frost and snow turned around, looked at the huge scale floating on the sea not far ahead, and nodded.

   Even if there is a distance, a monk of the Xuemei Kingdom on the battleship can still clearly sense the strong power of the law on this scale, and then a majestic voice came from the Xuemei Kingdom's monarch:

"This scale on the fourth statue was blown off by some powerful existence, so the people in the entire Supreme Profound Land thought too simple, thinking that others were fish that could be slaughtered on a cutting board. Everyone knows that this time, some people may not be able to return to their hometown alive."

As soon as these words were made, the monks on the Xuemei Kingdom’s battleship became slightly condensed. They were very clear about the purpose of this trip, and they also understood the will of the monarch in front of him. Then the princess on the main battleship was silent. After a few breaths, he suddenly bowed forward and continued to speak:

   "Your Majesty, your subordinates think this matter is very important, and I hope you will consider it carefully."

The princess    finished speaking, her hands supporting the deck in front of her clenched tightly, no longer hesitating, her voice continued to spread out:

  "First of all, the North Sea is abnormally turbulent, with billowing water flowing forward. Although that mysterious gate appeared here several years ago, it does not mean that it still stays here at this time.

"And the second point is that the Holy Court is now convening all the forces of the Taixuan Land to hold an opportunity meeting on the shore of the North Sea, and no matter what the situation is, it is extremely unwise for us to wait for the violent conflict between Xuemei Shangguo and the Holy Court. "

After the voice of the princess came out, the atmosphere around the Xuemei country’s ships in the depths of the North Sea suddenly became extremely solemn. Under the condensed lines of sight, the figure of the Xuemei Kingdom did not perform any other actions, but The colder and colder is coming.

   The goose feather heavy snow continued to fall, and the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom continued to stare at the scales floating in front of the sea, and then a faint voice echoed through everyone's ears:

   "What about the third point?"

   The words came out, and there was even a little horror in the eyes of the monk of Xuemei Country on the battleship. Then the princess lowered her head and responded:

   "My daughter dare not."

   "Since you dare not, then the monarch will speak for you."

The icy voice came from the shadows in the frost and snow, and then countless frost continued to spread out from this sea surface again, and even the undulating ice ships around them were frozen in by the dense ice. The place remained motionless, and then, the voice of the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom continued to sound in the ears of all the Xuemei clan:

"The monarch knows what you are thinking, and you feel that this monarch has done a great deal for a person who has disappeared for so many years without knowing his life or death, and even going to fight with the holy court is extremely worthless. The new principal of Xuemei Country leads Xuemei Country to move forward."

After    Xuemei Kingdom’s words fell, he paused for a while, and then the voice continued to roll out:

   "You think you have the support of the Snow Mountain Temple in China, so you can steadily inherit the entire Snow Magic Kingdom, but I am not dead yet!"

The words "not dead yet" came from the mouth of the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom. At the same time, the large ship above the North Sea was covered with dense frost almost at the same time, and the Xuemei monks on the large ship restrained it Keeping the urge to retreat, let the frost cover his feet.

   "In the land of the profound mystery, you have to stand high enough to see far enough. You don't even know who the biggest enemy the Xuemei Nation faces is. How to lead the Xuemei Nation forward."

  Although the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom did not name her by name, the princess on the big ship knew that the former was talking about herself, so she took a deep breath and said:

   "My Lord, hundreds of years ago, it was me who won."

   "As long as you are not dead, you won't really win, are you?"

In the Xuemei Kingdom’s rhetorical question, there was not too strong emotional ups and downs, but the people who heard it could not hold up any thoughts of resistance, and then his body under the wind and snow took a gentle step forward. After blinking, it appeared on the particularly huge white scale.

Then the figure shrouded in frost and snow lifted the dragon fishing rod with his right hand, and took out the dragon ball from the void with his left hand, and hung it gently on the hook of the dragon fishing rod. In one go, the voice continued:

   "My lord hopes you will be clear, as long as the lord is not dead for one day, then you will be the king of the Snow Charm nation in one day. Whatever the lord says, you will do what you do. Don't think I can't kill.

After    finished the words, the leader of the Xuemei Kingdom held the dragon fishing rod with the ambergris bead and threw his hand towards the sea in front of him.

   At the next breath, the ambergris bead, like an ordinary bead, fell straight into the sea water with a soft sound.


   All the Xuemei Country monks present knew that this ordinary sound of falling into the water had opened the prelude to the eruption of the entire Supreme Profound Land.

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