The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1269: Everyone is responsible


read2();   "Master, master, the imperial order, your majesty summons!"

Under the cold moon, in the second alley of Zizhu and Liuye in the capital city, the door of the study of a Daxia official, the call from the housekeeper sounded almost at the same time, and then the study room with lights in the mansion opened directly. The undressed Daxia Wen and military officer walked out of it, and his solemn voice came out directly:

   "Tell Madam, take good care of the palace, the official will enter the palace immediately, and you may have to stay in the palace these days. The return date is uncertain."

Since the sudden change of Lingbo Lake in Chuzhou a few days ago, Zhao Yu ordered that all officials of the court must sleep in their clothes. Therefore, after the very short time that the holy order was issued, there was one in Zizhu and Liuye Lane. The long horse-drawn carriage snaked out quickly, and finally gathered at the Jinshui Bridge before the Meridian Gate, and marched toward the Baidi Palace mightily.

The cold night hits people, and when the two carriages just drove to the Meridian Gate, a solemn chime sounded directly from the palace gate, spread out, and in a blink of an eye, it spread to every corner of the capital city. .

   After this brilliant chime fell, there was a second, third, and ninth, which was astonishing!

  The nine emperor bells ring, the great event of the national destiny, but also represents that Daxia is facing life and death!

Then in the carriage that entered the palace in an orderly manner, under the deafening bells, a pair of old or young hands pulled the curtain of the driving car together, staring at the front for a moment, the light of the lights brightened, shining the entire half of the sky The towering imperial palace, took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and slowly spit out:

   "Great summer glory, immortal!"

At the same time, with the magnificent bells ringing through the entire void, the countless people of Shenjing City who had already fallen asleep opened their eyes one after another, and suddenly sat up from the bed, the horror in their eyes flashed away. .

After that, the male host of every household took the lead to get off the bed, and put on a coat after holding the lamp, came to the window, watching the bells, the lights suddenly lit up, and once again turned into the Great Xia Di Imperial Capital of the world of stars. in silence.

   "Master, the emperor bell is ringing nine times, the world has changed dramatically before, is it about to come?"

   A worried voice sounded next to him, and then the head of the man turned his head and looked at the worried wife and the sleepy-eyed child who was rubbing his eyes, showing a relieved smile, and said:

   "Don't worry, all I have to do when I wait for these people to be citizens is to believe in your majesty and the invincible soldiers of Daxia."

After    finished speaking, the male host raised his hand and patted the shoulder of his wife beside him, and then said:

   "Take your kids to dress quickly, and do what you did in the previous exercise. According to the inference of the adults at the Military Aircraft Department, there will be dizziness and trance when the world is upside down. Stay at home during this time and don't go out."

   The words fell, these men of various occupations in the capital city, after putting on their coats, they pressed their lips tightly and prepared to push the door out, but then they were called by the wife in the house:

   "Master, you are going to the wood room to get the knife, right? I arrived in the house before going to bed last night, under the bed."

   "Lady, you?"

   After the questioning voice of the men with a puzzled look came out, the women came to the bed, bent over and took out a large knife wrapped tightly in black cloth from under the bed, and the response came out:

"In recent days, after finishing your work, you are secretly sharpening and practicing the knife. I have seen all of these. Last night, I wrapped a specially bought fierce animal skin on the handle of the knife. It won't hurt the tiger's mouth anymore."

   "The lady has a heart."

   voices of gratitude came from the mouths of the men, and then they reached out to take the long knife handed by the woman in front of them, and sighed:

"Although I have a shallow talent and can't master spiritual practice, I can only do some subsistence work on weekdays, but everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. If the soldiers on the frontline can't stand it, then we men, wives and children are behind us. , Even if you save your life, you must be fully protected."

The men who spoke at this time in the capital city include craftsmen, men, merchants, etc. Perhaps their front body has never wielded a long knife, but it does not prevent them from holding tightly at this moment. Knife, opened his mouth and issued decisive words.

The full moon above the heads of all people in the vast land of Shenzhou continued to lift into the sky, and then countless teleporting lights in the Baidi Palace rushed to the sky. These figures that dissipated in the teleporting light will appear in the 36th state of Daxia after a few breaths. In the heavy city, and spread the will of Zhao Yu, Lord of Great Xia, throughout the vast land of China.

Then the Great Hall of the White Emperor Palace, the huge door opened quickly, and a hundred officials from above the square quickly swarmed into the hall. Looking up, he saw Zhao Yu wearing a dark golden imperial robe sitting upright. The figure above the throne hurriedly bowed, and walked forward a bit faster, almost turning into a trot.

Above the hall of the Emperor Great Hall, the huge and majestic golden phoenix and the four-winged black bird soared, exuding a dazzling light. At the same time, the entire hall of the Emperor Great Hall was like daylight under the light of the lights, reflecting the hundred officials of the civil and military. Zhang Zhang's solemn face.

   then lowered his head and watched the line below, Zhao Yu, who was about to bow down to salute the civil and military officials, raised his right hand and held it upward, and the young and steady voice of the emperor came out:

   "Emergency is exempted in wartime."

After    the emperor's voice fell, Zhao Yu's brilliant voice continued to sound in the Palace of Emperors:

   "Sima Annan, can you arrange it properly?"

   "Back to your Majesty, everything will be carried out in accordance with the previous drill. Every city, every town, and every village in the 36 prefectures of Daxia will sound the alarm bell, and all the people will be ready."

   In front of the hundreds of officials, Sima Annan stepped out, a heroic response sounded in everyone's ears, and then Zhao Yu nodded, his lips lightly opened, and the words continued:

   "Si Tianjian, take the situation in the Far North at this time!"

As soon as this statement came out, several monks in Sitianjian robes stepped forward and pulled apart a huge mountain and sea picture scroll avatar in their hands. At the next breath, the light in the Huangji Hall was generous, and a picture scroll slowly unfolded, and accompanied With the clarity of the painting, countless red lights suddenly lit up in the palace of the Emperor Jiji.

It was on the wall of the Winter Snow Fortress, countless huge searchlights specially made by the Ministry of Industry, shining on the light reflected above the gate, and then everyone in the Huangji Hall directly turned their attention to the violent shaking. The ice continued to tremble at the far north gate where it fell.

When the scene of the Arctic in the phantom of the mountain and sea map was completely clear, the civil and military officials in the Huangji Hall squinted their eyes, and even if they were just looking at the scene on the mountain and sea map, everyone could still feel the violent violent world city. The power of shaking is like a huge creature behind this world city trying to crash into it.

   "Boom, boom, boom!"


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