The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1282: The sky full of galaxy dome


read2();   "哐嚓,哐嚓!"

The sound of dense glacier fragmentation resounded throughout the depths of the North Sea. If a monk took a bird’s-eye view of the entire north sea, a place where the air was boiling from the sky, they would find that a large area of ​​the sea was frozen in the depths of the glacier, from outside to inside. A large number of cracks like spider webs appeared, which also showed how much power the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom and Jinhai Dazun had endured at this time.

Along with the emergence of the dawn light in the entire Taixuan land, at this time, the North Sea, which was enveloped by countless abandoned gray mists, also appeared a little light. The dim light shone down, and before it completely fell on the surface of the sea, it was caught in the depths of the North Sea. The dazzling blood was completely swallowed.

  Beside the blood pillar of the dragon fishing rod that runs through the sky and the earth, the Great Lord Jinhai exudes a layer of misty golden light all over his body, which indicates that this ingenious heaven and earth puppet is fully releasing its power.

When the mighty force, which can be called the ultimate force between heaven and earth, acted on the beam of light, even the void beside the Great Venerable Jin Hai appeared to be twisted like an infinite heat roasted, and then a roar rolled out from the mouth of Great Venerable Jin Hai. And out:

   "Get up to the deity!"

King Jinhai’s roar was like thunder, and with a creak that resounded across the sky, Monarch Xuemei once again took a step backwards with the dragon fishing rod [笔趣阁] .

   This is the first time the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom retreats after the sunken fairy mountain where Shenzhou Haotu is located hits the star sand barrier. It also means that Shenzhou Haotu has torn the outer periphery of the star sand barrier and blasted into it.

  Although the fairy mountain has been pulled into the barrier, the expressions of the King Jinhai and the monarch of Xuemei have become more and more solemn and solemn, and then a strong voice came from the former:

"Xuan, the deity needs help. I can be sure that the fairy mountain caught by the other end of the fishing rod is not one, but two in total. Although I don't know why the two fairy mountains, Daiyu and Yuanqiao, were caught together, However, the combined weight of the two is too great, and it is impossible to completely pull it out of the sea by relying on the deity and the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom!"

Great Lord Jin Hai’s voice fell, and the young man’s Xuan figure on his shoulders instantly disappeared. After reappearing, the figure came directly to the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom. Without a word, he stretched out his left and right hands to hold him in front of him. Pull the gold line of the dragon fishing rod backward.

   At the same time, in the nine heavens above the sky of Beihai, among the land and fairyland countries floating in the air, a large number of vast ideas are intertwined, and something is being exchanged.

The holy court can use the two palaces to suppress all ordinary monks in Shenxian City, but it is unable to restrict so many land gods and gods to death, so these sages who came to Beihai hang high above the nine heavens, closely Watching the magnificent game below.

The land gods are no better than ordinary monks. For their existence who masters a great road, the wider the world they see, the more awe in their hearts. Therefore, for the monarch’s behavior of fishing the island in advance, these stations The great monk at the top of the entire Profound Sky Land did not dare to stop it.

But at this moment, at this critical moment, these land immortal overhaulers unanimously raised the Qi machine, and then one after another shot, the next moment, above the gleaming Beihai sky dome, countless abandoned mists rolled violently, and then they were torn outwards. Cracked open, and then one after another covered the sky and the sun, the hand of heaven and earth radiating the dazzling light of the law grabbed it mightily.

   "It's those terrestrial gods and gods who have made a move, and they have to pull out these two sunken islands!"

Looking at the big hands of the heaven and the earth falling like a meteorite rain from outside the sky above the sky, one after another exclaims from the fleet of the Xuemei Nation, as the small group of people closest to the center of the North Sea, they compare The powerful monks in Shen Xiancheng who were watching from a distance undoubtedly wanted to see more clearly.

It was so difficult for the ancient sunken mountain to be born. Guangguang still couldn't handle it by relying on the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom alone. Therefore, the rest of the land gods who have been waiting for this huge opportunity have all taken action, and the light shines on the law of the sky. Big hands are almost close to even numbers!

   It is not known how many land gods and gods are there in the entire Taixuan land, but the number of land gods that can be accommodated by heaven and earth must be limited, and at this time, the North Sea is a well-deserved gathering of dragons.

One by one, the hand of law tore the void and grabbed it, and then one after another grabbed the crimson light pillar of the paradise fishing dragon rod and suddenly began to exert force backwards, common to more than half of the top powers in the entire Supreme Profound Land With full force, the speed at which the dragon fishing rod pulled outward to sink the fairy mountain instantly accelerated.

After that, the Xuemei Kingdom was on the frozen sea, step by step backwards, along the golden line of the fishing dragon rod, and deep into the northern boundary gate under the sea, approaching the space position of the Taixuan Land at a speed visible to the naked eye. surface!

The weight of the two fairy mountains is hard to count, and in a sense, the mass represents gravity. Therefore, the sea water that is not in the North Sea in the Taixuan Land, under the gravity of the distant fairy mountains, converges towards the center of the North Sea, making the coastline The shore water receded, revealing the gray-brown seabed.

   "There is a cloud in the old saying, the North Sea ebbs, the fairy mountain is born, the luck changes, and the world is unified. This is a sign that the time will be united!"

   On the top floor of Shenji Pavilion of Shenxiancheng, the old man Tianji stroked his white beard on his chest, and an old voice came out. Then the old man who had not known how many years he had lived, narrowed his eyes, his eyes filled with solemnity.

   There are countless powers in the entire Taixuan Land, and there are only a few that can really fight 108 counties. Therefore, for ninety-nine percent of the powers, the most critical place is to stand in line, or choose the master.

   The general trend of the world is like a rolling river surging forward. Each force is a small tributary. Choosing which river to join in actually represents how far you can go in this general trend of the world.

At the same time, when the top overhauls of the Taixuan Land steadily pulled the sunken island to the sea, the vast land of Shenzhou Daxia Baidi Palace Huangji Hall, Sitianjian’s transmission commander stepped into it from the outside, and then reported. Resounding everywhere:

"Your Majesty, the latest news from Sitian Tower. The pulling force from the far north gate suddenly increased several times, making me the speed of advancing in the cinnabar sand barrier. According to the analysis of the Sitian supervisor, I completely broke through this barrier. , It will take another quarter of an hour!"

After the monk’s words fell, the civil and military officials in the Huangji Hall breathed, because everyone knew that once they broke through the barrier composed of countless stars, then between the vast land of Shenzhou and the land of Taixuan, Then there is no obstacle, all that is left is time and effort.

   "Everyone, Aiqing, follow me out of the temple!"

The young and stable emperor sounded in the imperial hall, and then Zhao Yu, who was originally sitting on the throne, stood up and walked down the high platform first, and then all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty turned around and marched toward the imperial pole. Outside the temple.

After a few breaths, the nine doors of the Imperial Hall were completely opened. Daxia officials in official uniforms stepped out of the hall. As soon as they walked out of the hall, a piece of fluorescent light shone from above, and the officials squinted. The eyes looked up.

   I saw countless stars hanging in the sky above the sky, and at the same time the shining stars flowed backwards along with the progress of the vast land of China, turning into a galaxy, forming a rare and beautiful scene in ancient times.

  The sky is full of stars and the sky is over the dome, the mountains and seas are scrolling to cover China!


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