
read2();   "Pop!"

In the depths of the North Sea, the soft sound caused by the collision between the Dragon Pearl and the sea is so inconspicuous in the void filled with angry waves and roars, but this sound is heard by the monks of the Xuemei family around Thousands of thunders are also ear-piercing and frightening.

  Especially the Princess of Xuemei Kingdom who was kneeling on the main ship, because her fists were clenched so tightly that her fingers plunged deep into her palms, but she didn't know it.

   Then his eyes fixed on the surface of the sea where the dragon ball fell, and he saw that under the snow in the sky ahead, the sea was frozen everywhere, and the only gap left was the front of the huge white scale armor.

At the same time, on the scales, the tall figure of the Xuemei Kingdom stands, holding a dragon fishing rod that emits golden light on one side, and watching the sea surface that seems to form a huge vortex in front of him on the other side, murmured outwards. :

   "I wonder if the giant monarch of Long Boguo had the same mood when sitting on the shore of the North Sea holding this rod and fishing for tens of thousands of years ago?"

   After speaking, the Xuemei monarch, who was covered by countless frost and snow, no longer hesitated, and poured the power of the law accumulated throughout his body for countless years into the dragon fishing rod in his hand.

At the next breath, the dragon fishing rod carved with a lifelike dragon in the hands of the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom, every pattern on it, every dragon scale, began to shoot out the flowing golden light, the vast dragon power for a moment Pour in all directions.


A earth-shattering dragon roar came from the dragon fishing rod, and along with this cracking sky-like howl, the deep sea surface of the North Sea that was originally frozen by ice cracked directly, and at the same time, the warships from Xuemei Kingdom also Because of the fierce power, he was pushed away.

   "The big ship we are waiting for is being pushed back. The power of this treasure is so powerful that it might be sensed even in Shenxiancheng along the coast!"

On the big ship of Xuemei Nation, some old priests of Snow Mountain Temple looked at the fast-moving scene in front of them, opened their mouths one after another, and then in their increasingly horrified gazes, with the Xuemei Nation as the center, there was an incomparably dazzling sky. The beam of light rose directly into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it completely penetrated the entire North Sea between heaven and earth.

The darkness in the depths of the North Sea was completely illuminated by the golden glow in an instant. The vastness of this beam of light is still clearly visible even in Shenxian City on the banks of the North Sea. Therefore, it took only a few breaths to restore calm to Shenxian City. A violent boiling,

   And this time, the movements of the monks of all the big forces in the city were unexpectedly consistent, that is, Qi Qi turned his attention and eyes to the depths of the ocean to the north, and the surging heart was even as intense as the surging waves of the North Sea.

   Immediately afterwards, the great monk who had participated in the fight for the dragon fishing rod recognized the origin of this pillar of light, and shouted straightly:

   "It's the vision formed by the treasure fishing dragon rod. Someone released this treasure. It is the monarch of Xuemei Shangguo. She is on Diaodao!"

  As soon as this roar came out, countless monks in Shenxian City changed their expressions wildly and spoke in horror:

   "Why would the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom directly use the dragon fishing rod to fish the island without waiting for the chance meeting to be held? This undoubtedly made the plan of the holy court completely frustrated, chaotic, and all this messed up."

And just before the words of horror of the monks in Shenxian City had not fallen, an extremely vast dragon power, accompanied by a deafening dragon roar, rolled from the depths of the North Sea, like a storm, crashing into the standing Ao. Above Shen Xiancheng above A.

In this extremely rich dragon, there is the endless resentment that belongs to the dragon blood race, and even with the hovering of the shadow of the giant dragon in the depths of the North Sea, the golden light of the sky carries an extremely dazzling Blood awn.

   From Shen Xiancheng looking far into the depths of the North Sea, I saw the golden dragon pillar that runs through the entire heaven and the earth, and the whole is poured into the North Sea, like a shocking fishing line, fishing.

   "The Two Immortals Mountain were fished out in advance, but this chance meeting has not been held yet. This undoubtedly indicates that a **** fight is about to take place. I don't know what kind of attitude the Holy Court will have?"

There are some powerful monks with long-term vision, already thinking about the possible consequences of these two immortal mountains being born early, and then in the southern palace of the holy court floating above the sky of Shen Xiancheng, a violent and angry will soars into the sky. From there, it also heralded the anger of the Holy Court Nantian King.

  The layout for several years, but it hasn't been displayed yet, but there has been such a big mistake, which made the heart of Shengting Tianwang sitting in the southern palace also tremble, and he couldn't help but let out a loud shout:

   "How dare you!"

   However, no matter how irritated this Southern Heavenly King is, the most dramatic changes in the heavenly secrets of the entire Taixuan Land Beihai so far have begun!

Just as the violent vision rising into the sky in the depths of the North Sea became more and more intense, the young man Xuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the shoulders of the Great Venerable Jinhai on the coast not far from Shenxian City, opened his eyes, and at the same time The voice came out:

   "The trend has risen!"

When the voice fell, Xuan raised his hand and pointed forward. The phantom of the blue lamp above his shoulders suddenly appeared, and then wisps of blue qi gushing from the lamp, slowly condensing a clear picture in the void in front of him. .

   In the picture, the green-brown sea water is rolling violently, and in this sea water, a fist-sized bead is sinking. It is the ambergris bead that the Snow Charm country lord threw into the depths of the North Sea before.

   "Hyun, do you want to stop?"

   Jinhai Great Master’s loud voice rang directly in the ears of the young man, and then Xuan, who looked at the picture of the sea in front of him, shook his head slightly, and the response came out:

   "Block it? Why block it? My task is to pull out the two fairy islands as soon as possible. Now the leader of the Snow Charm nation has saved a lot of time. It should be helped."

After    finished speaking, the young man Xuan directly raised his hand and pointed at the dragon ball in front of him, a ray of strong blue energy directly tore through the entire void, completely ignoring the distance limit, and rushed directly into the dragon ball.

   "That deity also helped him."

Then Jinhai Great Lord’s body also burst out with a golden light, blasted into the dragon bead. In the next moment, countless runes suddenly appeared on the whole dragon bead, and the runes burst outward as they flowed. Then countless azure lights swept outward like a shock wave, instantly covering the entire depths of the North Sea.

   If you take a bird’s eye view of the depths of the North Sea at this time from the sky, you will find that with the sky-opening beam of light as the center, the surrounding sea has endless azure light spreading outward, just like the sense of exploration, sweeping the entire North Sea.

After three breaths, the dragon ball that was going down shook violently, and then shot directly towards a certain area of ​​the sea. At the same time, the leader of Xuemei Kingdom, who was holding a dragon fishing rod, raised his head abruptly and grasped his hand tightly. The pole lifted backward.


   After a roar, the Dragon Pearl directly hit somewhere in the North Sea. As the sea trembled and the light splashed, a huge portal slowly emerged from the deep sea.

   "So you are hiding here, the gate of the city!"


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