The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1273: Catching Turtle in the Urn


read2();   If the dramatic changes in the world and the earth have a potential impact on the 36 states in Daxia, then the degree of danger faced by Qiushui City on the bank of Lingbo Lake can definitely be ranked Top.

   Because the sleepless giant sealed in Lingbo Lake is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Therefore, both Zhao Yu and the entire Great Xia court paid unprecedented attention to Qiushui City. At this time, under the will of the young emperor in the White Emperor Palace, Qiushui City, which was originally quiet at night, was before the dragon-calling ripples. , It has completely boiled.

On the shore of Lingbo Lake Qiushuicheng Lake, the extremely strong iron-blooded murderous aura almost solidified the entire void. At the same time, the temperature of Lingbo Lake, which was originally extremely low, continued to drop, making Li Xun, the young man standing in the Chuzhou Pavilion by the lake, subconsciously. There was a shiver on the ground.

   Then he withdrew his gaze from the back of the Tianhui Army Xu Qing in front of him, and looked at Duan Yun on the side. Although he did not ask, the meaning he wanted to express was already revealed in his eyes.

   "The world has changed drastically, and each has its own duties. I will return to the city first, so as not to cause chaos to the celestial army and the court officers."

   After Duan Yun's young response fell, the two of them respectfully saluted Xu Qing in front of him, and turned around to run back to Qiushui City, but at the next breath, their expressions changed, and then they showed a bitter smile.

I saw that in the Qiushui City in front of the two of them, a huge enchantment of the fortress rose directly into the sky, like an upside-down golden bowl, encompassing the entire area of ​​the Qiushui City. However, unfortunately, This defensive barrier just excluded Chuzhou Pavilion where the two young people Duan and Li were located.

The golden guarding formation of Qiushui City is close in front of them. Li Xun and Duan Yun can even clearly see the dazzling runes above the formation. Then they looked at each other and turned to face each other. Xu Qing, the windrunner ahead, saluted and said:

   "My lord of the Radiant Army, I may not go back to Qiushui City if I wait for it."

   "Then stay in this pavilion and don't run around."

   Xu Qing's response was as steady and cold as before, and then he raised his hand from the flying messenger pony that broke out from the side, took out a piece of information and opened it, and the solemn color in the black eyes flashed away.

   After a few breaths, Xu Qing in the Chuzhou Pavilion took a step forward, staring at the still calm Lingbo Lake in front of him, and opened his mouth and let out a command sound straight into the sky:

  "His Majesty the White Emperor Palace ordered that the dragon-calling ripples will go south to Lingbo Lake in half an hour. The purpose of this pattern is to wake up the sleepless **** Ao in the lake to go north, guard the whole army and guard the shores of Lingbo Lake!"

Xu Qing’s command sound resounded across the sky with full dignity. After that, the commanders of the various military forces surrounded by the entire Lingbo Lake began to roar and issue orders. At this time, they were still in the Chuzhou Pavilion due to a combination of circumstances. Li Xun and Duan Yun inside, a scene unforgettable for a lifetime appeared in their eyes.

I saw outside the city of Qiushui, extending to the shore of Lingbo Lake beyond the line of sight. The backs of the huge and ferocious Weiyang puppets lined up in the distance, the huge thunder ballistas were raised together, just like the ancient giant scorpion launching tyranny. Before the attack, the poisonous tail and the violent murderous intent poured out, causing the two young scholars in Chuzhou in the pavilion to instantly stand upright.

Then the runes depicted on the puppets of the Weiyang Army began to flicker, and countless spirit gathering formations were activated together, instantly evacuating the vitality of the heavens and the earth above Qiushui City, and even the white mist that originally floated from the lake was all dissipated. , The huge Lingbo Lake is no longer obstructed, clearly appearing in front of everyone.

Just as the Weiyang Army puppets gathered the vitality of heaven and earth, a large number of heavy armored Great Xia Shield Armors swarmed from the rear, and the array quickly filled the gaps between the puppets, and from the Chuzhou Pavilion on a hill Looking down, you can clearly see the Daxia Sergeant who believes in high efficiency and iron-bloodedness. It took only a very short time to completely arrange an extremely strong line of defense outside Qiushui City.

This line of defense is built on the sling puppets of the Weiyang Army, which can be called a reduced version of the fortress, and relying on this, combined with strong defensive warriors, it forms an entire Shenzhou vast land that has never appeared before. The combat position.

  Butan collaboration!

   "This kind of formation is unheard of in the next. Although I don't know much about the mystery inside it, just looking at the momentum below it is close to forming, it can undoubtedly be called the earth-shattering ghost."

At this time, the two young people on the Chuzhou Pavilion on the hillside of the lake outside the city of Qiushui had already forgotten the initial tension, and instead put all their minds in the new battle form below, and Li After Xun's exclamation fell, Duan Yun, a young man beside him, responded with the same incredible response:

   "Xia Xia, like Brother Li, is also unheard of the new formation below, but it is undoubtedly an eye-opener for me!"

The descendants of Chuzhou’s aristocratic family not only studied the literary talents of poems, but also paid great attention to the vertical and horizontal ways of marching. As Duan Yun said before, the scholars of the Chuzhou family did not carry knives, which also reflected from the side. The literati in Chuzhou did not want to be pawns, but wanted to become the ambition of a great army master to rebuke Fang Qiu.

   Not to mention whether this concept is too pedantic, just as the two in the pavilion carefully observed this new coordinated formation of the tank, in the large array lined up by the lake below, an extremely thick roar rang out:

   "The interaction of vitality has become a trend, and the magical power of heaven and earth will rise!"

After the roar, in the induction of everyone, the violent energy machine in the burly body of the shield armour instantly united to one place, and then relying on the giant catapult puppets next to him, directly forming a side. Copper walls and iron walls that are invisible to the naked eye.

"If the magical power of the previous barrier formed by the shield army is a wall, then joining the Weiyang army puppets is like smashing into a solid pillar on the wall, forming a real Mobile fortress!"

   After the young man Duan Yunqing's uncontrollable exclamation came out, in the next moment, the light and shadow of a heaven and earth fortress appeared on the shore of Lingbo Lake, and then this vast light and shadow stretched forward along the lake, isolating the whole world.

   Wei Wei fortress, shocked, and then stood on the edge of Chuzhou Pavilion with his hands, and Xu Qing, the windrunner watching all of this, gently tilted her head and her voice came out:

   "You and others still know some marching positions, so don't blink your eyes next."

After Xu Qing's voice fell, a green-gold arc suddenly appeared in the northern sky of Chuzhou, Qiushui City. The speed of this arc was unimaginable. It took only two breaths to span the entire line of sight and formally came to Lingbo. Over the lake.

   At the next breath, this azure-gold arc hovered directly above the sky of Lingbo Lake as if it had its own will, but the originally calm Lingbo Lake suddenly began to rise with countless bubbles, just like boiling water in the same pot.

   "Heaven and earth fortresses congeal, encircle the lake!"

   The strong voice of the commander resounded through the sky once again, and then accompanied by the uniform roar of countless soldiers, the light and shadow of the barrier fortress were condensed in an instant, and it happened to surround the entire huge Lingbo Lake along the entire lake.

   Such a world-shaking vision, a word suddenly appeared in the minds of Duan Yun and Li Xun.

  Catch the turtle in the urn!

[Smoke Yu Hongchen Novels]  

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