The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1272: Surrounding lake


read2();   In the middle of the vast land of Shenzhou, in the Great Xia Mingzhu Autumn Water City, the billowing fog rising from Lingbo Lake slowly moves in the wind towards Chuzhou County where the lights are gradually extinguished The city is covered down.

Tonight, the temperature in Chuzhou in Daxia is exceptionally low, so the people of Qiushui City returned to their warm homes to rest early. The geographical location of Chuzhou in Daxia is unique, with little temperature change throughout the year. Such a low temperature tonight is really uncommon.

   Therefore, the people in Qiushui City found charcoal that hadn't been used for a long time from the firewood room, and lighted it up, carrying it into the room, and sighed:

   "The temperature here is really abnormally cold today, lady, I'm thinking about whether the surface of Lingbo Lake outside our Qiushui City will be frozen?"

   "Master, are you confused? We have all grown up by Lingbo Lake since we were born. Have you ever seen this big lake freeze before? Presumably not this time."

The woman in the room who was half of her body lying in the bed, smiled and spoke with her closeness to Lingbo Lake. It is true that the ancestors of the people of Chuzhou have been born by the lake for generations, and they are also this rich and prosperous. The largest lake in Daxia, has nurtured the Chuzhou culture with a strong book fragrance.

   However, this Chuzhou culture, which is extremely unique compared to the rest of Daxia, has recently undergone subtle changes.

On the west side of Qiushui City on the shore of Lingbo Lake, there is a huge building with white walls and black tiles. From a distance, this grand summer palace in solemn and muted style is surrounded by the surrounding pavilions, pavilions and corridors. , Seems very abrupt, even a little out of place.

Once, this academic palace was similar to its architectural style. It was resisted by a large number of literati children throughout Chuzhou, and even made things difficult, but they were all resolved by a young man named Xue Beichuan. Suddenly, even if the citizens of Chuzhou saw this palace from a distance, they didn't feel weird, but became as they should.

The smoke from Lingbo Lake floated slowly in all directions, and then there was an unhurried knock on the door, resounding outside the Great Summer Academy. After a few breaths, the gate of the Academy opened, and a young man A figure appeared behind the door, and then a puzzled voice came out:

   "Brother Duan, why are the people in the middle of the night interested in coming to my school?"

   The voice of inquiry fell, and the young man from Chuzhou, known as Brother Duan outside the door, raised a pot of wine in his hand, and the response came out:

   "Brother Li, I am very depressed and come here to be drunk."

   "It's okay to be drunk, but a few drinks are fine."

   The young man standing behind the gate of the Xuegong thought for a few breaths. After the sound came out, he lifted his foot out of the door and continued to speak:

   "Let’s go to the lake pavilion for a drink, think about it for half a year, and I haven’t had a good drink with you."

There are many pavilions in Chuzhou. The distinctive Chuzhou pavilions are densely erected by the lake. Therefore, outside the gate of the Daxia Academy is no exception. In a short while, these two young figures are convenient for sitting in the pavilion and drinking each other. .

   Then the young man surnamed Li, who frowned and came to be drunk, raised his hand and filled the two wine glasses in front of him, and then the young voice came out:

   "Brother Duan, have you noticed that the entire Qiushui City and the entire Chuzhou are changing."

   After finishing speaking, the young man surnamed Li gently pushed the wine glass in front of him forward, and continued to speak:

   "I don't know since when everything has changed. For those of us who were children of Chuzhou literati, all the pride in our hearts has fallen into the dust. Now it is ridiculous to think about what we have been like."

This young man who was drinking at this time was named Li Xun. The Li family he was in was also one of the big families of Qiushuicheng. Before the Grand Summer Palace was held, Li Xun and Duan Yun in front of him were the younger generation of Qiushuicheng. A well-deserved leader.

However, as the former said, everything in Qiushui City is changing at an unexpected rate. Under the vast will of the young emperor, the Great Summer Academy turned out to be born, and all the young children under Xue Beichuan couldn’t lift their heads. And even in the near future, the thousand-year-old Qiao family has completely disappeared.

   This kind of everything is like walking through horses and flowers, making people too late to think, but it has already disappeared in a flash. It's no wonder this young man, Li Xun, will feel something tonight.

"Brother Li, before returning to the capital of God a few days ago, Mr. Xue also had a chat with me. He said that in a sense, the world is made up of endless changes. Changes are always there and never Stopping, it’s just that the recent Qiushui City and even the entire Daxia, under an immense force, accelerated this change thousands of times."

   A steady voice came from Duan Yun's mouth, and after Xue Beichuan returned to Beijing, the young man who took over the Qiushuicheng University Summer Academy took a sip of the wine glass in front of him, and the voice continued:

   "This world is much bigger than you and I imagined, and once you realize that I am just a small fish in the endless sea, will this mood suddenly become a lot easier?"

   Duan Yun fell with a little joking voice, the young man Li Xun opposite him, after a few breaths of thought, smiled, raised his hand and picked up the wine glass in front of him, and sighed sincerely:

   "It seems that it is wise for Mr. Xue to hand over the Great Summer Academy of Qiushui City to you. Based on your few words, I can't do as much as you!"

   And just as Li Xun opened his mouth to sigh, Duan Yun, with a gracious face, happened to see the scar on the tiger's mouth on his right hand holding the cup, and then the latter's complexion changed and he spoke directly:

   "Brother Li, your hand was hurt by holding a sword. I remember that in the Li Mansion you never allowed scholars to be contaminated with weapons?"

"Just as Brother Duan said, this era is changing at an unprecedented speed. If my Li family clings to the past, maybe it will be the next Qiao family, not to mention that the world will change drastically. So, the so-called scholar does not carry the knife, and it will make people laugh to say it."

   Li Xun's extremely solemn voice fell. He opened his right hand and just wanted to continue speaking. A deafening bell rang violently in the center of Qiushui City, and swept across the shore of Lingbo Lake in the blink of an eye.

   As soon as the bell sounded, Duan Yun and Li Xun, who were sitting opposite each other at the Chuzhou Pavilion by the lake, crushed the wine glasses in their hands at the same time.

   At the next breath, the continuous ringing of heaven and earth bells continued to ring across the sky, and then by the lake of Qiushui City, monks in large robes appeared like ghosts, coming from Qiushui City towards Lingbo Lake.

At the same time, outside of the Chuzhou Pavilion where the two of them were located, huge catapult puppets rushed out violently in the dense fog, lined up on the shore of Lingbo Lake like a torrent of steel, and then billowed in a vast and fierce momentum. It spreads outward, tearing up the thick fog by the lake.

   Then in the Chuzhou Pavilion by the lake, Duan Yun and Li Xun suddenly stood up, and through the torn thick fog, the two saw the entire lakeshore line filled with countless Daxia soldiers and Weiyang army puppet catapults.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   As the bell continued to ring, countless people in Qiushui City began to rush out of their homes behind them, toward the underground fortress established in Qiushui City.

   Then, in front of the two young people in the Chuzhou Pavilion and Li, a tall figure in the robes of the Tianhui Army appeared directly, and then the cold voice of the windrunner Xu Qing directly passed into the ears of the two:

   "Lingbo Lake will have a big change, you will return to the city!"


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