The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1283: Are you afraid?


read2();  The vast sea of ​​stars, like a long river, a picture of mountains and seas, covering the sky and the sun.

The Daiyu Mountain, where the entire Shenzhou vast land is located, was pulled by most of the top-level overhaul in the Taixuan Land, and hurriedly rushed through the barrier of the star sand barrier. Between the stars and the river rolling backwards, the Shenzhou vast land is the most In the east, white fish belly gradually appeared.

   The darkest night will also usher in the dawn, and the longest road has an end. With the faint light of dawn, the journey of Shenzhou Haotu back to the land of the Great Profound Land is about to usher in the final journey.

The light of the stars, the light guarded by the picture scroll of the mountains and the sea, and the light of dawn merged into one misty faint light, spreading across the homes of the vast 36 states of China, and also reflecting every citizen who is about to enter the new era. Above the face, the emotions of the human race belonging to the spirit of all things were shining.

   There is anxiety, anxiety, dignity, expectation and eagerness, etc.

   The summer palace of the Baidi Palace in the capital of the gods. Outside the gate of the apse where Emperor Daxia and the two emperors Weiyang and Zhao Hao lived, a palace lady holding a lantern was in the queue of the stars.

   The fascinating light radiating from the lantern is like falling stars on the earth, shining at dawn, and then a clear and sweet voice sounded outside the summer palace:

   "According to the latest news from the Imperial Guards, the vast land of Shenzhou where I am waiting will be born in the Taixuan Land. There may be huge bumps and vibrations at that time. You go to the side hall to hide, here will be taken over by the female guards."

The voice of Ruyue, who was holding the washbasin and other washing items in her hand, fell, and the maid outside the apse of the Summer Palace nodded in response. After a salute, she walked slowly to the specially reinforced side hall, and then Ruyue pushed open the door of the Summer Palace and entered. among them.

   The Xiadian at dawn was darker than before, because the lights on both sides of the long corridor were not lit, but some candles were lit in the main hall, emitting a soft light.

Ruyue’s steps forward were extremely light, and she was afraid of making a slight noise, but the girl just walked into the main hall, but her complexion changed slightly, because a beautiful shadow with long hair, like a waterfall, was already sitting on the dressing table in the hall. Before, he was staring at the fireworks swaying and burning on the table, and on the small rocking bed beside the figure, there were two little guys who were asleep.

   "Mother, why are you awake, it's still dark now."

   Ru Yue's soft voice sounded in the hall, then he lowered the basin in his hand, and heard Rouge's response:

   "Little Ruyue, at this moment, the vast land of Shenzhou is fast advancing on the road to Longtan Tiger Cave. If this palace can sleep soundly as before, how big should this be?"

After    Rouge came out with a slightly funny voice, Ruyue who came behind the former spit out her tongue, and then the girl smiled, picked up the comb, and began to dress the rouge in front of her.

   The comb exuding a light sandalwood scent, brushed the hair soft and smooth like milk with rouge, and combed it straight from head to end, and then the sigh of the moon continued to be heard:

   "Manny, your hair is so smooth, and Ru Yue is really envious."

Everyone in the whole world is different. Some people are born to be worried, while others are naturally optimistic. The round-faced Juyue undoubtedly belongs to the latter. Then she looked at the swaying candle in the mirror in front of her. The rouge of the lamp continued to gently ask:

   "Manny, what are you looking at?"

   "I am looking at the candlelight in front of me, and I am trying my best to experience that feeling."

   Rouge's response sounded after a few breaths of condensing, and then Ruyue combed her hair for a while, showing curiosity, and continued to ask:

   "Niang, what are you feeling?"

   "When my palace is thinking that grandma is still alive, what does it feel like looking at a light?"

   At this point, there are various emotions flowing in Rouge's dark green eyes, and then these thousands of thoughts all turned into a sigh, and the gentle voice continued from Rouge's mouth:

"Maybe it's a small family, or there is no grand layout. In fact, there is a trace of fortunate in the heart of this palace at this time. This palace is fortunate that your Majesty has not been ignorant of the world for the people of the world like His Majesty Taizu. It's not like my dead ghost father came and went as invisible.

   "Your Majesty has always been by my side, just as he had promised to this palace."

   Rouge's words were not heavy, but for some reason, when I heard it, Ruyue felt shocked at first, and then drenched, like a cup of cold spring.

For Ruyue, who has a rough life but still remains innocent and romantic, although she can't fully understand Rouge's mood at this time, human beings, as the spirit of all things, are born with the ability to empathize, so Ruyue continued to raise her hand and comb. Looking at the rouge hair in front of him, he said:

   "Niang Niang, of course your Majesty is a good emperor and a good husband."

   "That is natural. Your Majesty is also a good father now."

After    Rouge fell with a smiling voice, Ruyue bit her lip behind her, and the voice of inquiry continued:

   "Manny, we are going to a completely strange place soon, are you afraid?"

   "My palace is not afraid, but worry, my majesty is worried, because the courage on his shoulders is too heavy!"

After    finished speaking, Rouge raised his hand and held the dressing table in front of him, looking at the beautiful face in the mirror like hibiscus in the water, and continued with a smile:

   "Jitsuki, give this palace a firmer bun today. If the ground shakes, it will be more convenient for activities."

   Near the East Suburb Road Palace of the Beijing City, in a continuous gathering area, in a small lit courtyard, a family of three sits on the steps outside, looking up at the vast galaxy that is flowing backwards.

The star sea that covers the entire sky, the speed of the fight is getting faster and faster, and it also indicates that the vast land of Shenzhou will advance further and further in the star sand barrier, and then in the small courtyard, a girl's inquiry sounded. :

   "Father, are you afraid?"

   After Chu Yanyan's question fell, Chu Zhengyang, a middle-aged man wearing Dao Gong purple robe beside him, raised his right hand and touched his daughter's head, opening his mouth with a relieved smile:

   "Father is not afraid, Dad is just worried."

   "What are you worried about?"

   "Father, I am worried that I will never see those old people who are carrying the burden for hundreds of millions of people."

   The stars above the vast land of Shenzhou continued to circulate. By this time, each one had already dragged its long tail, covering the sky like a meteor shower, which was unusually dazzling.

   "Master, are you scared?"

   Qingsong Town, Ganzhou, in a house at the bottom of the town, the voice of the little girl Tie Lan sounded, and then the old man Wu, who was searching for something in the house, stopped, his complexion was stern, and he spoke unhappily:

   "Lady Lan, what nonsense are you talking about, my old man grows up so big, I have never seen any big winds and waves, afraid?"

   "Then you are always in the house like an ant on a hot pan, why are you walking back and forth?"

   After the voice of the little girl Tie Lan fell, Mr. Wu, who was rarely dressed in an animal jacket, stretched out his hand and bent over and fumbled for something, and explained:

   "Old man, I was looking for a knife. When I was young, I remembered hiding a good knife in the house, but I can't remember where it was."

   "How old are you and you are still looking for a knife to do something, Tie Zhu will take care of Daxia."

   "Don't underestimate me, take the knife, the old man is still a good man!"

After   's voice fell, the old man slapped his head, walked directly outside the house, pushed the door out, and the voice went straight down:

   "It turned out to be hidden under the firewood room, look at this old man!"


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