The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1268: it has started


read2();   "Damn, this dragon fishing rod has such a strong restraint on the dragon bloodline, even if it is just the aftermath, it makes the prince unable to control himself!"

Above the void of Shen Xiancheng, in the central Shangguo Golden Hall pulled by eight horses, several uncontrollable dragon roars resounded through the hall, and under the influence of the vast power of fishing dragon rods in the depths of the North Sea, these On the bodies of the princes of the Central Empire with the blood of the golden dragon flowing in their bodies, countless fine dragon scales emerged uncontrollably, and their entire bodies began to tremble violently.

   "Open the barrier, open the barrier to isolate the dragon calling power!"

   An angry roar came from the monks in the Golden Temple, and then one barrier after another opened in the void, covering the central empire princes who were uncontrollably exposed.

In fact, not only these princes, but the five peaks in the center of Shen Xiancheng, the Dao statues of the Beihai Dragon race in the bodies of Ao Bai, the big disciple of the Five Immortals Sect, and the girl Aofu, all rushed out of the void without control, if not for the enchantment and himself With the cultivation base restraining themselves, the two will rush into the North Sea uncontrollably and head towards the deep fishing rod.

In the entire Beihai of the Supreme Profound Land, including the sea outside Fengxian County where the northern barrier has been broken, any place swept by the green golden light of the Dragon Pearl, any marine creatures with a trace of dragon veins all blushed in an instant, and then Opening his huge mouth with fangs, he swam wildly towards the depths of the North Sea.

Endless rays of light continued to pour out from the dragon fishing rod, but at this time, the land gods who were on the sky of the North Sea, watching the entire North Sea with their will, no longer have the room to pay attention to the rest, because All their attention was focused on the portal that emerged in the deep sea.

  Jie city gateway!

After this portal was hit by the Dragon Ball for the first time, its trail became clearer within the cyan-gold light. At the same time, it slowly descended from the unknown void to the land of the Supreme Profound. The moment it came out, the second impact of the Dragon Pearl immediately followed.


   There was another deafening sound, resounding through the entire sky, the gate of the city began to tremble violently, and then the water in the North Sea boiled violently to the extent that it had previously done it.

At the same time, at the end of the vast northern snowfields of the vast land of Shenzhou, the northern boundary city suddenly began to shake violently, and the dense runes above the boundary city suddenly lit up with infinite azure light. At the same time, countless solid and incomparable frost on the boundary gate, Under the strong vibration, it crackled and fell down.


The sound of the horn resounding through the sky came from the Winter Snow Fortress below the gate, and the red light shining from the fortress above the gate instantly brightened thousands of times. The vast land of China In the infinite iron and blood directly shrouded in the far north.

   "Northern Army, first level combat readiness, ready to engage in battle!"

In the next second, on the wall of the Winter Snow Fortress, countless soldiers wearing snow armor, and a northern sergeant flying with two-winged puppets appeared on the wall, and billowing blood turned into thick smoke. A piece of China's vast land of extreme cold rises up.

   It took only 50 breaths for the entire Winter Snow Fortress to turn from silence to the whole army's preparations for war. Then the figure of Hou Jiangqing blood armor at the gate of the summer appeared above the void, and a solemn voice resounded throughout the fortress:

   "The soldier reports to your Majesty that there is an unexpected move in the city, and it is suspected that an enemy is coming!"


  The roar fell, and the Northern Army Herald, who had already pinched the teleportation scroll below, tore open the scroll, and several blue and white teleportation flowers wrapped the slender figure of the Herald and disappeared in it.

"The wolf smokes, the army drums, the northern army mobilizes its air force, the sharp blade is out of the sheath, and the soldiers are used for a thousand days. I have waited for so long in this bitter cold land. It is time to use the enemy's hot blood to water it and disperse the whole body The cold, kill, kill, kill!"

   Tianmen Hou Jiangqing raised his right fist, and a roar full of warfare rolled out, and then all the Northern Army also drew out their sharp blades and roared to their heart's content:

   "Kill, kill, kill!"

In the northwest of Great Xia, the White Emperor Palace in the capital city, the north wind whistling, the bright moon hung in the sky, the light spilt from the sky, shining on the solemn white Emperor Palace’s outer wall, while covering it with a layer of white gauze. This makes the most noble building in the vast land of China and the hoarfrost between heaven and earth indistinguishable from each other.

The temperature of the Shenjing city in the deep winter is extremely low. Although there is no snow in the northwest of Daxia tonight, there is still a thin layer of frost floating in the Baidi Palace, and then on the transmission platform in the Baidi Palace, a clear sky The teleportation light of the earth directly pierced the darkness and appeared, and the huge teleportation flower then slowly bloomed.

  As soon as this vision came out, the guards of the Imperial City Guards who were stationed on the platform directly stepped forward, raised their hands together to hold the hilt of the sword around their waists, looked straight ahead with sharp eyes, and pressed forward with momentum.

   After a breath, the pupils of these imperial city guards suddenly shrank, because on the teleportation platform were three soldiers of the Northern Army in snow armor.

Because of the huge temperature difference between the northern snowfield and the capital city, the snow armor on the three soldiers of the northern army began to melt suddenly, and a lot of water droplets dripped down, and the northern army soldier was just about to speak, and the imperial city in front of him was forbidden. The guards lined up and turned around, and at the same time a strong voice from the commander of the guards came:

   "Your Majesty has an order. If the soldiers of the Northern Army enter the palace, they will take them directly to the Imperial Garden. Please come with me!"

   The words fell, and the commander of the Imperial City Guards directly waved at the side sergeants, and the guards turned into shadows and jumped directly off the high platform, and then rushed towards the center of the Imperial Garden where the **** of the sky was located.

After a few breaths, the originally quiet and peaceful Baidi Palace suddenly became extremely solemn, and a monk who was a member of the Heavenly Supervisor and the Radiant Army hidden in the dark saw the Northern Army rushing towards the center of the Imperial Garden. After the people, their complexions changed suddenly, and they also walked out of the shadows and flashed toward the center of the Royal Garden.

In the imperial garden of the White Emperor Palace, countless green life elves are flying back and forth under the Xuantian wood like fireflies. With the growth of the Xuantian sacred wood, these flying life elves have become more spiritual, and they are chasing and playing like children. .

   Suddenly, the dense life elves seemed to feel something, and they moved away suddenly, revealing a young figure sitting behind the royal table.

   Afterwards, Zhao Yu, who was lowering his head to review the memorial, slowly raised his head, looking at Liang Po, who was walking quickly into the Yuhuan. His face was extremely dignified, his ebony eyes moved, and he gently lowered the zipper in his hand and said:

   "Liang Po, have you started?"

  The steady voice of the young emperor sounded after the imperial garden, and Liang Po, who came to the throne, knelt on one knee, raised his hand and presented a northern army order, and the voice came out:

   "Your Majesty, the northern winter snow fortress emergency report, the gate is shaking, the secret has arrived!"

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