The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1270: Qingjin Guanghai


read2();   In the imperial hall of the Baidi Palace, the atmosphere is solemn. Whether it is Zhao Yu, the lord of Great Xia, or the hundreds of civil and military officials standing in the hall, all staring closely at the top In the phantom of the mountain and sea map, the far north gate that exudes ear-shaking roar and blood glow.

As we all know, the extreme north where the boundary city is located has the lowest temperature in the vast land of China. Therefore, there will be a large number of ice crystals floating in the void all day long, and these dense ice crystals have been shaken by the impact at this time. It was enough to show the fierce bombardment.

"Your Majesty, the Canglan Army and Lord Zhenhai King who are the closest to the Arctic are ready and can transmit to Dongxue Fortress at any time. In addition, after receiving the emergency report from the Northern Army, the two standard Shenwei and Youwing And the four armies holding the sun have arrived under the boundary city."

Inside the Palace of Emperors, the old Shangshu from the Ministry of War sounded out. The Military Aircraft Department and the entire Great Xia court had already considered countless times to deal with the real change of the world. Therefore, they did not panic at this time. The plan proceeded in an orderly manner.

After the response of the old Shangshu of the Ministry of War came down, the four Shangshu of Gong, Li, Xing, and Hu, standing next to him, reported in turn, and because the position of Shangshu of the Ritual Department was still vacant, he had already been ranked No. 2 and Song Xinhao of the official to the Ritual Ministry One step forward, after bowing to Zhao Yu above, he said:

   "Your Majesty, the officials of the Ministry of Rites from all over the 36 states of Daxia have come out to soothe the people's emotions and declare your majesty's ambition."

   "Let Zhenhaiwang stand still for the time being, and other ministries and departments will advance as planned."

Zhao Yu’s calm and mountainous voice resounded throughout the Huangji Hall, and then hundreds of officials from below bowed forward and led the orders. For a while, a large number of officials and the Imperial City Guards ran down the white jade stairs from the gate of the Huangji Hall to make the hall young The emperor’s latest decision informed all court institutions, and at the same time, Daxia, a state machine with a long history of warriors, began to run wildly at an unprecedented speed.

In the center of the Imperial Palace, Zhao Yu’s ebony eyes reflect the scene in the phantom of the mountains and seas in front of him, and the avenue flower composed of the cinnabar pattern on the eyebrows of the young emperor, burning like a firework, at the same time outward Exudes the vast and endless imperial power.

   If the powers of the Great Profound Land are all waiting for this upheaval, then Zhao Yu, who is sitting on the throne at this time, is undoubtedly waiting for this moment to come.

   Catastrophe is always accompanied by opportunity, this is very clear to Zhao Yu and the officials in the entire Palace of Emperors!

In the landscape of mountains and seas, the vibration of the northern boundary gate became more and more violent, and as the ice fell on the gate, countless dense, mysterious runes came into everyone’s eyes, and then Zhao Yu slightly raised his head and stared at the upper talisman. Wen, the voice of inquiry came out:

   "Sima Annan, can your military aircraft department anticipate this scene at this time?"

   As soon as this question came out, Sima Annan, who was dressed in white underneath with a solemn face, saluted and responded:

   "Your Majesty, our Military Aircraft Department has two inferences about the way in which our two islands are reborn in the Taixuan Land, and no matter which one, this northern gate is the most important medium."

   At this point, Sima Annan paused, and the clear voice continued:

"The land where we are now in Divine Land and the landlord continent of Taixuan is separated by countless plane voids and stars and sand barriers. Therefore, whether it is a land god, or even a stronger monk, it cannot be accurately searched. And this gate on the North Pole is like a mysterious passage connecting the two places.

   "In other words, based on the information we have so far, the only way to pull out the two immortal mountains in this great mystery is through this boundary gate. I don't know if it is a massive invasion by the monks or other methods!"

   The voice of Sima Annan just fell, and the rest of the officials in the entire Huangji Hall exclaimed.

I saw a sudden change in the scene of the boundary gate in the mountain and sea picture scroll. The arctic gate, which was trembling violently, ceased to tremble. Then, within the countless rune ditch marks on the boundary gate, a ray of green and golden light suddenly appeared. And began to circulate in all directions, and all this was seen by everyone under the shining red light.

   "Something is coming in!"

  The old voice of Li Chunfeng in the Palace of the Emperor was heard. At the same time, above the winter snow fortress in the far north, Jiang Qing's voice resounded in the sky:

   "Supernatural power, build up barriers, let go!"

After the clear command sound fell, they were wearing heavy armor and holding heavy shields. The soldiers of the Northern Army directly smashed the heavy shields in their hands on the city wall in front of them. The magical powers of the barriers were released together. The next moment, Winter Snow Fortress Before the sky barrier was born, it rushed directly to the sky, directly isolating the entire huge Arctic city.

   Then, under countless murderous gazes, the blue-gold light that penetrated from the other side of the gate became more and more intense, and a vast and mysterious aura poured out directly.

   "This is Long Wei?"

   On the wall of Dongxue Fortress, several figures wearing celestial robes stood proudly, and then the voice of doubt came from Jiang Yue's mouth, and then Li Yi nodded, and the solemn response continued:

   "It is Longwei, and it is the immense Longwei. Not only that, it is still increasing at an unprecedented speed."

As soon as Li Yi's words fell, he closely watched the Radiant Army and the Taboo of the Night Dire Division and took a step forward, because the light of the blue-gold rune above the far north gate suddenly brightened, and accompanied by outward The rapid surging ripples were like something popping from under the water.

   "What the **** is this self-extreme land within the gate?"

   The same question appeared in the minds of Daxia officials and soldiers. After the second breath, the existence behind the far north gate rushed out of the light of the blue and golden runes, but it was a bead the size of a fist.

   "A bead?"

   came out of Zhao Yu's mouth with some doubts, and in the next moment, the turquoise runes on the beads burst outwards without warning, and the entire Huangji Hall was directly shrouded in dazzling light for an instant.

   At the same time, the burst of light inside the Dragon Ball instantly turned into green-gold ripples, pouring out mightily, like a huge flood.

   "Verify barriers to isolate the world!"

   The roar of Hou Jiangqing, Tianmen, resounded through the north, and then the civil and military officials in the Imperial Palace Hall kept their eyes open, watching the visions in the mountains and seas.

   In the sight of the civil and military officials, this sea of ​​light composed of cyan-gold rays spread out as fast as thunder. After blinking, it directly collided with the golden barrier erected by the northern soldiers.

   Qingjin Guanghai crashed into the golden barrier, everyone's brows jumped fiercely!

But to everyone’s surprise, there was no earth-shaking roar, no vigorous trembling, like a trembling as a thunderous wave hits the shore. Under the gaze of countless lights, this golden light directly regarded the golden barrier as nothing, instantly Passed through, and continued to travel southwards mightily.

"This is impossible!"

   A series of exclamations came from the civil and military officials in the Huangji Hall, and after this sound came out, the azure light swept across the winter snow fortress in the blink of an eye, and came toward the Great Summer Gate, faster and faster.


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